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The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes?

to keep employees up to date with the latest results from science and scientific research in their field of expertise, Organizations and companies have established a section to track employee development and meet their training needs for excellence at work. Work and enroll them in a training program that meets their needs according to their specialization, field and job.

Continuous training allows the employee to be constantly exposed to scientific developments in various areas of interest to him and helps him develop himself in the field in which he works. Companies spend hundreds of thousands of riyals or dollars (in Western countries) each year on staff training.

Adult training is different from educating young people because senior staff work in the job with certain skills, knowledge and behaviors, In addition to learning through application and sharing, They also have different characteristics from young people. He. The start of training planning and organization is the process of identifying training needs and culminates in an assessment to determine the quality of meeting those specific needs.

The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes? 1 The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes?

therefore Identifying training needs is the first and main step in the training process.

The process of identifying training needs is a key and structural component of the training industry, On which all the pillars of the training and human resources development process are based. And the costs, Management also concerns about some of the confusion and psychological and functional imbalances that may arise during the identification of training needs and related research.

Training activities in an orderly, planned and implemented manner in modern organizations, Scientific management begins with scientific management and aims to train workers to complete tasks in the most economical and productive way.

Here is a summary of the origin and importance of the training needs identification process:

The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes? 2 The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes?

1. A brief history: During the reign of German Emperor Frederic Wilhelm Brandenburg (1713−40), The regular army first appeared for training and establishing military academies.

2- Teacher and boy system: The economy uses the family system as a tool for production units, Children learn their craft from their parents and then move to meet the greater needs of intermediaries who agree to produce certain goods with several families.

Industrial Renaissance: Machines emerged, the need for special training for workers, how they were used and maintained, and the importance of sectors (production, marketing, accounting, finance, worker control- specifications) and then financial control and production emerged. .

Scientific management: Interest in training workers. Then came World War II, that have had a great impact on the field of training, with the emergence of worker-focused technical colleges. Training is an individual responsibility.

In America, the first internship center showed up.

The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes? 3 The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes?

• Western Electric’s first private sector training centre has emerged, Then the Institute of Human Relations, Then Xerox, Then the American Administration Association.

Professional associations and centres compete to establish their own institutes and centres to develop the profession and serve the organization. (Defining the profession as a skill based on knowledge and technology that requires localization and education, Professionals need to prove their competence by passing tests for this purpose, The services provided by professionals are for the good due to the rapid growth of the profession and the introduction of technology and other ways of working, Companies want to provide high quality service and reduce costs, Change management therefore gives these organizations an important and influential role in staff training.

Organizations begin to apply training in various forms (on-the-job qualification).

Emphasizing the importance of training and improving the competence of staff within the organization.

The competence of the workers is one of the most important objectives of successful training

The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes? 4 The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes?

Successful training is based on an organized and planned process based on the training needs studied. The goal is to develop the performance of the trainee. The concept of training is:

“This is an ongoing process within the organization to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills needed to perform their current and future career responsibilities.”

“This is an activity aimed at developing and developing human resources and raising their efficiency.”

Thetraining objectives are many, including:

Improving employee productivity: Metrics include: Performance assessment – better use of resources – work done on time and without errors – reduced absenteeism.

Increased productivity: This is achieved in the organization by: Training employees and meeting their knowledge and skills needs – employee performance increases as the number of customers they serve increases.

Reduce production errors: Any production department will sometimes experience errors or loss of defective products. The ratio of losses varies from sector to sector according to certain criteria, For example: The quality of the vocational training sector, Provide the right basis for choosing these needs until a good product is produced – having qualified staff – quality machinery and raw materials – in addition to the quality of the production environment.

• Shaping career paths: The training department is responsible for preparing and forming second-level professional titles for managers to leave or transfer, And make precise plans for the successors.

Providing outstanding customer service: Customer service in any organization is the first pillar to retain and attract the largest number of customers, Provide training courses or seminars to staff and follow up on the training they have received.

Reducing workplace accidents and injuries: Training departments should prioritize security and safety programs in employee training programs to keep them safe in the production unit and reduce accidents in the workplace.

Increase employee job loyalty: When the staff member feels that the organization is interested in training him or her training needs, This increases his loyalty and sense of belonging to the workplace.

Gaining individuals with professional and functional knowledge and developing skills and abilities to get the job done.

Continuous development of working methods to ensure effective work performance.

The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes? 5 The general concept in the need of training and 3 of how the target performance of training changes?

Providing for the needs of the human organization.

The training needs challenge process is mainly related to the need for training to deal with job problems, Keep in mind that there are other problems that may not be solved by training, such as problems that may arise in the organization’s organizational analysis, which usually precedes the analysis of training needs, The challenges of corresponding training needs become the main road tools through which areas of personal development and performance are identified through the training process.

In other words, the concept of identifying training needs determines whether there is a gap in the performance of the staff member or a gap in the organization or position where the position is something and the staff member does another job. From time to time, Because of the introduction of new techniques into the organization, or reviews or changes in the organizational structure, And so on, A need that does not need to be selected for training is determined. Always. So what we call training needs is: Job description + performance criteria – (minus) the level at which the employee performs job responsibilities.

How does the target performance of training change?

The target performance of training is changed in one of three forms:

  1. • Influence knowledge: i.e. gaining new and up-to-date knowledge or supporting and developing the individual’s previous information, Or relative and total changes to the employee’s previous knowledge that need to be changed.
  2. • Influence skills: It begins by giving staff new skills, modifying them or changing some skills that are no longer effective or sufficient to achieve the required performance in terms of level and quality.
  3. Influential trends: behavior which is one of the hardest things, Because changing or modifying behavior requires a great skill from the trainer to influence the trainee.

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