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Training courses

The term training always refers to the acquisition of knowledge, competencies and experience, Training courses are interrelated technical skills and knowledge for the trainee. Acquiring skills and experience in the hands of only professional trainers in a particular field, an environment provided by academies that do not exist in universities and colleges because they are stronger than the knowledge and information provided by the training and competencies provided by universities, Keeping up with real life is far from being useless knowledge in real life, We will therefore identify the importance of training courses and recognize and take into account the importance of self-development.

The importance of training courses

The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century 1 The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century

Any area that requires development, Maybe even your whole life, Requires learning and training. therefore Colleges may offer you the opportunity to specialize in a particular field, But in fact, Colleges do not give students a wide range of knowledge. Knowledge, Universities do not give students accurate knowledge. It’s useful in real life, The importance of training courses is therefore:

Challenges to training courses

The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century 2 The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century

There are two types of training courses:

We will consider the challenges facing training and cultural institutions and companies through solutions.

Challenges facing technology and training institutions

The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century 3 The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century

Challenges facing organizations and companies

Unfortunately in the Arab world this is rare and may not exist in some countries, This is the responsibility of the state, Laws force institutions and companies to train new graduates and employees so that they can find jobs that suit institutions and companies. Training graduates and staff is not a priority, These solutions therefore include:

Self-development is an alternative to training courses

The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century 4 The importance of training courses for teachers in the 21st century

Anyone can add definition, context and adequacy if they wish, Since training courses can be expensive because of your physical limitations, As well as attending training sessions, Not because men can’t. To get the definition in this case, The best solution is to develop from your own marks, skills and skills and you can use everything around you to achieve your goals because it is neither impossible nor out of slavery armed with knowledge, Take advantage of:

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