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The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag

The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag

The contemporary educational trend emphasizes the importance of individual learning, which shifts the focus of the educational process from the subject to the student himself, He emphasizes that he must reveal his own inclinations, preparation, ability and self-skills to follow their development. Plans and guidelines the student’s prescription can meet his or her own preferences, and meet his own needs and preparations, and its growth and stimulating its motives and personal desires, so that he can realize his full potential and his own potential.
This modern educational trend will pave the way for emphasizing individual differences between students in the same class and allowing each of them to start learning at their own learning rate.
This trend requires the planners of the educational process to focus on every educational goal that the student can do, practice, integrate and master, Instead of focusing on the knowledge that he must learn, understand or preserve from knowledge and hard information, which cannot be used in traditional education.
    The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag

The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag

This type of education requires the establishment of a new educational system, Depends on the self-knowledge of each student in various mental, cognitive, emotional, emotional (psychological), physical and motor fields, He set appropriate temporary targets for him. And in other areas words, He has a variety of options, And he can exercise this capability completely freely, This helps him move forward according to the speed of his learning to achieve his goals.
Exert any pressure or restrictions on him or force him to learn something other than what he prepared. The educational bag is one of the patterns of personal learning, In more than one side in the Ministry of Education, The boundaries of this concept vary depending on personal interests and efforts, This has prompted the development of teaching methods and techniques at the national level. This article aims to clarify the concept of the educational bag and identify the criteria and controls intended as a reference for comparing and verifying the products and quotations provided as an educational bag.

Section 1: Development of the concept of “educational bags/packages”

The idea of educational bags/packaging is shaped with the development of programs designed to take into account individual differences between learners, As well as thinking about the systems that enter education and the increasing use of computers in our contemporary lives, Skinner tried to combine science with education. This was the first contemporary attempt. Skinner tried to link “learning science to the art of teaching.”
Adopt the way you learn self-programming. , It was 1954, In the early 1960s, The first gesture of this type of packaging appeared: When the United States invented the Discovery Fund, educational bag at the Information Resources Center at the Boston Children’s Museum in the United States,
which are squares where different educational materials are collected and a specific topic or idea is proposed That is, the content of the box is concentrated in the center, so that it stands out in a coherent and integrated way. Children’s learning problems are dealt with in so-called doll cans and various animal boxes, These funds are then configured in addition to using instruction manuals and analysis charts to explain 3D models, 3D models and others, and use dimensional educational materials.
The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag
The purpose and best way to use the box is the so-called (matching unit) contains still images, animated movies, tapes and recorded models, It contains various uses and multifunctional educational materials, The fund also contains a teacher’s guide explaining any important activity that children can engage in. You have your free will or give a lecture under the supervision of a teacher, and provide the most important experiences and skills that may arise from each part of the box, Then focus your attention on a certain part of the conference unit, It’s called the minimum matching unit.
After a lot of experience and benefit from the opinions of many teachers, educators and parents, Find the best way to help modify and supplement these units, which may develop better, Until the concept of the current educational bag/packing is implemented. As the experiment continues and modifications are made to the contents of the bag/educational package, All activities that children wish to perform independently under adult intervention have been added to the teaching manual, Different business cards have been added to guide each child to their own design in my own work, I have also designed special cards for teachers to further develop packaging bags – and improve the level of packaging

Section 2 Definition of The Concept of Educational Bags/Packages

The definition of educational bags/packages varies depending on the method of use and method, But each has common concepts and basic components. The Arab Organization for Education and Culture agreed to the following definition: [2] “The education package/educational package is: An educational unit that adopts a self-learning system and directs the activities of the learner, which contains various knowledge materials and educational materials related to behavioral objectives, And it is strengthened by pre- tests, And then, And self-tests, It is supported by a variety of educational activities provided and supported by curricula.
The team of the technology and educational means family adopts the following definition as the definition of the procedure, Because it is considered an educational bag/educational bag as an educational unit:
1. Use a systematic approach to prepare
2. Identify goals in a behavioral manner
3. Study alone and independently
4. Keep in mind that there are no individual differences
5. Including a variety of educational materials
6. Includes various targeted activities and skills
7. The method and time of evaluation vary.
8. Provide user guides with scientific content
9. The expected level of learning is mastered

Section 3 Bag Components / Educational Package

The educational bag consists of a range of components, The number and order of these components varies according to the designer’s point of view and the educational site he uses, It usually does not deviate from the following key components:
(Manual – Teaching Activities – Calendar and Tools) The guide is placed in the form of a small guide or a separate page, which contains clear information about the subject of the school bag and its content and the target group of learners and their educational level, It contains general information on the school bag.
1. Address: Clarify the basic ideas contained in the investment portfolio, Within the scope of the clear and specific title, it can achieve its objectives.
2. Instructions for teachers and learners: Instructions explaining to teachers and learners – each copy dedicated to it – include how to handle the bag, And the steps of dealing with the bag, And the way the bag is used. Test and timing.
3. The principle of using the school bag: explains to the learner the purpose of using the school bag method in the study of the subject, And explains to him the importance of learning content, It also aims to convince him of the importance of the school bag.
4. Printed and unprinted components: Tools, equipment 3D models and paper models, Transparent paper, Film and tape.
5. Target community: Determine the type of learner targeted by the study plan, Such as age limit, class and other instructions.
6. Behavioral goals: Describe the expected results of the learner’s performance after each stage of the learning plan and after the completion of the entire learning plan.
Educational activities: Each educational package contains a series of activities and options, allowing learners the opportunity to choose things that suit their interests and cultural balance, These activities also provide a positive interaction between the learner and the materials provided to him, This is for the purpose of learning. The specific target is highly efficient, Including the following options:
1. Various teaching methods: A toolkit in the bag suitable for achieving specific goals and performing activities that help achieve goals
2. A variety of methods and methods: Depending on the type of education involved in it, Whether individually or collectively, According to the nature of the subject, Individual differences between learning methods and objectives (e.g. diversity and differences in problems). Rely on visual and audio images or a combination of several ways.
3. Multi-level content: As the learner progresses, it’s easy to hard.
Evaluation and its tools: Evaluation is one of the key elements of the educational process in general, Especially in the school bag, Because it shows the degree of success of the design of the school bag, It can also diagnose all aspects of a problem. The degree to which the learner achieves the specified goal after completing the various activities in the wallet
The evaluation procedure in the educational bag includes the following tests:
1. Preliminary (preliminary) test: It is designed to determine the learner’s desire to learn packaging materials and whether he needs to learn packaging materials. This helps determine the starting point for learning the subject of the bag. It could be from the first part or the second part or the third part to start, So , Teachers can also help organize and arrange learners in nearby groups to maximize interaction with the plan
2. Formative test: A series of short- and medium-term tests accompanying the learning process, which constantly provide immediate and immediate comments to learners to enhance their ability to learn, and enhance their progress after passing every step 0 correctly, Evaluation is the building of a sexual, comprehensive, formative and personal self, If the learner is totally self-reliing.
3. Final test (late): After the learner completes the activities and purpose of the school bag, Determine how many learners are going to achieve the goal and how willing they are to start using another school bag. The learner has reached the required level of test results, He can move to the next school bag, Otherwise, return to other alternatives to complete zero.
    The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag

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The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag

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The most important criteria and specifications of the training bag

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