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The most important principles in the design of training bags

The most important principles in the design of training bags

The steps to develop an effective training bag begin through the design process, and the term has recently become a common concept in both academic and professional fields, In these lines we will present examples of the best principles in training designs that can be used to prepare
an effective training bag
for trainees.

    The most important principles in the design of training bags

What is training design?

Training design is the procedures and steps used to create training content whose usefulness lies in identifying problems of acquiring knowledge and skills as well as knowing the direction of trainees and identifying their needs and then Developing the training bag, in addition to helping to give effective instructions to trainees in a way that makes learning easier for them, here are some of the steps you’ll need to follow when
Design a training bag
for trainees.

  • Step 1

Is an analytical procedure to identify the needs of the target group as well as the needs for work and training.

  • Step 2

Based on the analyses conducted on the trainees, create a profile of each trainee that includes information about their skills, knowledge, responsibilities, level of education and professional experience, You should assess their competence in the subject where the training will be conducted on the basis of their preferred training methods.

  • Step 3

Identify training objectives that must be based on the desired goals and the results expected to be achieved at the end of the training bag.

  • Step 4

Identify the appropriate methods and methods during the training process once the subjects of the training bag have been identified.

  • Step 5

This step includes organizing content by drawing, organizing and placing images and symbols in the right places.

  • Step 6

You can create a guardian form for the training bag before you start developing it and this will help you test its effectiveness.

  • Step 7

Once the training bag has been developed, evaluate and monitor it to see if it is effective in achieving training objectives and whether it is able to achieve training objectives and meet the requirements of trainees.

    5 steps to prepare the content of your training bag

The most important principles in the design of training bags

Eddy Training Principles

For ADDIE Model, there are five foundations for designing a more effective training bag: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation:

  • Analysis: In this step, the training position is generally analysed in a good way to understand the training objectives and the needs and requirements of the trainees.
  • Design: Set training goals such as the knowledge you want the trainee to acquire as well as the results of the training process.
  • Development: Select how to help trainees reach the goals you’ve previously set and develop training strategies accordingly.
  • Implementation: Implement all training strategies based on their experience during the performance of trainees during the course.
  • Evaluation: It includes evaluating and measuring the success of the training bag you designed and you should note what needs to be changed later.

Merrill Training Principles

One of the most important principles in the design of training bags is Mid-Merrill, which focuses on the various training methods by which the training process can be facilitated through four training stages:

  • Refresh trainee memory: Training sessions should start with the step of activating the information that the trainee already has and this will no doubt help them understand any new information added to their memory.
  • The need to use demos: The trainer should use techniques and means such as graphs and video presentations to help the trainee receive knowledge in an easier way.
  • Application of information: Trainees should be allowed to apply the information they received during the course through their current functions and ensure that they need to be used to solve the problems they face.
  • Information interconnection: Trainees should be encouraged to link the new information they have received to each other and encourage them to use it to solve the problems they face in their daily lives.

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  • Your bag foundation offers professional
    training bags
    with special elegance

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  • Integrated team in the preparation and design of training bags

  • Get the best out of your next training session

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