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Training a mix of trainers takes place when someone is willing to transfer skills and knowledge to others who in turn transfer them to another group of people. Training falls under this definition because it facilitates teaching and collaborating with others. The training package is the key to everything that is new, The door of each development, And the starting point is excellence, Anticipate his modern approach, And its new means and advanced tools, And the diversity of skills you can find in it. In the area of taxes, From a commercial perspective, “sales tax” and from a training perspective means “trade terminology” (HUMAN RESOURCES/MANAGEMENT)

What is the term TOT?

Exchange of experiences:

The Tot training package is not just for new information, But also to share experiences. The people who work have a lot of experience. Training is the exchange of experiences between students, and present the different problems that work faces every day for everyone, And listen to more than one way to solve these questions. Just participate for the training room, This is an experience in itself, It is also an experience to build a good relationship with the trainer and get to know the trainees.

Raise the level:

Moreover, The trainee updates his information and experience, And knowing the training machine in terms of organization, and commitment to time, attendance, And the implementation of the activity, And so on, It is the experience gained by the trainee and enhances the trainee’s faith in training. The effectiveness and usefulness of the training they do and urge them to innovate and innovate and create a self-desire of the trainee to develop himself and enhance his abilities. Organize


Training is also important and effective for improving the level and efficiency of workers, and individuals in general in modern organizations, Trainers with academic qualifications and practical experience in a professional field are one of the key factors for the success of the training programme, In addition to being an experienced coach. The ability and skills of the trainer to perform in the job and in a way that contributes to the environment is great to help others develop their knowledge and skills.

therefore It is essential for us to explain to participants the best way to plan the training session and design the training presentation in order to maximize the presentation capacity, So that the training program is implemented in a reasonable way so that it can be. Generously rewarded with regard to making investments in it.

Coach training objectives:

Coach training courses are a constant incentive to develop the personal and scientific skills of the trainer and create a competitive spirit among the trainers to reach the coach himself and his most skilled and effective images. Professional work as a professional trainer.

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