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Trainer’s guide in the training bag and 9 important steps

Dear reader we provide you with a complete guide to prepare a comprehensive training package for any topic, This complete guide contains detailed steps to design a training package from start to finish.

We influence the study company for consulting, studies and translation to share knowledge with you, We don’t just mean theoretical knowledge, But the practical knowledge based on experience steps in preparing the vocational training package mentioned in this full manual is a summary of decades of experience in preparing the ready-made training packages that we use in our consultancy and services, There is already an educational company that provides consulting, studies and translation, So read this article carefully and you’ll know the detailed steps to design a training package. Leave everything in your hands and let your heart feel the experience of the years.

In this article dear reader we will discuss the following points when you consider yourself a coach or intend to start training:

  1. What is the training bag?
  2. What is the importance of the training bag?
  3. What are the elements of the comprehensive training bag?
  4. How do I prepare a comprehensive and comprehensive training package?

The concept of the training bag:

The training package is a scientific content developed in a practical and training way in a particular profession, with content provided by specialized trainers, to train a group of trainees to achieve educational or educational goals, Or to provide a specific experience with the intention of enhancing the trainee’s experience. Packages may contain medical, social, legal or scientific content, Including meeting the objectives of the training workshop supervising the training program. It is no exaggeration to say that the comprehensive training package is half the training, Passing from head coach to head trainee.

The importance of the training bag:

The purpose of the training bag is to collect scientific information about the training process in a clear and logical sequence that is easy for the trainer to interpret and easy for the trainee to understand and digest. The primary purpose of the training bag is:

  • Ideas arrange the organization of scientific content in a flexible logical framework.
  • Arrange the incoming ideas of the trainee so that he can easily digest the training material without ambiguity or ambiguity.
  • Link the content of training to its objectives and objectives so that training does not deviate from its planned approach.
  • Schedule training time on a day and hour basis without increasing or reducing trainee stress and brain strain.
  • As much time as the trainer will take to organize the paragraphs and topics of the training course.
  • Additional training exercises and activities to keep him enjoying his focus and focusing on scheduled training days.
  • The trainer ensures that the scientific material, its activities, tools and exercises are suitable for all audiovisual and sensory trainees without neglecting any part of it.
  • Be sure to include pre, post and intermediate tests to measure the success of training and assess its success in achieving its goals.

Integrated training bag components:

Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps 1 Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps

The professional training package consists of the following components:

  • Trainer’s Guide: It is an electronic training package from the coach’s point of view that makes it easier for him to organize his ideas and materials on science during training. Contains points for easy viewing.
  • Trainer’s Guide (Trainee Handbook): It is an electronic training package from the trainee’s point of view provided by the trainer to the trainee at the beginning or end of the training as needed in order to save the trainee from writing his problem with narrative and digression. They were happy to make small notes because the coach’s manual was comprehensive and full of details he talked about about the coach.
  • Scientific materials: Scientific references or expanded scientific content can be retained, Either readable or audible, to return to him when training is needed, or to share it with trainees after training. Training workshops so they can learn more as needed.
  • Training implementation guide: Is the coach’s guide, But it is available to carry out training and is different from the coach’s guide.
  • PowerPoint View: The trainer displays his training on the display, Therefore, it must have a Pct PowerPoint file. Professional design and unique colors are great offerings.
Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps 2 Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps

Important components in the trainer and trainee guide:

  • Preliminary guide: An attractive and well-designed introductory booklet is required that explains the overall objectives of training and stimulates the completion of all departments.
  • Activities and exercises: Activities and exercises help energize and increase their focus, encourage them to return to training and increase interaction, as well as encourage shy trainees to participate in training.
  • Mental maps: People are a visual object, Even circular texts and graphic shapes attract images, So your training package should include a mental map showing the training process all days, Training class, or the training map specified for each class training day, So that the coach has an idea of the training program, he prepares and predicts his content.
  • Training games: Training games increase the motivation of trainers, especially the direct use of training materials and competitive games.
  • Intensive materials: Keep the speech open, Direct trainees to additional training materials, Or tie them to training if you’re in a hurry.
  • Practice the gap and break the ice: Break the ice between you and your students by playing fun dating games.
  • Charts, charts and videos: We mentioned before that people are visual objects and are attracted by static and dynamic images and videos, Trainers must therefore provide graphics, photos and videos in the training package to attract the trainee’s attention.
  • Evaluation models: Evaluation models refer to models to measure the success of training and the objectives achieved by it, So are models that measure the level of dimensions of the trainee’s knowledge and compare it with the tribal level.
  • Equipment computer screens and display panels: The technical and physical equipment needed for training according to the plans, exercises and activities that the trainer adds to the training package.
  • Certificate of training project: This is a distinguished professional point that the coach receives to obtain a training certificate to confirm attendance, The trainee feels that he has gained new knowledge, Training is one of the milestones of his life.
Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps 3 Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps

Now that we have discussed the training packages and the importance of training packages and what training packages and important parts make up, We’ll now discuss ways to design a unique training package.

Professional training bag design steps:

From what we have mentioned, we expect steps to prepare the training bag:

  1. Select the address of the training bag:

The name of the training package refers to the characteristics of the training package and the material chart provided, Including the following points:

  • Identify the objectives of the training bag and the direction of training.
  • Determining the characteristics of the target learner segment (age – education – social class – economic class – social status).
  • Identify the skills and knowledge that training targets.
  1. Collecting the scientific material for the training bag:

After identifying the content above, the trainer searches for popular scientific materials that fit the direction of training, target skills and the characteristics of the two-part trainee, He finds his own popular scientific materials in previous exercises discussing the same ideas, making it easier for him to design his own training package and steps to inspire other trainers, Or at least use the same resources and references.

  1. Coordination and classification of scientific material:

The trainer catalogues the training package schedule and draws a mental map of what the training will contain, based on their own research.

  1. Choose the right exercises and exercises:

Before you start writing a training package, Trainers should look for the right exercises and activities for each of their training topics.

  1. Writing scientific material:

Once the classification is finished, The trainer begins by writing the guide of the trainer and trainee who reduces the scientific material to the cognitive level of the trainee, Focusing on the intersection of scientific content in each paragraph and the section we explain in determining the address of the training bag.

  1. Draft questionnaires and previous and subsequent tests based on written scientific materials.
  2. Evaluation of the training bag:

After the coach has finished preparing various parts of the practical training, The first experienced person oversees his own training bag and consults them to upgrade his work to a comprehensive and integrated training package.

  1. Design the PowerPoint presentations, introductory brochures, graphics, photos, and mental maps he needs.
  2. Identify technical and physical resources:

From blackboards, display boards and projectors to activity and practice tools, make sure each part is replaced in case of loss or failure, so trainers are ready for any emergencies, especially when connecting. Researchers also offer a PhD. Abdul Latif bin Saleh bin Abdullatif and D. Saleh Mohammed al-Ghamdi and Dr. Saeed Abdullah al-Qarni detail more details in the content guide training bag

At last We would like to point out that it is not easy to design a comprehensive training package, Especially for new trainees, Because it doesn’t just depend on commitment to steps, It is about the psychological requirements that must be met during the training process. . The same applies to trainees, Scientific training materials must be taken into account, But don’t be afraid, Dear coach, Experience is a gradual accumulation of errors and repeated practice.

It can be said that designing a different training package is simple and requires focus and takes into account many factors and requires a lot of time and effort, so we are here to convey your knowledge and answer any queries and meet any requests for help or expert advice.

If you are, Dear trainers, They have a short time; We offer you a design service and prepare professional training packages ready in all disciplines.

Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps 4 Trainer's guide in the training bag and 9 important steps

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