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Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century

Water On earth, it is the lifeblood, the foundation of civilizations, and the cause of many wars and conflicts, where water accounts for 71% of the Earth’s surface area, most of which is present in the oceans in form. of salt water which is estimated at about 96.5% of the total so people worked hard to provide fresh water. Either use it directly, or treat the water available for fresh water to meet its needs. Use both drinking. On the other hand, studies on the development and widespread dissemination of desalination techniques are being developed in accordance with the specifications and standards adopted for each use, with the aim of improving them to increase production and reduce costs to keep pace with demand. The growing freshwater. Jaber Ben Hayyan, the distillation process and its benefits, with the exception of the construction of a rudimentary desalination plant in Tunisia in 1650, did not appear to be used commercially until the middle of the last century. In the 1960s, the aim was to develop the technology used and to establish factories to start production. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007, the number of desalination plants worldwide in one year in 2006 was an estimated 12,000 plants with a capacity of 40 million cubic meters, about half of which were concentrated in the Arabian Gulf region, while North America accounted for 17% of total production.

Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century 1 Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century

It’s meant to sweeten water.

Desalination refers to the conversion of seawater and salt seas into fresh drinking water, Desalination is in response to the increasing global freshwater resources that are leading to the continued reduction of freshwater resources. Population Desalination depends on the removal of excess salt from the water, making the ocean drinkable, It is a process that requires high costs, intensive energy consumption and many facilities to complete desalination.

Desalination methods

Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century 2 Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century

There are three approaches to the desalination process, which depend on several principles used for the same purpose, These are thermal, electrical and pressure techniques, As follows:

  • Thermal technology: This technique is one of the oldest methods used in the distillation process, It depends on the principle of boiling water and then collecting, condensing and assembling the resulting steam as a saline solution, not watery, But it requires a large amount of energy from one layer to another, Techniques such as containers have been used recently. Low low pressure reduces boiling temperature, This in turn reduces the energy needed for desalination.
  • Electrotechnical: In this technique, Salt is separated from water by an electric current that pushes water ions through an outlet membrane, Salt ions are separated from it. Because they are so much salinity;
  • Pressure technology: This process is similar to electrolysis technology, as it depends on the principle of reverse osmosis, where water molecules leave salt particles through a osmosis membrane, It is characterized by the fact that energy consumption depends on the concentration of salt in water. Not suitable for desalination.

Benefits of desalination of seawater

Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century 3 Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century

Seawater desalination technology is used mainly in developed countries with rich economic and technological resources, The future may be accompanied by continuous exploration of new technologies and better solutions to existing problems (e.g. drought, overpopulation and consequent resource competition). Despite the scientific community’s concerns about the idea of overuse and full reliance on seawater, However, it remains a good option to provide drinking water to many residents.

Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century 4 Training course on the benefits of desalination in the 21st century

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