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What training courses should new staff and graduates take?

Right after college, Your journey to find the right job begins, But you may lose some basic work skills and how to acquire them. Not only that, But even after finding the job you dream of and winning an attractive job contract, In a few months you’ll find yourself, Like many people, That you entered your comfort zone, And it’s become idle, This eventually stabilizes your skills and sometimes even deteriorates them. These courses help develop and enhance the experience and provide students with new skills that keep pace with the development of the times. For new graduates, staff or training courses, Or you’re still studying at university, but you’re getting ready for the job market, Today’s article will provide you with a list of the most important courses we highly recommend and encourage you to join.

Important training courses for staff and graduates

Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century 1 Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century

Regardless of your field of study or work, You can always find a program that matches your academic background and helps you progress to the next stage of your career. Here is a list of the most important areas of these courses:

Firstly: Language courses

too busy acquiring technical knowledge, You may forget to develop your language skills. But you must not forget to learn a second language (or even a third or fourth) is a fundamental and necessary approach in all areas, Because foreign languages open up new horizons in your workplace, Even if your specialty is not suitable for her.

How so?

Okay, Let’s say you work for a large programming company that prepares and organizes a programming training course abroad, Or invite foreign experts to its headquarters for a training course.

In this case, Won’t you need to master the foreign language used to teach the course, Is it usually English?

This is probably necessary, Not mastering the language can miss an important opportunity to improve your skills.

What language courses should I study?

Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century 2 Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century

Professional (or practical) English is undoubtedly one of the most important language courses that new staff and graduates must study. But you can also take courses in a variety of other languages, Depending on the area and nature of your business. If your company is targeting a particular geographical area or working with many, it may be other countries, In this case, better off learning the language of that country.

Here are some common foreign languages that may be useful for your career:

It is also important to take professional language courses. For example If you work in finance, You can study English for accounting, And if you’re a journalist or a writer, You can study English for journalism.

Secondly: Computer courses

Some professions and jobs depend on the computer, And we don’t just mean programming here, We also mean other areas such as Graphic design, accounting programmes or specialized translation programmes.

Here are a range of the most common programs used in many functional areas that may be useful for enrolling in vocational courses:

Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century 3 Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century

Staff planning courses and accounting training

Graduate and press staff training courses

If you’re a journalist, You probably know that the industry is currently undergoing significant changes and developments, And you have to keep up with these changes. The ability to write is no longer the only skill a journalist should have, They can even be acquired through specialized training courses.

of these skills and experiences, We mention the following:

Translation training courses

Translation is now closely linked to computers, At first it was limited to correcting spelling errors, It later evolved into grammatical errors correction, And now it’s evolving into a mechanical translation, generally known as PEMT or machine translation after the subsequent editing of the translation machine, More importantly, one of the computer translation programs is required, You can get specialized training courses, We mention:

Training courses for engineering graduates and staff

Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century 4 Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century

These courses are mainly related to the procedures required by engineers in various branches of engineering to create engineering drawings and mathematical arrays, Including but not limited to:

  1. AutoCad
  2. MatLab
  3. MechDesigner

Secretarial training courses

Secretarial staff need to be familiar with many computer programs to perform their tasks in the desired way, If academic education doesn’t provide you with these skills, It doesn’t mean it’s too late because you can always enroll in specialized courses in field secretarial courses such as courses of action about Microsoft Office software, or a database creation and analysis cycle.

Thirdly: Personal Skills Development Course

In addition to the technical skills and academic experience gained through university admission or through specialized courses in a particular scientific field, Flexible skills must be acquired and developed to ensure success in the work environment.

What skills development courses should I study?

Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century 5 Training courses to be attended by staff in the 21st century
ihorzigor / iStock / Getty Images Plus

As a matter of fact There are many branches of flexible skills to enroll in related training courses, Including:

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