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Concept of training needs

Training Needs is a specific set of processes, programs and activities provided by internal or external training specialists of organizations and organizations to achieve career development and improve staff efficiency and effectiveness on a variety of analytical grounds. Introduction to all aspects of organizations and institutions. Because of the gap between current skills and those needed to achieve work goals

Training Needs 3 requirements

A. The need to meet training needs

Identifying and meeting training needs is critical for organizations and individuals, The most important are:

How to meet training needs

Identifying and providing training needs requires the following actions:

Types of training needs

The process of identifying training needs is the main and structural component of the training industry, on which all pillars of the training process and human resources development are based, Some officials may lose sight of the process of identifying training needs despite their full belief in their importance, due to the difficulty of identifying those needs, time and costs, In addition to the department’s fear of some confusion and psychological and functional imbalances that may occur during the period of identification of training needs and related studies, there are three basic types of training needs, As follows:

  1. Organizational training needs: Organizational training needs are primarily linked to the organization in order to make it meet the objectives of the work, strengthening the organization’s strengths, and address their weaknesses, including: Determining the level of compatibility between the workforce and actual job needs, Identify the current level, future level of experience and evaluation objectives in detail and examine the ability to implement them at the team level.
  2. Group training needs: Group training needs or team needs. These requirements include all requirements, strategies and development plans designed to meet the needs of executive and non-executive staff.
  3. Personal training needs: Personal training needs are all the requirements of individuals in organizations and institutions that provide special education and skills to improve individual job performance, Meet professional aspirations and personal goals.

The training process is divided into technical stages, starting with the identification phase of training needs and ending with the stage of measuring the effectiveness of training with a view to studying and analysing these components and ways to achieve them by scientific means.

Training Needs 3 requirements 1 Training Needs 3 requirements

The training process consists of a total of activitiesOr sub-operations that guide trainees to achieve certain goals in a training program. The training process is divided into the following stages:

Analysis and collection of information: The process of collecting and analyzing information about the entire organization to identify training or non-training needs.

Identify training needs: The process of identifying performance problems in an organization or function.

Design a training plan: If there is agreement on issues or performance gaps, Design a training plan and identify the objectives of the program and target groups according to the organization’s objectives, Then select the appropriate audio-visual methods and techniques, Etc.

• Set up the training bag: Start detailing the content of the program that is the document that contains the detailed description of the training program.

Implementation of the training plan: Performed by the trainer who implements the training plan.

Evaluation of the training program: It is conducted at the end of the training program to evaluate the program and the trainees.

Assessing the impact of training: Stage after 3 months or more to assess the extent to which the trainee benefits from the training program he attended and how successful he is in progressing in the workplace.

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