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What are the training needs

Continuous training allows employees to stay in touch with the scientific development of various areas of interest to them and helps them develop themselves in the field of work. The company spends hundreds of thousands of riyals or dollars (in Western countries) on staff training every year.

What are the training needs

Adult training is different from youth training, so senior staff and young people have different qualities, because in addition to learning through application and participation, they also engage in certain jobs and have certain skills, knowledge and behaviors.
    What are the training needs

What are the training needs

The process of identifying training needs is the basic and structural component of the training industry, because all the pillars of the training and human resources development process are based on this basis. Although convinced of these needs, time and cost difficulties, some officials may have overlooked the process of identifying training needs. The Department is concerned that some confusion and psychological and functional imbalances may arise during the identification of training needs and related learning.

Here is a summary of the emergence and importance of the training needs identification process:

1- A brief history:
During the reign of Emperor Frederick Wilhelm Brandenburg (1713−40) in Germany, The training first appeared in military academies and the regular army. .
2- Teacher and student system:
The economy depends on the family system as a tool for the production unit, allowing children to learn handicrafts from their parents, Then they turn to meet the needs of larger brokers, who reach agreements with several families to produce specific goods.
3- Industrial Renaissance:

The machine appeared and required special training for employees in the way it was used and maintained, and the importance of departments (production- marketing – accounting – finance – workers – control – specifications) and then financial control and production.

Scientific management:
Focus on training staff. Then came the Second World War, which had a major impact on training because of the emergence of technical colleges for workers. Training is a personal responsibility.

In America, the first internship center showed up.

• Western Electric’s first private sector internship center appeared in the United States, Then the Institute of Human Relations, Then Xerox, Then the American Administration Association.
Professional associations and centres are competing to establish their own institutes and research centres to develop professional and organizational services. (Defining the profession as a skill based on knowledge and technology, Skill requires arabization and education, And the professional is required to prove his ability to pass an exam for this purpose The service provided by the professional is outside the public interest.

Due to the rapid growth in professionalism and the introduction of technology and other working methods, Companies hope to provide excellent services and reduce costs, Change management therefore imposes an important role on these organizations in training staff.

The organization has begun training in several forms (on-the-job qualification certificate).

Importance in improving the efficiency of the organization’s staff

Worker efficiency:

One of the most important objectives of successful training. Successful training depends on an organized and planned process, Depends on well thought out training needs, Its purpose is to improve the performance of trainees, The concept of training is:
“This is an ongoing process within the organization aimed at providing trainees with the knowledge and skills needed to perform their current and future job duties.”
“This is an activity aimed at developing, developing and improving human resources.”

Several training objectives include:

Improving the efficiency of workers:

Its metrics include: Performance assessment – better use of resources – completion of work on time without errors – low absenteeism.

Improving productivity:

This happens in the organization in the following ways: Training staff and meeting their cognitive and knowledge needs – improving employee performance by increasing the number of customers served.

Reduce production errors:

Any production department sometimes faces errors or losses due to defective products, The rate of waste varies between sections according to certain criteria, Such as the quality of the vocational training department that offers plans based on the right foundation. Choose these requirements to produce high quality products – having competent staff – quality machinery and raw materials as well as quality production environment.

Career composition:

If any manager resigns or is transferred, The training department is responsible for preparing and opening high school classes for the principal, The refore, a deliberate plan is an option.

Provide customers with high quality services:

Customer service in any organization is the first pillar to retain and attract the largest number of customers, I.e. providing training courses or workshops to employees and following up on the training they receive.

Reducing work accidents:

The training department should put the safety and safety plan at the forefront of the staff training plan, This is in order to maintain the safety of employees in the production department and to reduce work accidents.

Improving employee loyalty:

When staff feel that the organization is interested in training him and taking care of his training needs, This will increase the sense of loyalty and belonging to the workplace.
• Individuals acquire professional and employment knowledge, skills and ideal abilities to complete the job.
Constantly develop working methods to ensure effective implementation of the work.
Providing the requirements of the organization’s workforce.

How’s the training process?

The training process is divided into technical stages, Starting from the stage of identifying training needs and ending with measuring the effectiveness of training, The aim is to study and analyse these components and to achieve these objectives by scientific means.
The training process includes a series of activities or sub-operations that guide trainees to achieve specific objectives in the training plan, The training process is divided into the next stages,

Which starts with:

Analysis and collection of information:

This is the process of collecting information about the entire organization and then conducting the analysis, Through which training or non-training needs can be identified.

Identify training needs:

Is the process of identifying performance problems or problems in the organization or work.

• Design of the training plan:

If an agreement is reached and there are problems or gaps in performance, The design of the training plan and the objectives of the project are determined in a way that suits the objectives of the organization and the target population, Appropriate audio-visual methods and techniques are then selected.

• Prepare the training bag:

The training package will begin to write the content of the program in detail, It is a document containing a detailed description of the training programme.

The planning process is therefore the cornerstone of effective management, and is considered vital in the field of training and development, and must be based on a closer look at the organization and its growth plans. But what does determining requirements mean?

Defining what training needs

Defining what training needs are: This is a clear and unclear gap in employee performance in terms of skills, knowledge, information or trends that need to be changed or modified to a certain degree of quality. Mastery to meet the requirements of their current or future function in order to achieve the organization’s objectives.

How does the target performance of training change?

The target performance of training changes by taking one of the following three forms:

• Influence knowledge:

I.e. gaining new knowledge and modern knowledge, or support and develop the knowledge that individuals previously possessed, or the relative and comprehensive change of previous knowledge that staff need to change.

Influential skills:

It comes from new skills acquired by employees, modifications or changes to certain skills that are no longer effective or no longer sufficient to meet the required level and quality requirements.

• Influence trends:

Any behavior is one of the most difficult things because changing or modifying behavior requires great skills from the trainer so that he can influence the trainee.
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What are the training needs

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