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What do you need to know about the training fields?

The difference is great; providing skills and knowledge in a practical way is quite different from the methods of lecture and distillation used in teaching. Teaching is essentially a process of knowledge development through which intelligence and applied ability can be developed in general, Achieving its objectives depends on the degree of interaction between the student and the teacher and his wishes. Regarding training, This is an ongoing activity based on simulations and applications to provide the trainee with the skills, expertise and directions that will enable him to get involved in the work to increase productivity.
    15 professional training methods

What do you need to know about the training fields?

What are the basic criteria for the success of training programs?

  • The ability to transfer the knowledge and skills identified in advance by the trainer successfully to satisfy the beneficiary through the services provided
  • Assess the impact of training later participants want to learn and train.
  • The work environment is ready to apply the skills students learn.
  • Training is already required, This means that knowledge, abilities and skills are necessary for the job.
  • Support and encourage trainees to apply their skills, abilities and skills gained to work.

Standards before, during and after the training program

Talent is important, but it’s not enough, Knowledge is required. The required skills and the coach’s profession of professions that require the coach to develop himself continuously and follow up on everything that is new in his field, Therefore, the teaching process in this area has not yet been completed.

Talent and skills development go together to make the coach a success.

It is common practice to measure training based on training results. The expert’s approach is to determine the success or failure of any training program by asking the following questions:
  • Do participants like this show?
  • Is the content of the plan linked to their experiences, knowledge and tasks?
  • Do participants benefit from the plan?
  • The previous three criteria remain the most important basis for measuring the success of the training program, These criteria are limited to the direct response of the participants and their comprehensive evaluation of the program, They are easy to implement and reflect positive results in all cases.

Because you can determine the success rate in achieving training goals and strengths and weaknesses, And then keep working hard. To determine the expected participants in the next plan and the nature of the tasks to be carried out, Our proposed plan is to meet the needs of the relevant groups. In addition to assessing the quality and accuracy of the cases and exercises that permeate the training, And whether it is suitable for the actual situation of the participants, and develop them every time.

Training is measured according to its consequences

What do you think of volunteer training?

Beautiful and wonderful social participation, But like any job requires mastery and great skills; which constitutes the image and performance of the volunteer, and the bottom line of his work. Comprehensive training for job success is very important, So like randomness, omission and interference that may occur in the job, It must be like any agency job, Because the level that should be considered voluntary does not mean that at a lower level. Like any job, Volunteer training requires competence

Save long hours preparing your training bag. Load our complete turnkey training bags that are specially designed by our skilled team of teachers across the globe.

Conduct excellent workshops every time using our professionally prepared training bags with all the feedback and points you want for your course.Don’t worry about cost, time and effort with our pre-made training materials of the highest standards.

Modify your training materials as often as you like as we provide you with open source training packages. Focus on delivering your course and leave the training materials to us.

Our main goal is to provide you with distinctive training bags that suit your training course so that you can present your courses and workshops in an ideal manner

    Top 4 Tips to Be a Successful Coach 2021
What do you need to know about the training fields?

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Our training bags are special because they are

    Open source and scalable                            According to the standards of the General Organization for Vocational Training   

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What do you need to know about the training fields?

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