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What is the definition of training

Training is one of the terms that have a lot of definitions due to its wide spread and importance and we will learn in this article about the most important definitions that dealt with the subject of training

What is the definition of training

Researchers in training determine a number of definitions of the term, including:

1- Providing expertise to employees to change behaviors and achieve organizational goals and objectives.

2- The process of providing workers with the necessary information to make sure that they are familiar with the details of the job.

An ongoing structured process aimed at providing the individual with knowledge, skills, abilities, ideas or opinions to perform a particular function.

4. A practical scientific approach aimed at increasing the efficiency of the human factor by classifying courses, developing skills, changing directions and providing information to ensure the truly desired balance between training objectives and outcomes.

5. Preparing educational means to help achieve results in their current and future jobs, It is an ongoing activity that provides the individual with the experience, skills and guidance that makes him fit for practice.

6. The United Kingdom Department of Education and Science defines it as an activity carried out by the teacher after entering the teaching profession and relates to his profession.

Minimalistic workplace with remote work interface.

An organized and planned effort to provide certain knowledge and improve and develop their skills, competencies and development, Change their behaviours and attitudes positively and constructively for human resources in the governing body.

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