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What is the relationship between coach and trainees?

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What is the relationship between the coach and the trainees?

Let us talk about a few forms of that reverence . One of the first of these is not to interrupt the trainee speakers as soon as he shows his direction of view or interferes in an argument of an article .. If the trainee dwelt in the conversation , his words could be finished with a praise or thanks, or one of the vocabulary indicating this , such as saying: God bless you. May Allah reward you..a wonderful are amazing .. Your opinion is important .
    What is the relationship between coach and trainees?

What is the relationship between the coach and the trainees?

Avoids The coach embarrassed one of the attendees and did not Someone understands In order to answer the question or provides his opinion Especially in important discussions.that of On the one hand , on the other hand, no Someone in attendance should make fun of the apprentice Especially wheneverPetition from the intern Show my presentation for example and should intervene coach in That circumstance immediately .Also requires the coach urge trainees To contribute and engage in group dialogue Especially if he saw in them hesitation and fear of Meet the followers and talk nicely with them in breaks and encourage them To contribute , make sure The issue is if the courses are skill need present Show Presentation or Dialogue with the fans .

I add to that , make sure that the trainees are well-demanded, especially when calling for a training session , writing an idea , or making a questionnaire. The coach should not produce instructions on the spot but re- elaborate the issue in a polite manner. As if let us fill out that questionnaire, we have a great influence while you have a negative influence ..

What is the relationship between coach and trainees? 1 What is the relationship between coach and trainees?

Between training and teaching:

Let’s stop at this point briefly . often Watching the technical director moved from Training skill experiences and arts to teacher transmits static data eager to Completing the training material as if it were a lesson students in a school, And that usually comes down to novice coaches or Professional teachers now! For training ….So we say: Training is not a transfer of knowledge. The material may be available , but the training is an acquisition of expertise and skill experience , and the same is the change of the trainees’ convictions.

Professorship in speech and debate..

Instead of the coach saying, “ I watch such-and-such and the correct opinion is … as if he is imposing a specific opinion , even if it does not meanhe can say his personal point of view on the matter so- and -so.. This is an implication that the issue or issue has dimensions and other ideas are worthy of consideration, and as Al- Wajha Al Shafi’i stated, “ The idea of right may be wrong, and the idea of others is incorrect and may be right.” Professional technical director and his ability .

Flag Imagine in yourself that you understand people and are the best of them Recently, the most influential and most able to deliver data , That feeling of perfection The technical director is denied Accept the other opinion and objective discussion and enter into That door say Sports director : “No I know ” he The height of literature with knowledge and with trainees As soon as he agrees to the coach , he doesn’t know For the site and request knowledge and knowledge from others.

    13 professional criteria for choosing an effective coach
What is the relationship between coach and trainees?

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What is the relationship between coach and trainees?

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