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What to be available in the electronic trainer

What to be available in the electronic trainer

Online training is a kind of training provided to the public. Through the modern mechanism and technology itself has contributed to the increase in the number of trainees, due to the simplicity of modern methods, If we deal with traditional training concepts in specific areas, This is done through theoretical lectures and by selecting individuals in specific locations with quality elements in order to determine their professional knowledge, in order to obtain the required benefits, Trainees must receive training in certain lectures and halls regularly according to a specific time limit.
    What to be available in the electronic trainer

What to be available in the electronic trainer

Of course, These multiple restrictions make some people feel bad there is a great demand for training, But he is still away from training courses. There are other reasons such as time constraints to help them, or because of the high cost On the contrary, we found that e-training overcomes this negative impact.

The concept of e-training:

  • E-training has two important aspects: The first aspect is training, I mean how to get to know a particular profession, The term e-training refers to methods or techniques that can help people perform specific tasks.
  • Activities that save time and energy.
  • The definition of e-training or training is: “Getting professional knowledge in a particular scientific field through modern technology, Focus primarily on computers.
  • Computers have become the halfway pillars of life and different areas.” E-training is the current and future model; No longer gaining knowledge need to go to a particular place, And does not require the people imposed by the authorities to conduct training, The choices under e-training are endless.

E-training history:

There is no clear online training history. It is particularly about the emergence of computers, Because the first computer was specially manufactured by scientists Clifford Perry and John Atanasov in 1937, With the emergence of complex applications that allowed e-training through websites. . Who prevails is similar to an example. In order to enable people to see themselves and then improve appearance, In the later stages, In addition to many other uses, Glass is also used in the manufacture of desktop computers and panels.

The importance of online training:

Learn a new specialty
Many TK can be obtained through online training. For example: Management courses, Accounting courses, Language courses, Otherwise there will still be some specialties in our Arab world, So it is urgently needed in the current scientific reality, Including human development cycles, and self-development (such as e-marketing, Etc. .) ، These contemporary professional experts may not be available in certain countries/regions, So they can learn through e-training.
Saving time for students
E-training provides the time of trainees and trainees, There is no need to go to the school headquarters elsewhere, All e-training tasks can be completed at home or in the entire client’s place without much effort. Hard work.
Acquiring learning skills
Based on various techniques academic materials obtained by trainees or trainees through electronic training are very complex, Readable books or paper-based binding are no longer needed. Instead, Professional content is provided in the form of text files, audio files or videos, It can be found through computers, This makes recovery easier. In addition Retrieval helps protect media materials from damage through electronic storage.
Reducing spending
The presence of electronic training saves the trainers a great financial expense, Whether it’s directly through competition between sites to provide cheap prices, And then provide many options for those who want to conduct electronic training, or indirectly saves the cost of training participants, Especially if it is away from the trainee’s place of residence which can cost him a large amount of money.

What requirements should students meet to participate in e-training?

  • Students must meet the following requirements: Technical requirements: You must provide a modern computer connected to the Internet and install some software applications on it, such as: Google, YouTube, file opening software, social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and more.
  • E-training programs may be requested by the agency. Usage requirements: The trainee should be aware of how to use the computer and how to open the application related to electronic training and how to deal with its icon especially when there is an application used by some electronic training sites of course, Personal competence must be something that has grown over time.

How does the trainer interact with the trainee regarding e-training mode?

  • Text interaction: This is achieved by writing texts between trainers and trainees, There are many applications that contribute to it, Including all social networks, and blogs on websites, And e-mails.
  • Visual interaction: is one of the important types of interaction related to e-training, Using an application that directly helps convey the image of the trainer, It performs the process of interpretation and analysis, Including skype, Then he discusses and asks questions.

What characteristics should websites provide e-training adhere to?

  • Availability of coach experience “or several trainers”: This is one of the most prominent elements when enrolling in e-training. Since some sites provide little non-professional information to trainers, It is necessary to emphasize the experience of trainers or trainers.
  • Proposing useful scientific materials: It is very important for trainers to link scientific reality to the theoretical materials they present, Therefore, trainees will not benefit from the old and most important scientific materials. Actually , Is to take advantage of it, For example, if you get e-marketing courses, there must be some practical cases that learners train according to the actual situation.
  • Terms of obtaining a certificate of accreditation: It is very important for trainees to obtain a certificate of accreditation to help them get a job after completing e-training, Some officials lack knowledge that some job applicants have no proof of documentary experience.
    7 Most important elements of the training process

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What to be available in the electronic trainer

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What to be available in the electronic trainer

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