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Doc training bag design model

مؤسسة حقيبتك
The design model stage of doc, pdf, ppt aims to formulate the operational plan for the actual training process by preparing the scientific materials and procedural steps required for implementation, we are in your bag institution to prepare and design training bags, design training bags prong and professionally, we prepare according to the objectives of training, knowledge, skills and methods of training that have been specified. In the design phase, the training bag aims to ensure that the training and implementation plan is based on sound scientific and technical standards.

Doc training bag design model

Because the design model of the training bag doc, pdf, ppt, The items in the training bag were not repeated, The content of the training bag design guide includes the following elements:

The cover contains the name of the training material as mentioned on the package

  • The name of the program as mentioned in the training bag.
  • The name of the section as mentioned in the training bag.
  • The name of the author of the catalog and the date of preparation.
  • The name of the training unit shown on the package.
  • The training unit number as shown in the training bag.
  • The time limit for the training unit as mentioned in the training bag.
  • The training number shown in the training bag.
  • Training time is indicated as mentioned in the training bag.
  • Class for each training session
  • Description of procedures
  • Perform each course activity
  • Select training tools to be used in each training session

Because the design model of the training bag doc, pdf, ppt., The items in the training bag were not repeated, The content of the training bag design guide includes the following elements:

نموذج تصميم حقيبة تدريبية doc
مؤسسة حقيبتك

The contents of the design model training bag doc, pdf, ppt.

1. Coach’s Guide

2. Trainee Note

3. Presentation version

4. Activities

5. Profile

6. Videos

حقائب التدريب الالكتروني عن بعد

Add your data to download the free form

Prepare a training bag on request

Design and implementation of a training bag according to the axes, number of days required and target group

Prepare a training bag available and ready for delivery

A range of ready-made training bags equipped for immediate delivery and immediate delivery! After adding the trainer's information to it

Development and restructuring of training bags

The service includes redesigning and preparing the scientific curriculum professionally and re-taking the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive style! Makes your training session great!

Prepare a training bag design model doc, pdf, ppt.

The design model for doc training bag, pdf, ppt includes procedural steps as follows:

Prepare a doc, pdf, ppt training bag design model taking into account the real training needs of trainees using methodological methods and systems analysis, The content relationship with educational goals should be taken care of. It is scientifically correct and meets the requirement and is enough to give a intuitive opinion on the subject.

Select the content of the training in its final form: by dividing the content into a series of lessons based on the logical sequence of tasks, Each training lesson must contain the following components: Lesson number, Entitled The general purpose of the lesson, Guide the goals, the content of the lesson and activities and a summary of them.

Planning course activities: Complete the planning of content training efforts in line with technical requirements and international standards for electronic content design, In order to achieve interactive self-training, It is completed at this stage by determining the period of training and the types of interaction (interaction between the trainee and thecontent interaction between the trainees interaction between the trainer and the trainee interaction between the trainee and the front side of the interaction.

Book your free consultation now and get to know the consultant for the development and design of the training world with more than 30 years of experience in preparing and designing training bags and developing curricula

  1. Design and implementation of training bags according to axes.
  2. How to determine the number of days required.
  3. What is the target group
  4. Is it possible to develop and restructure training bags.
Make the curriculum professional and clone the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive and elegant way to make your training course great !!
We have been able to develop training curricula and bags to benefit more than 25,000 trainees with a total of 500,000 training hours in various training fields across the Arab world.
“We believe that we are on a mission to develop training content in our Arab homeland”

Consultant for development and design of the training world


حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى

نموذج تصميم حقيبة تدريبية doc