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List of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs

The Saudi Minister of Education has adopted the list of licenses to provide e-education and training programs in the bodies of education, higher education and higher education, And the list of licenses to providee-education and training programs explained by the ministry, In a statement, E-learning standards and regulations aim to regulate e-learning and training practices for those who offer e-learning or training programs, the Saudi Minister of Education said while chairing the fifth meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Center for E-Learning: Theadoption of standards and regulations constitutes a new and important stage of e-learning in the Kingdom and explained that this step will enable universities and educational and training institutions to provide e-education and training programs efficiently and effectively, As part of a mechanism to control and upgrade these practices to keep pace with global practices and the global trend towards e-learning and training in the Kingdom.

General licensing controls (entity standards):

  • The authority must have a license to engage in educational or training activity from the Authority.
  • Meet the board’s e-education and training standards.

Special licensing controls (software standards):

1. The authority must have a general license from the centre.
2 The program must be licensed by the competent authority.
3- At the end of the program, The program must provide a certified certificate or complete a certain level of education according to the Saudi standard classification.
4. The stage or program should not include intensive training courses , modules, practical, clinical or professional courses.
Meet the criteria for the council’s approved programmes for training and e-education programmes.

لائحة التراخيص لتقديم برامج التعليم والتدريب الإلكتروني
لائحة التراخيص لتقديم برامج التعليم والتدريب الإلكتروني

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List of licenses for the provision of e-learning and training programs from the National Center for E-Learning

Article 1 of the list of licenses for the provision ofe-education and training programs:

  • For the following words and phrases – wherever they are contained in this system – the meanings shown next to each of them:
  • Marshalling: Organizing the National Center for E-Learning.
  • Minister: Minister of Education.
  • Centre: National Center for E-Learning.
  • Council: The Board of Directors of the Center.
  • President: The President of the Council.
  • Director: Director General of the Center.
  • E-learning: Employing education, information and communication technologies to increase the adequacy of the educational and training process in all its forms and control its quality.

Article 2 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

The center has legal personality and financial and administrative independence. It is organized by the minister and is based in Riyadh.

Article 3 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

The center aims to control the quality of e-learning , For this purpose – to name but a few – the following:

1- Developing regulations and quality standards in the field of e-learning.

2- Adjusting the quality of e-learning programs.

Licensing companies and companies that offer e-learning programs that offer certified certificates.

Eligibility for licenses granted to entities and companies that provide e-learning programmes.

Supervising the national open educational content programme.

Conducting research and studies in the field of e-learning.

7- Providing advice in the field of e-learning.

Organizing conferences, meetings and workshops.

Representing the Kingdom externally in the field of e-learning.

Article 4 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

1- The Center has a board of directors, which is headed by the Minister and the membership of:

A representative of the Ministry of Education.


B- A representative of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.


A representative of the Ministry of Trade and Investment.


A representative of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development.


A representative of the Education Calendar Authority.


A representative of the General Foundation for Technical and Vocational Training.


G- Three saudi university directors.


H- Two experienced e-learning specialists.


I- A representative of the private sector.


J- Director General of the Center.

General Secretary

2. The rank of representatives of government agencies shall not be lower than the rank (fourteenth) or equivalent.

3- Appoints members stipulated in paragraphs (g), (h), (i) of paragraph (1) by decision of the Council of Ministers at the minister’s suggestion, And the term of membership is three years Renewable once.

Article 5 of the list of licenses for the provision ofe-education and training programs:

1- The Board of Directors meets at the invitation of the President once every (three) months, Or whenever the need arises, at the President’s discretion. The invitation must be sent – in writing – at least seven days before the date of the meeting, It must include its agenda.

Council meetings are held in the presence of a majority of members, including the President or his representatives, among members and representatives of government agencies.

3- The council’s decisions are issued by a majority of the votes of those present, In the event of a tie, the side with which the president voted is likely.

4. The President of the Republic invites experts or specialists from government agencies not represented in the Council as he sees fit. Attend board meetings without having the right to vote.

Article 6 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

The Board oversees the management of the center’s affairs, conducts its affairs and makes all necessary decisions to achieve its objectives within the limits of the institution’s guarantees. In particular, they should include:

1- Develop the general policies of the Center and its action plan to achieve its objectives and follow up its implementation.

Approval of the center’s plans and programmes.

Adopting quality standards and controls in e-learning. Approval of licensing and qualification controls for e-learning programmes. 5- Approval of the financial regulations of the Center in agreement with the Ministry of Finance. 6- Approval of the administrative regulations followed by the Centre and other internal regulations necessary to run the centre.

Adopting the organizational structure of the Centre.

Approval of the establishment of branches and offices for the Centre.

9- Determining financial compensation for the services and work provided by the Center, which the Board considers to be obtained in exchange for financial compensation.

10- Establishing the center’s financial investment policy in accordance with the controls.

11- Accept donations, donations, grants, wills and endowments in accordance with the governing provisions.

12. Approve the centre’s draft budget, final account, auditor’s report, annual report of the Centre and provide the necessary due process in accordance with the established regular procedures.

13. Consider the periodic reports submitted to him on the functioning of the Centre and make the necessary decisions on them.

In exercising its powers to form permanent or temporary committees among its members or others, the Council And assign them the tasks they deem appropriate.

The Council may also delegate some of its terms of reference to its president or to those it deems appropriate among its members or staff at the Centre.

Article 7 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

The Director General of the Centre shall be appointed – by decision of the Council – and the decision shall determine his salary and other financial benefits.

Proposing the center’s plans and programmes and supervising their implementation after their adoption by the Board.

2- Proposing the necessary regulations for the work of the center, Determining action procedures based on the policies, regulations and decisions issued by the Council.

3- Proposing quality standards in the field of e-learning and their controls in preparation for presentation to the Board.

Proposing licensing and qualification controls for e-learning programmes. In preparation for its presentation to the Board of Directors.

Proposing the structure of the organizational status and its financial and administrative regulations and submitting them to the Board and supervising their implementation after their adoption.

Supervising the preparation of the Centre’s annual report, draft budget and final account. In preparation for its presentation to the Board of Directors.

7- Spending from the center’s budget, And take all financial measures, In accordance with rules and regulations, Within the powers delegated to it by the Council.

8. Submit periodic reports to the Council on the work, achievements and activities of the Centre.

9- Appointing the staff of the center in accordance with the regulations governing them and supervising them in accordance with the powers granted to him and what is determined by the center’s regulations.

Follow-up on the implementation of the Council’s resolutions.

Proposing the centre’s financial investment policy. In preparation for its presentation to the Board of Directors.

12- Signing agreements and contracts after the approval of the Council, In accordance with the established regular procedures.

13- Representing the center before the judiciary, government agencies and institutions and other relevant entities and others inside and outside the Kingdom.

The director of the center delegates some of his terms of reference to those he sees as the center’s employees.

Article 8 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

The Centre’s resources consist of:

A- The funds allocated to him in the general budget of the state.

B- The financial compensation paid by the Center for the work and services it provides.

C- Returns on the investments of its available financial resources.

D- The council accepts donations, donations, endowments, commandments and endowments.

E. Any other supplier approved by the Board in violation of regulations and instructions.

2- The center’s funds are deposited into a dedicated account with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency. He may open other accounts for this purpose in any of the banks licensed to operate in the Kingdom and spend these funds according to the center’s budget.

Article 9 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

The financial year of the center is the fiscal year of the state, With the exception of this, the first fiscal year begins on the effective date of the law, It ends with the end of the State fiscal year.

Article 10 in the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

The center’s employees are subject to the Labor Act and the Social Security Act.

Article 11 of the list of licenses for the provision of e-education and training programs:

Without violating the jurisdiction of the General Monitoring Office, the Board appoints an external auditor (or more) licensed to work in the Kingdom. Auditing the center’s accounts, transactions, statements, annual budget and final account. The Board determines its fees, submits the auditor’s report to the Board and provides the Public Monitoring Office with a form of it.

Article 12 of the licensing list for the provision of e-education and training programs:

This system is published in the Official Gazette, It has been in work since its publication.

لائحة التراخيص لتقديم برامج التعليم والتدريب الإلكتروني
لائحة التراخيص لتقديم برامج التعليم والتدريب الإلكتروني

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لائحة التراخيص لتقديم برامج التعليم والتدريب الإلكتروني