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The importance of reception training courses in 2022

الدورات التدريبية في الاستقبال تعتبر امرا ضروريا جدا في العصر الحديث، حيث يعتبر موظف الاستقبال هو واجهة المؤسسة فقدراته وطريقة تفاعله وتعامله مع الزوار تعكي بشكل جيد طبيعة المنظمة لذلك تهتم المنظمة بموظفي الاستقبال بشكل كبير جداً وتحثهم على المشاركة في الدورات التدريبية في الاستقبال

Training courses in reception are very necessary in modern times, Where the receptionist is the façade of the institution its abilities and the way it interacts and deals with visitors well the nature of the organization so the organization cares about the receptionists very much and urges them to participate in the training courses in reception

6 steps in the art of party training

التدريب على تنظيم الحفلات يعتبر أمرا هاما جدا في الوقت الحال وذلك نظراً لأن استضافة الحفلات الآن أمرًا شائعًا من حولنا، فالكثير من الناس يجعلونها جزءًا مهمًا من أعمالهم الرئيسية، ولكن عندما ننظر إلى هذه الاحتفالات، نجد أن هناك دائمًا فرقًا، بعض هذه الاحتفالات ناجحة، وبعضها فشل

Party training is very important right now, since hosting parties is now common around us, Many people make it an important part of their main work, But when we look at these celebrations, We find that there is always a difference, Some of these celebrations are successful, And some of them failed.

Trained in the art of throwing and its 4 goals in the 21st century

Trained in the art of throwing and its 4 goals in the 21st century 1 Trained in the art of throwing and its 4 goals in the 21st century

The art of speech is a conversation between two or more people and is a style of speech or style of writing and good speech depends on the good choice of words and vocabulary is known to be the basis of language. In this article, we will talk about the art of throwing, its types and elements, as well as clarifying the skills of the influential throwing and other information on this subject, so stay with us.

Everything you need to know about the art of dialogue and its 9 literature

Everything you need to know about the art of dialogue and its 9 literature 2 Everything you need to know about the art of dialogue and its 9 literature

The concept of dialogue is that dialogue between multiple parties is done in a way of giving and responding, The unity of purpose is the starting point for dialogue. Acknowledgment, And using the concept of dialogue is not new as some think that dialogue is giving and taking between two or more parties, This is a review of speeches to reach the concept of convergence and common language, And a unified diagnosis, The purpose of solving outstanding problems and issues as much as possible, The concept of dialogue is the kind of dialogue in which two or two teams somehow exchange language, and the concept of dialogue is one of the new concepts in contemporary cultural and political thought that has recently been circulated, The novelty and seriousness of this concept is evidenced by the fact that all international conventions are issued in the form of contracts. United Nations, The word dropped the dialogue, The concept of dialogue can be defined from previous definitions as the exchange of ideas and opinions on a particular topic or issue between two or more parties in an equal way, Away from intolerance, To reach the concept of convergence or commonalities and resolve differences. peacefully and conflict.

Throwing and 4 steps that make you a professional in the art of throwing for 2022

Throwing and 4 steps that make you a professional in the art of throwing for 2022 3 Throwing and 4 steps that make you a professional in the art of throwing for 2022

The art of throwing has become an art that presidents and kings can benefit from to increase their influence on their audiences. The Messenger of God (peace be upon him) says (rhetoric is truly magic), I know that successful recitation is a skill that can be acquired like other skills, Like beautiful writing, And driving, And so on. Who can get these skills, Regardless of gender and age, Unless he has an organic disability, Like someone with real speech problems.

21st century training evaluation criteria

21st century training evaluation criteria 4 21st century training evaluation criteria

Evaluation of training is very necessary in order to determine whether the training has achieved the objectives and objectives required of it, In addition, the training evaluation process helps to identify the problems and obstacles faced by the training process to ensure that they are avoided in the coming times.

The importance of training in the 21st century

The importance of training in the 21st century 5 The importance of training in the 21st century

The importance of training lies in the fact that training does not only create a conscious and open person, But it’s a golden opportunity for the individual to take them from their current level to a better level.

Corporate Training Department 2022

Corporate Training Department 2022 6 Corporate Training Department 2022

Training management has become very necessary in different organizations and companies, no matter how large or qualitative companies may be, they must take care of the training management matters and organize this process logically, The departments, authorities and resources are provided to oversee this process and in this article we will explain the most prominent departments of the training department and the tasks and accessories of each department

10 advantages of distance education

10 advantages of distance education 7 10 advantages of distance education

Despite the rapid circumstances during which this type of education has spread, the advantages of distance education are very wide and give it preference over traditional education at many points and are expected to replace formal education in the near future.

15 obstacles to successful training

15 obstacles to successful training 9 15 obstacles to successful training

The obstacles to the success of training are one of the most central things to consider since training is very important for the organization, To develop the capabilities and skills of staff, The organization can develop and meet challenges.

5 steps to design premium training bags

5 steps to design premium training bags 10 5 steps to design premium training bags

Knowing how to prepare a successful and meaningful training package is one of the things that every coach should take well, or anyone who has a desire to teach, Or anyone who wants to work in the field of courses. first It is necessary to study how it works and prepare a successful package. This requires many factors identified in a few steps, It must be conducted well and ideally for the session to achieve the expected benefits for both students and trainers.

7 graphic design elements that every designer should know

7 graphic design elements that every designer should know 11 7 graphic design elements that every designer should know

You don’t need a degree in graphic design to create stunning graphics. You just need to know some of the basics of graphic design.

If you are a designer or engineer who sells the products you make, or use it for your company’s brand, or teaches to companies or independents, You know that it takes more than original ideas to be successful or unique products.

In competitive markets such as Etsy and Kickstarter, At major trade fairs, conferences and events, Your products don’t just need good design, It also needs a strong brand, a web presence and great images of products to attract customers. Interest.

It might seem popular at first, But don’t be afraid! This article will help you understand the basics of graphic design that you need to start your career

Introduction to Management Training 2022

Introduction to Management Training 2022 12 Introduction to Management Training 2022

Management training is an administrative function and the sequence from the main personnel management policy to the recruitment policy is as follows. in the overall success and development of any organization, In the age of scientific, cognitive and technological revolutions, massive population growth, social mobility and the accompanying economic change, Training and education become a means of competition and competition to keep up with the pace of the times. Developments in changing times, which prompted institutions to review their policies, objectives and activities related to training the readiness of human resources at all levels, By providing them with appropriate training programs to improve their productivity and staff performance.

Anger management and 19 anger management strategy

Anger management and 19 anger management strategy 13 Anger management and 19 anger management strategy

The term anger management (anger management) generally refers to the techniques of psychotherapy and practice systems practiced by a person who suffers from excessive and uncontrolled anger and aggression, It may also indicate lower emotional levels and emotional effects. Irritability. According to a professor of psychology at ST. Joan Ray DiGiuseppe because anger is a secondary type of emotion according to most clinical theories (clinical psychology), Anger disorder is not part of the current version of DSM-IV-TR, Which is called diagnosis of mental disorders and statistical directory text reviews. However, Eva Findler, an anger expert, spoke of “anger-related disorders.” After reviewing the results of the current research on anger management, DiGiosipe wrote, DSM-IV-TR wrote: “We have come to the conclusion that although some successful anger management methods have been developed, However, they do not correspond to the list of treatments for anxiety and depression.

Development of training programs 2022

Development of training programs 2022 14 Development of training programs 2022

The development of training programs is directly related to the management development process, This strategy is based on qualified trainers who know how to offer the training program

6 teacher training courses

6 teacher training courses 17 6 teacher training courses

Training courses are now one way to help advance and develop many disciplines, As well as the specialization of education, Where the profession is a growing area, whether in educational methods or in the process of interacting with some middle school students and teachers, Teachers therefore need training sessions to develop some of the capabilities and skills used when doing so.

9 benefits earned by the company through training courses for employees

9 benefits earned by the company through training courses for employees 18 9 benefits earned by the company through training courses for employees

Staff training courses are very important as employees are the company’s greatest assets and it is important to invest in their talents and abilities. Employee training and skills development are reflected in business growth and success. Employee care usually stops at this point, According to witnesses and research, companies committed to employee development have increased their sales and doubled their profits compared to groups of companies that did not include employees in training programs, hence the importance of training courses for employees.

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