Remote electronic training bags
The stage of designing electronic training bags remotely aims to formulate the operational plan for the actual training process by preparing the scientific materials and procedural steps required for implementation, we are in the institution of your bag to prepare and design training bags, design training bags prong and professionally, we prepare according to the objectives of training, knowledge, skills and methods of training that have been specified. In the design phase, the training bag aims to ensure that the training and implementation plan is based on sound scientific and technical standards.
The contents of remote electronic training bags: –
1. Coach’s Guide
2. Trainee Note
3. Presentation version
4. Activities
5. Profile
6. Videos
Remote electronic training bags
Professional online training bags design steps:
In light of what we have mentioned, we expect steps to prepare e-training remotely:
Select the address of the training bag:
The address of the training bag means the characteristics of the training bag and the lines of materials provided, specifically the following points:
Identify the objectives of the training bag and the training guidelines to be held.
Defining the characteristics of the target group of trainees (age – educational attainment – social class – economic class – social status).
Identify the skills and knowledge targeted for training.
Collecting the scientific material for the training bag:
After determining the above the trainer is looking for scientific material that suits the training trends, and target skills, And the characteristics of the two types of trainees, And looking for his scientific material in previous training exercises that discussed the same idea, It’s easy for him to design his training bag, see the steps of other trainers or use the same sources. And references. Especially.
Coordination and classification of scientific material:
Where the trainer indexes the schedule of the training bag in the light of his research, He draws a mental map to be trained.
Choose the right exercises and exercises:
Before embarking on the step of writing the training bag, The trainer should look for exercises, exercises and activities that suit each of his training topics.
Write a scientific article:
After the classification is completed, The coach begins by writing the guide of the trainer and the trainee, And simplify the scientific material to the level of knowledge of the trainees, Focusing on the intersection of scientific content in each paragraph with the parts we explained in the definition. The address of the training bag.
Evaluation of the training bag:
After preparing all the parts of the reality of training, The trainer uses the first experiment to oversee his training bag, Consult with them to upgrade his work to a comprehensive and integrated training file.
Create the PowerPoint presentation, brochure, graphics, photos, and mental maps they need.
Identify technical and material resources:
From a blackboard, Display panel, projector, Activities and training tools, and make sure that there is an alternative for each part in case of loss or collapse, so that the coach is ready for any emergency, Especially in terms of connections.
Prepare a training bag on request
Design and implementation of a training bag according to the axes, number of days required and target group
Prepare a training bag available and ready for delivery
A range of ready-made training bags equipped for immediate delivery and immediate delivery! After adding the trainer's information to it
Development and restructuring of training bags
The service includes redesigning and preparing the scientific curriculum professionally and re-taking the training bag with activities and exercises in a distinctive style! Makes your training session great!
You can order e-training bags remotely as you wish through your message!!
Building remote electronic training bags: -
Building remote electronic training bags: -
We are in the foundation of your bag , We have the skills of success for human development in, We focus on designing online training bags remotely. so that it is based on an actual training need that meets the needs of organizations and employers, It is based on a coherent academic framework. What is offered to students at international universities and academic institutes. Our training bags are designed, designed and controlled by training bag specialists. However, We have an interesting training style that moves this training portfolio from its monotonous academic framework to an academic training framework focused on training interests that stimulate active learning.