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11 of the most important quality standards for the training bag

Training packages are training content in different areas that trainers use to achieve specific goals. The training package includes literature, illustrations, support materials, training methods, training lesson plans and supplements, collected from sources or through practical and field experience. It is such a training tool and its procedural guide that trainers and trainees can use to achieve training objectives.

The concept of the training bag

Training bag: plan to implement the actual training process

11 of the most important quality standards for the training bag 1 11 of the most important quality standards for the training bag

Training is an organized activity aimed at transforming individuals and training target groups. One of the most important elements of building the training program is the provision of its scientific tools, the most important of which is the training package, which can be defined:

  • The training package is a set of tools, machines, information and means that help understand training materials and gain knowledge and skills by working directly with the components of the training package.
  • Or: A range of training expertise that is designed and prepared in a systematic, organized and coordinated manner by specialized experts and used by trainers as a training intermediary.
  • Instead: A document containing detailed instructions for training procedures used by one or more trainers to ensure that the objectives of the training program are achieved.
  • Or: An operational plan for the actual training process, Preparing the scientific material, activities and procedural steps required for implementation in accordance with the objectives of the training.

Some have expanded the concept of the training package to a more comprehensive concept that includes all training equipment and tools, materials, strategies and tactics, Designed in an integrated way to influence trainees’ knowledge, skills and behaviors to meet the required needs or part of who it is – is.

11 of the most important quality standards for the training bag 2 11 of the most important quality standards for the training bag

Basic items for the bag

Computer training

The following basic purposes:

  1. Clarify the content, objectives, conditions, deadlines and target functions of the project.
  2. Identify training units, timing, objectives and topics for each topic.
  3. Identify roles (trainers and trainees) participating in training.
  4. Used as a general guide to the management of training courses.
  5. Providing basic scientific materials and tools for practical application.
  6. Provide tools to measure skills and knowledge acquisition.

Types of training bags

In terms of use

Training bags
  1. Trainer’s bag.
  2. The trainee’s bag.
  3. A comprehensive bag.

In terms of design

  1. Integrative bag.
  2. Self-bag.
  3. Electronic bag.
  4. “Multiple Options” package

In terms of content

  1. Single training bag.
  2. Multi-unit training bag.

In terms of training activities

  1. Special training bag.
  2. A variety of training bags.

In terms of the subject

  1. Educational bag
  2. Training bag.

Components of the training bag

The training bag consists of five main parts:

Bag key

Contains elements related to the definition, purpose, importance, documentation and content of the bag.

Theoretical training content

It is the theoretical framework of the training package and contains information that helps the trainee understand the subject of the package and the ability to perform its basic application.

Hands-on training content

The practical application of the training bag and the follow-up division of training units where each training unit includes a training course that includes the training activities required to achieve the objectives of the course within a specified time frame.

Evaluation of the training bag

Includes tools to evaluate training content and measure metrics to achieve training package goals.

Sources of learning and accompanying educational materials

The work of educational means and educational materials accompanying the portfolio ensures that scientific materials and training content are improved and that trainers and trainees are helped to achieve the portfolio’s objectives.

Training bag properties

The training bag has a series of characteristics, the most important of which are:

  1. Systematic: The school bag is a complete training system, The portfolio has specific objectives that include a variety of activities and experiences, It contains a system of evaluation and feedback, All of this contributes to the portfolio’s objectives.
  2. Methodology: It is designed according to an organized scientific methodology
  3. Use multiple media and technologies
  4. Focus on training processes and their results.

Quality standards for the training bag

11 of the most important quality standards for the training bag 3 11 of the most important quality standards for the training bag
  1. Convenience: indicates the extent to which the vision and foundation training package is based, It is in line with the education and training policy.
  2. Regularity: Indicates the level of commitment to the structure of the training bag in accordance with the required institutional standards and procedures.
  3. Flexibility: Indicates the extent to which a training package can be applied based on the conditions and capabilities available.
  4. Accuracy: Indicates the degree to which the training bag is clear and free from mystery.
  5. Integrity: Indicates the credibility and ineffectiveness of the content of the training bag in information and data
  6. Inclusiveness: The extent to which the training bag contains goals and objectives.
  7. Scalability: The extent to which the training package can be developed in the future, Depending on the variable.
  8. Keeping up: This means how compatible the training package is with the variable variable characteristics.
  9. Loyalty: Indicates the degree to which the training bag meets the beneficiary’s wishes.
  10. Compatibility: Refers to the degree to which the training package adheres to the compatibility and consistency of its content.
  11. Integration: I mean the degree to which the training bag is committed to integrating the educational experience into its content

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