15 professional training methods
15 professional training methods
1. Lecture
The lecture is semi-formal modern , In which the trainer presents a series of events , facts, concepts or principles, Or conduct a formed survey, or between links.When to use the lecture:
The uses of the lecture can be the same:
- Introducing trainees to automaticbasics and learning assets assigned to the material.
- Give guidance on practices used in the following initiatives.
- Explain how systems, principles or concepts are performed.
- Reconsideration , interpretation , confirmation or summary.
- When the number of listeners is large.
- As soon as the time available is short.
Advantages of the lecture:
It is not associated with the headquarters or number ofd barrier as long as the speaker’s voice is communicated to the audience as it takes into account the different rate of learners, and is also used with other methods and in any period of the offer.
Lecture defects :
being a burden on the coach alone, He is the one who considers the material and delivers it without the participation of one of the.
The negative of the trainees, as their role is limited to listening only.
Ideas are not discussed between the coach and the trainees, as all ideas come from the coach alone.
Not suitable for teaching skills.
The trainees’ awareness of the subject is different because of the different possibilities of each of them.
The concept of the symposium:
It is a 30,50-minute dialogue between an expert and a number of trainees, with a number of questions asked to explore the various aspects of the subject, and the statement of the people to be interviewed in advance occurs with the types of questions that will be asked.
The advantages of seminars:
- Allowing trainees to ask their questions ensures that the material to be examined is appropriate to their needs.
- A limited number of people have the effect of having a meeting with them, so that they canbe asked to give a lecture.
- The one to be interviewed requires only modest preparation before the forum; as long as he is an expert in the field, the subject of dialogue.
- The interview is flexible; the interviewer may be asked to expand on the subject, clarify a limited number of points, or give examples.
Defects of seminars:
- Do not allow detailed information to be provided;
- Dan does not remain to provide data in a salary style that is easy to understand.
- Trainees’ questions usually eat the whole thing superficially, Or focus on a narrow individual aspect of the subject.
3.Guided discussion
Under that method, the trainer prepares a number of questions to serve the program, Then he incites those questions in a logical and systematic sequence and leaves the trainees to answer them, thereby informing them of an answer, It then moves on to a more recent question, thereby ending the delivery of information and knowledge and the development of trends and convictions in the manner of question and debate, It is a widespread and exciting method, but it requires professionalism and efficiency in the benefit of dialogue and its guidance to serve the goal well.
4. Conferences
Conference concept:
The method of meetings and group discussion methods is used to achieve training objectives. These methods include a mix of questions, answers and comments by the trainer, Answers , comments and questions from trainees, all of which are directed at investigating training objectives .
When do you use conferences? The conference method is used in:
- Develop innovative answers to problems.
- To pay attention, think and ensure participation in a situation where the trainee may be negative if the conference method is not used.
- Emphasize the necessarytraining points.
- Support lectures, readings or exercise .
- Domain’s awareness of the concepts and principles of the trainees, To determine whether the trainee is prepared to move to close-up materials or to more advanced materials.
- Preparing trainees to perform theoretical or action in specific situations.
- Interpret points , telly , or review topics.
- Preparing trainees for subsequent training .
- Domain’s determination gives trainees, And the effectiveness of previous training.
Conference benefits
- Giving the possibility to express the direction of his view , Hearing the views of others is motivating; It is professionally managed.
- Because trainees are positively involved in the planning of exercise topics, they are more convinced of the importance and usefulness of the content, just as they are more committed to the answers to the problems or judgments reached than if the content had been provided to them by the trainer.
- He became able to how trained seminars can effectively use the trainees’ culture, knowledge and experience.
- It also allows the method and how the trainer and participants benefit from the experiences and the result and fruit of the thinking performed by all shareholders.
- In that way , the incidence of learning in relation to the participant is directly proportional to the rate at which it contributes to the learning process. Since the meeting requires a high degree of contribution from trainees, it supports better and sustainable learning for them.
Conference flaws
- Lack of trainers capable of benefiting from controversy.
- Most seminars require pre-preparation in the appearance of readings, thinking and study.
- It takes a great time.
- Small number of subscribers.
- The agreement requires the degree and standard of participants in terms of culture, maturity and motivation.
5. Case study
It involves trainees in the training process; The group is required to analyse it and reach an appropriate solution, citing pros and cons, suggestions and recommendations.
When do you use case study? Use the method and how the study position is in:
- Develop in-depth dialogue of factors of gravity in the situation.
- Develop the ability to judge topics, critical thinking, and solve problems.
- Conclusion of the principles of the Commission.
- Developing the expertise of human connections.
Case study advantages :
- contribution by learners.
- realistic position or formed.
- Starting ideas into the insight of the various aspects of the formation.
- Systematic thinking.
- Keep paying attention.
- The trainees collaborated on self-awareness in the way they think, understand, listen.
The most fun and exciting methods
Case study flaws :
- Time-consuming.
- Number: The case study method is suitable only for small groups of learners.
Perfect answers. - Lack of objectivity in the answers.
- underestimate the situation because they know that it may not embody a real reality.
lacking high attention.
6. Dialogue teams:
The concept of dialogue teams:
In that way, a group of characters from (3-10) below the guidance of the dialogue team coordinator present their views in text or formed, or at specific points of extended text.
When do you use dialogue teams? Dialogue teams are used in:
- Identify or explore the proposal, and present ideas on a moral issue or problems for what is complete .
- Identify and interpret the benefits and disadvantages allocated to a specific set of works.
- The benefit of knowledge, expertise and specialties with outstanding specifications.
- Take into account in relation to a specific text or composition.
The advantages of dialogue teams:
- Allows for a degree of contribution with great groups that can’t be achieved using any other method.
- Providing differing opinions, as well as differences between the presenters, make that method and how it is a fun way to practice, as well as a kind of conversion in the training program.
The flaws of the dialogue teams:
- The full benefit of using how cannot be completed without expert leadership.
- The coordinator of the Modern Club must have an in-depth grasp of the subject of the dialogue, as it should be able to communicate with the presenters, as well as be able to roast the group of trainees to contribute.
7.Buzz Sessions
The concept of sizzling sessions: In this method and how a large group of trainees are distributed into small groups of 6 people, they are presented to each problematic group and have six minutes to discuss and prepare to document their findings to the enormous group.
When do you use sizzling sessions?
- This method and how it allows for the exchange of experiences and participation in ideas in a vast group, just as it identifies queries, contentious issues and problems that members of a large group want to discuss.
This method and how is also used to capture the participation of trainees who tend to be calm, as well as to install suggestions from the group to develop learning, and to revise problem answers.
Advantages of sizzling sessions:
This method allows all attendees to contribute and thus acquire feedback, making the debate more effective.
Defects and shortcomings of sizzling sessions:
- Requires it to be The leader is able to Group order in a hasty manner, and make them start in Work without losing time, Just like six minutes is not enough time to study. Problems with any Bottom, and what It fits that time . No more treatment. Uncomplicated contentious problems and issues.
8. Committees:
The concept of committees: A number of trainees are given between three and seven special employment in a problematic model, and the group is required to study the problem and reach proposed results and solutions or a number of operational steps, The Committee may prepare a report that it will submit orally to the grand group.
When do committees be used? The committee method is used in:
- Study, explore, text, or problem.
- Expanding the knowledge and experience of trainees in a specific field.
- Create a modern concept or return.
- Acquisition of trainee participation in the preparation of training initiatives ?
- Modify training efforts .
Committee advantages :
- The distribution of in-depth study responsibilityfor a variety of problems allows for a larger set of things to be examined in a shorter time, as all trainees benefit from the reports prepared by the many committees.
- The work of the committees also allows for the maximum utilization of the talent and capabilities allocated to the team members.
- In the end, the committees’ method allows trainees to perform leadership functions that are likely not found in other cases.
Committee defects :
- How committees need a lot of time and effort; Or a few users argue, or the group can’t reach a decree.
- It is customary for committees to propose simplified solutions as a result of the fact that half of the answers must be used to reach the Group’s agreement.
- Sometimes committees are assigned inappropriate tasks.
- At other times, committees may be asked to solve problems that could have been solved at the same level or in a better manner by one single mediation.
9. Brainstorming
The concept of agitating ideas: in Style and how to stir up ideas put to a group Slim selected taking care of a question about how to behave in Position or problematic, then asks People group generation The largest number possible ideas or The answers that He could generate it. Case or problematic, with Stimulating the free synergy between The views of the group’s characters . Ideas are written on a blackboard or flip board as quickly as they end up leaving.
When do you use the method of agitating ideas?
Use the way ideas are raised to develop new or innovative answers to problems, Develop innovation and pay trainees to contribute.
Advantages of agitating ideas:
Regardless of whether it’s He’s speculating that he’s going to be.10%) No other ideas that ends its production in During the period of raising ideas with to benefit But that ratio. It’s a number of him. its price among the ideas with The price, Just like the rhythm. Urgent in The duration of the agitation of the mind is a cause for pleasure.
The disadvantages of provoking ideas:
This method requires the group leader (trainer) to adjust the status options to the extent that productive views are raised, as the above needs to make sure that shareholders are aware of their roles, Work to move the group’s minds in a continuous way to ensure that ideas apply . The missed tasks require superior skill from the group leader, and the group’s productivity depends on the potential of the shareholders and their understanding of the process.
10.Role playing roleing
The concept of role-playing: Is a method and laboratory method of exercise that includes virtual representation to act by two or more individuals and ordered by the coach, The conversation grows from the reality of the situation arranged by the trainees who act. Each of the actors performs the role according to what he feels , Trainees who do not act act act as observers and critics, After the representation, the group discusses.
When does role-playing be used ?
How roles are played can be used in a training situation involving interaction between two or more people. It has been Use that method and how successfully with each Rates of workers starting from Executive rates and even higher benefit rates, as can Use in a wide range of training programs. Example: Nord Ma Come on lost used. That method and how in Fields of personal confrontation , guidance, And address the problems of effort and sale, humanrelations, safety, Conflict resolution, leadership and bargaining.
The benefits of role-playing?
- Performing the roles of others makes trainees aware of what those roles mean for others.
- Just as role-playing reveals the disparity between the behavior that trainees claim to do, Between their actual behaviour in a specific situation, the result is a greater understanding of the attributes, feelings, attitudes, values and abilities of individuals.
- Gives trainees a huge potential to discover modern trading items.
- Gives the possibility to trainees to observe and imitate others.
- He has been attracting the attention of trainees since the opening.Role-playing flaws ?
- Role representation takes a long time.
- Trainees may be upset when they receive feedback on their actions while representing the role.
- The unrealistic roles are often .
11. Demonstration
Concept of practical discourse : The trainer in the method and manner of practical engagement actually performs a process or work, presenting the trainees with what to do and how to do it, and using the illustration to show: Why, and where, And when does this be written off?
When does the practical statement be used?
- Training in motor procedures or practices (how to do something).
- Problem-solving training and skilled screening experiences.
- Explain the principles (why something works the way it works).
- Hardware operation training .
- Training in the team’s style of work.
- Class speech and the technical model of the workmanship.
Training in safety actions .
Advantages of style and how to speak practically: It takes a little time:
- It’s not about a specific number.
- It illustrates the way and how the practical speech is visionary, so the integrated performance of the procedure is evidenced, explaining the links between the steps of action and achieving the goal.
- How practical discourse has a representative appeal.
Practical statement flaws:
It should require very high professionalism, There may be a hardware failure, causing the practical engagement to fail, as it requires the transfer of equipment to the sermon headquarters, and the price of transport may not be commensurate with the outcome of the sermon.
12. Performance
Concept of performance: The method and how to practice is how the trainee is required under standard positions to perform the activities or skill experiences that he or she finishes his or her flexibility above. The performance is learning by doing.
When does the performance be used?
In general , the use of how to perform is the uses of how to speak practically itself; it uses the method and how to perform as a subsequent method of practical speech ; and therefore for training in action or motor work , The operation of devices, collective skill experiences and safety measures .
Performance advantages:
This method gives the trainee the ability to perform the knowledge he has acquired in real situations.
The use of this method and how is also a cause of the maximum non-negative contribution of trainees.
The style and manner of performance provide the opportunity for the trainer to observe the degree of learning achieved by each trainee.
Performance defects:
Savings requires abundant amounts of hardware, and also lacks many trainers just as it takes a long time.
13.Assignments Homework
In the method and manner of homework, the trainer assigns trainees readings in books or periodicals, or instruct them to create a project or research, Or assign them problems or exercises to practice specific professionalism.
When do you use homework? Duties are used in:
- Introduce trainees to a specific topic, so before taking it in class or in the lab.
- Preparing for a lecture, practical speech , or dialogue.
- Attention to individual differences in the possibilities or cultures and experiences of trainees lost by duties.
- Provide and provide the possibility for trainees to review the materials discussed in class, conduct the necessary training to develop skilled expertise or be able to solve problems.
- Providing trainees with educational enrichment materials.
Benefits of homework:
- Investigate a great amount of training material in a short time.
- This method and how to allow trainees to do adequate training to ensure that they master the skill of the exercise essay.
- Ensure that the content is presented according to the opinion of the one who stood on his feet by adjusting the training material instead of limiting it to the idea of the coach.
Disadvantages of homework:
- Require high realism from trainees.
- Completing duties is a burden on the coach.
- difficulty adjusting her mistakes.
References and books
And it’s a style. A fundamental classic, books, references and periodicals must be used, especially close to it, Just like the intern has to learn and get used to it. act and those references, because they will remain a source of The origins of science and knowledge, And the exercise may not be continuous and continuous. For one, However, those references will remain within reach of all. But it’s the flaws and shortcomings of that method that A lot of people don’t. They want to read and see, And some of them feel something of Boredom on return to Those references.
15.Audio-visual techniques
It is one of the most popular training methods in various training institutes on the planet, where the training material is collected in a video or tape or placed on slices or transparencys, Then he was exposed to the trainees, and the film work and the police must be well prepared and interesting to attract the attention of the trainees, Otherwise those roads will be boring for them, Because their contribution will then be limited.
The best training is to use a combination of two methods or more than exercise methods. For example, a trainer may use a course for homework, Then the lecture, Then he makes a practical statement in the face of the trainees, Trainees are then required to carry out a practical exercise.
15 professional training methods
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