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4 courses in media and journalism

Media is the foundation of our time and is considered one of the most important ways and means to deliver products and goods to consumers. Through means, larger groups of people can use simple traditional methods or adopt advanced modern methods.

Subjects entering the world of journalism and media are no longer limited to academic studies , It can even take courses to develop talents and competencies in journalism, This is better than academic studies where learners attend university after completing their studies and obtaining a certificate. If the research does not continue and keeping up with everything new will be seen as traditional knowledge rather than keeping up with the daily pace of development, Because those who seek success will succeed.

Journalism courses:

4 courses in media and journalism 1 4 courses in media and journalism

is a collection of lectures through which the skills of young people aspiring to enter the field of journalism are developed, Whether by taking online courses through specific websites or in professional fields. Media and journalism, Through these courses, Professional scientific materials provided by specialists in this field to meet the needs of the local media and press market.

By taking these courses, it is possible to gain employment opportunities in journalism through public relations and experience.

By involving students in journalism and media courses, They can keep up with developments, And increase the number of people working in this field in the media market, Visit the workplace regularly and obtain a recognized academic certificate. This field.

The most important courses:

Space station management course:

This role includes providing sufficient skills to manage and develop the space station.

1- Courses in modern and advanced public relations:

4 courses in media and journalism 2 4 courses in media and journalism

Through this session, several topics are discussed, the most important of which is the identification of basic concepts in the field of public relations, In addition to identifying all communication methods and methods, As well as identifying methods. That must be followed by progress and development. Making progress in this area, Through this course, Participants will also be able to understand the planning and determine its type.

2- The course of visual and journalistic influence.

3- A course in field reporting.

Attend presentation preparation and broadcast courses.

Taking courses in the fields of arts and public relations.

4- Courses for the development of international means and communication technology skills.

And many other important courses in the media and the press.

4 courses in media and journalism 3 4 courses in media and journalism

The best sites for training journalists for free:

There are many distinguished institutions that train young people free of charge in journalism. The most important of these institutions are:

  • Reuters website:

It’s a guide for journalists from News of the World, It is an agency dedicated to providing journalists with important foundations and topics, By training them to conduct interviews and investigations, And how to respond to press conferences, And many other important things.

  • BBC Press Institute website:

The Academy is considered a treasure of media and journalists because the Academy offers its services free of charge and does not receive any materials. The Academy provides reports and information and is committed to providing diverse training in many languages and technical fields. And how to succeed in e-writing and news writing, Through training at the Academy, Ethics, copyright and intellectual property.

  • Deutsche Welle Academy:

A German academy is interested in holding a number of training and educational seminars specializing in journalism and media. Courses are free, But it’s not online as it’s provided through a specific website and a specific academy headquarters.

  • International Journalists Network:

Is considered one of the most important networks and news sources for those interested in the media and the press, It speaks seven languages and its main objective is to train and promote journalists professionally and distinctly, Using the methods and tools used. In the field of digital journalism, It also offers educational videos in the field of media. The first is to educate journalists and increase their visibility in the world.

  • Platform Gallery:

It is a free Arab platform, Available online, It focuses not only on the areas of media and journalism, It aims to educate trainees in many other areas. The Gallery platform offers free media training courses offered by specialists in the field of journalism and media. What is the difference between this course? Other courses require students to conduct practical research that must be submitted regularly after each stage of the course has been completed, At the end of the course, each participant has his or her own assessment replacing the electronic certificate. The site to attend later only in the event of direct participation is not possible.

  • The Website of Perception:

A Jordanian site that is interested in providing free courses in many different fields and specialties, Including courses for those interested in journalism and media, One of the courses offered in the media field is the film-making tour with Nadine Labaki.

  • Conclusion:

At the end of this article we will learn about the role and importance of the media and the press at the present time, So is the importance of courses in this area.

4 courses in media and journalism 4 4 courses in media and journalism

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