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4 features of distance training and 2 challenges

Remote training is indirect training for a group of people in a specific position and time, As an integral part of education and development, Remote training is provided online through training courses and virtual seminars, As well as compared to previous years, The demand for distance training has increased compared to the past two years. This is due to the coronary virus outbreak.

4 features of distance training and 2 challenges

Training is a process whose main objective is to gain the experience and knowledge a person needs, and gain the information and data it lacks, appropriate authority and direction of action, appropriate skills and behaviors, and habits necessary to improve his ability. Performance efficiency, It can also be defined as a process that is continuous and regular throughout an individual’s life and its main purpose is to stimulate the individual’s ability to achieve a high degree of professional growth and performance by providing them with skills and information relevant to their profession or field of work.

Features of remote training:

Distance training has many advantages, the most important of which are:

Reasonable prices:

In the normal chapter (face to face), There is only one major requirement to be met, which is to be the coach or teacher and the recipient of information in the same place and time, But in distance training, Thanks to developments in science, communication technology and the Internet, They don’t have to be in the same location together where a training session can be held to bring people from multiple countries together that are simultaneously distributed around the world, This helps to reduce the costs of this quota if it occurs face-to-face.

Resources are available:

Due to the difficulty of obtaining the best competencies from one party only, As well as visa problems, and programming conflicts, And many other reasons, Many trainees travel around the world to reach the most skilled trainers for information and experience in various fields. Reason. This can result in long-term disconnection before the channel reaches the intended recipient. On the other hand Remote training helps overcome all the difficulties of choosing the best coach without interruption of communication, Access is better.

4. Ease and comfort:

Face-to-face training is very strict on the one hand with daily attendance, But also with the conditions that trainees face in life such as travel obstacles, weather, climate change and any emergencies. On the other hand Unlike remote training, which can be adjusted flexibly according to the circumstances and priorities of the trainee, In addition Nature and timing can be customized training is done according to the condition of the trainees and their lives, Remote training is simple and comfortable.

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Challenges of remote training:

Just as there are advantages to remote training, There are challenges to remote training, including:

1- Level of privacy:

Remote training provides a more private virtual environment so that trainers and recipients can hide their identities, which creates a kind of separation between the coach and the receiver, This contrasts with face-to-face training between the coach and the recipient. to a more coherent education.

2. Lack of any human contact:

Face-to-face training ensures that communication and interaction between humans take place in a fairly controlled environment, While teletraining is not done by human interaction, which happens through devices, devices, and virtual classrooms, Which is not an option. the social nature of human beings.

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