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31 Professional Traits of a Successful Coach

31 Professional Traits of a Successful Coach

There are a set of traits that a successful coach must have. We will learn about them below

31 Professional Traits of a Successful Coach

1- Speaking method (pure voice – arrange words, sentences and paragraphs)
2- Arranging and organizing the entry of materials (title – beneficiaries – monitoring and collecting students’ expectations of the plan – importance – life elements – application).
3- Activating the instinct in material service (loyalty – interaction with matter – the heat and fertility of supply).
4- Attributing consideration to students.
5- Using a variety of training methods, And the way to deal with exercises and actual situations is different (written exercises – oral exercises – exercises on the display screen – training aids – video presentation – earphone ..).
6- The participants in the training and their task is to present most of the educational materials on their tongues.
7- Respond and interact with the trainee’s questions and requests.
8- With self-confidence, a smile and a calm spirit that radiates the general spirit of the coach.
9- Quality of handwriting and good use of the board.
10- Good use and use of the available presentation tools.
11- Good management and allocation of presentation time (between the introduction elements – main and conclusion).
12- Spontaneity, understanding the nature and method of trainees, dealing with them, and hiring appropriate trainees to serve the subject.
13- To have a good understanding of the material that the trainer will deal with, It is important to maintain a broad scholarly balance on the topic to ensure the richness of the presentation and the quality of the trainee’s discussions and inquiries. 14- Use a lot of real practical examples.
15- Divide the material into units (paragraphs) and the results of each paragraph to ensure that the material is organized in the trainee’s mind, Easy to understand and not cluttered.
16- Flexibility and good behavior in different situations sometimes surprise the coach.
17- Remembering the name of the trainee, which increases his ability to interact with the trainee and gain his ability to interact with the plan.
18- Balance activities and actions with each paragraph of the plan (moderate, not excessive or negligent).
19- Avoid and get rid of common pests (repetition – continuous casting – submission – monotonous and monotonous). 20- Using the program’s vocabulary to change and organize the nature of the tone and tone of the voice, In order to realize the interaction of the trainees and prevent them from indulging.
21- Accuracy, regularity, decisiveness and clarity in the implementation and management of training plans are among the most important tools of successful trainers.
22- Imitation of spontaneity and distance.
23- Pay attention to the strong beginning and the strong end.
24- It tends to simplify and reflect the meaning to ensure ease of understanding and understanding.
25- Paying attention to improving the training environment (the courses in which the trainee feels comfortable – lighting – sound – calm – oxygen).
26- Activating the break time (controlling knowledge and rationalizing certain behaviors – reorganizing the student’s environment)
27-Have a good sense of training success (time audience training environment), and control and change them in line with the interests of the plan.
28- Ensure that the largest number of trainees participate in the discussion.
29- Observing the special distance between students and students: Distance (space psychology – phrases and words – nature and type of actual situations – expressions of encouragement, praise and gratitude – generalization regardless of homework – consideration, degree, speed. Distribution…).
30- Good listening and interaction with the trainees.
31- Ask the trainees about the percentage of goals they have achieved from the plan, comments and suggestions on the plan, and how to implement it.

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31 Professional Traits of a Successful Coach

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