How to design your training course in a professional way
How to design your training course in a professional way
Or not: In terms of audience model:
According to the reasons for participating in the recitation, The audience is divided into two groups: The most important volunteer or forced. Volunteer listeners are those who voluntarily participate in the recitation, Because most adults who participate in religious activities, such as political or adult meetings, You can also voluntarily participate in this activity. Just because you think it will benefit you. Conversely ,
The forced listener is the one who participates in the ceremony because he feels the necessity of participating in the ceremony – he is the person who is hated, compelled, or compelled to attend the party – in many cases, You will on many occasions look up to yourself as part of a forced audience – for example, some committee or council meetings,
Or you can even attend this meeting to meet your needs. You may also feel obligated to attend the lecture. Please keep in mind that the reason you attend a speech, presentation or conference may greatly affect your mood to listen to the music.
Second, the mood of the audience:
How to design your training course in a professional way
Third in terms of audience size:
Fourth in terms of occasion:
Fifth, in terms of physical environment
Sixth in terms of time:
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