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How to design your training course in a professional way

How to design your training course in a professional way

When you are concerned with the demographic and psychological characteristics of the audience, It can identify the needs and motives of the audience, It is best to analyze the audience’s model, mood, size, display occasion, physical environment and delivery time.

How to design your training course in a professional way

Or not: In terms of audience model:

According to the reasons for participating in the recitation, The audience is divided into two groups: The most important volunteer or forced. Volunteer listeners are those who voluntarily participate in the recitation, Because most adults who participate in religious activities, such as political or adult meetings, You can also voluntarily participate in this activity. Just because you think it will benefit you. Conversely ,

The forced listener is the one who participates in the ceremony because he feels the necessity of participating in the ceremony – he is the person who is hated, compelled, or compelled to attend the party – in many cases, You will on many occasions look up to yourself as part of a forced audience – for example, some committee or council meetings,

Or you can even attend this meeting to meet your needs. You may also feel obligated to attend the lecture. Please keep in mind that the reason you attend a speech, presentation or conference may greatly affect your mood to listen to the music.

Second, the mood of the audience:

Describe the audience’s reaction to the speaker’s support, opposition, or neutrality—the speaker’s ideas or reasons for attending or meeting. Each of these groups seems simple – but deceptively – the audience may or may not agree (moderately, moderately, or strongly) with the speaker’s topic. The level of this sharpness must be determined by the speaker,
So the public slightly disagrees with your view that homeschooling is a good way of teaching, It is easier to persuade him than someone who strongly opposes him. If you believe a certain audience is neutral on your topic, You have to try to find the reason for neutrality, Because some may not like your topic, Then you will convince those audience of the importance of your topic.
There may be other audiences incompatible with your topic, So your strategy should be to provide the audience with the necessary information to make them understand and believe your ideas. Some listeners may be hesitant about your topic and may find it interesting and understandable, But they have not yet decided which position they will support or oppose. In this case , Your strategy should be to support your ideas and signal their opposition twice as long. Audience reaction is a complex activity.
The more you know about your audience, This process has become easier. The audience may not agree, disagree, or just neutralize the speaker and topic. They can even hear the speech during the meeting. We often have to treat volunteer listeners as friendly and forced listeners as hostile, This is what often happens. And because they must attend, They listened to the speaker in a clearly hostile manner.
Contacting the audience to find out the reason for the meeting and their attitude towards the speaker is not easy. The audience is free to attend without the support of the speaker or the topic of the speaker, Such as those who participate in political speeches to protest or harass the speaker.
Instead of that , They may seem eager to hear the utterance rather than being forced to display a hostile attitude. You may encounter compulsive listeners from time to time. as we said, Do not worry , Forced listeners do not have to oppose the speaker or the occasion. When you choose an important story or topic to read, You will bear the responsibility; If the audience notices that you are speaking briefly, or use this opportunity to express your political or religious views, The audience may increase their opposition to you. to remember: Recitation is an activity aimed at the audience, And always remember the needs and interests of your audience when organizing your mail.
When you are preparing your resume for the audience, please pay attention to the following points:
Or not:
Your understanding of the audience will be incomplete, And it is impossible to find all the information about the audience, Sometimes you will have to make guesses based on incomplete information.
Please pay attention to the point we made earlier that the information collected for dumping may be little or useless, Because the success of broadcasting depends mainly on the quality of the audience. on the other side , for example , If you are discussing the topic of prayer, The religious beliefs of the audience will matter.
Remember that your audience is not all, Rather, it is a group of individuals who listen with different experiences, values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and personalities, And you should not think that your audience has one point of view on your topic because audience analysis will prove to you that they have a different perspective on your topic. You may not always have the opportunity to get detailed information before preparing your presentation, The more specific and accurate your audience analysis, The better your ideas are, the better you can achieve your set goals.
In order to create a bio for your audience, You will need to use information collected about demographics and psychology

How to design your training course in a professional way

Third in terms of audience size:

Design a training course in terms of the larger the audience, reduced opportunities for interaction between the speaker and the audience; As for speaking in front of a small group of people, The speaker may be repeatedly interrupted by repetitive questions. The speaker may be sitting in a chair or at the edge of a table while speaking. This may be a completely informal situation, In this case, the speaker may use spoken language and a comfortable speaking style when speaking.
When the audience grows, The speaker will have to increase the volume and exaggerate his gestures. The language of delivery may become more formal, Especially when the speaker knows the delivery or recorded delivery. When the distance between the speaker and the last line increases, It is necessary to slightly increase the volume of the speaker’s voice, gestures and facial expressions, Focus on visual aids so that the audience can see them. Unless the audience is encouraged to ask questions after speaking.
Otherwise, they will remain silent. As you see , The number of audiences affects the type of speech and the way it is received.

Fourth in terms of occasion:

Designing a course in terms of the occasion – the reason for the event – is an important factor in determining the type of audience you will meet. You must ask yourself why did he meet this audience? Under what conditions do you collect them? Organization meetings, annual meetings, banquets, gatherings, races, and regular meetings are all examples of occasions. Occasions can be formal or informal,
serious or comic, organized or spontaneous, restricted or open to all plus a simple definition of the event, You may also need to be a speaker to understand the history of the event or the recent history of the group you are dealing with.
for example , You can say that the staff of your organization invites you to speak in front of the entire organization, And if the employees are in recent disputes with members, Most listeners may view your words with suspicion. . To understand any occasion, You need to understand the purpose and circumstances of the meeting.

Fifth, in terms of physical environment

Design a training course in terms of each physical environment – or particular place – that will impede the communication process, For example, the size of the room may hinder the communication process. And you may talk while eating, It may compete with the loudest voices: for example , The sound of the party by the door of the hall still gave a warm atmosphere to the room, So the hall in which you will lie must be prepared in advance to fully understand and explore the physical environment that will be abandoned.

Sixth in terms of time:

If you can choose, Will you choose a 9 a.m. or 1 p.m. delivery time? If you are a model, Even if you are not one of the first risers, You have to choose nine in the morning.
Both coaches and trainers find it difficult to teach and teach at noon time due to the low energy of the individual. The time of the speech is an important part of the analysis of the timing of the speech, Because a 4 p.m. speech on Friday is more likely to make the audience tired than a 9:30 a.m. speech on Saturday, So you will face the audience who is about to sleep, And then you must increase your energy to recover.
their activities. The class schedule (especially as part of other class schedules) may affect audience hearing. If your role is behind many other speakers, You’ll need to work harder to get and keep your audience’s attention. Briefly , If the audience is performing poorly, They should plan to redouble their efforts to get the cast back. Time factors may not prompt you to change the subject, But it may affect your delivery method.

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How to design your training course in a professional way

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