Training bag preparation guide
The process of preparing and designing training bags is a very important process in the success of any training course, and The preparation period of the training bag aims to develop an operational plan for the training course of the so-called training bag preparation manual by designing the scientific material and the procedural steps necessary to build the course.
By relying on knowledge and reference for training objectives, expertise, training methods and methods, for which decrees have been taken in the preparation of a training bag to ensure the superiority of the training course on the basis of sound scientific and technical standards.
Benefits of using training bags
Training bags
First: Explain the role of the trainer and trainee in the training course.
Secondly: The training bag acts as a general guide to manage the entire course.
Thirdly: Provides assessment tools for skills and information gained throughout the course.
Fourthly: Explain the scientific content and the duration of the course.
Fifthly: A detailed explanation of each training unit and its duration.
Sixthly: The training bag prepares the necessary scientific material and basic tools.
The goal of the training bag preparation guide
The guide to the preparation of bags aims to clarify technical and formal standards in order to Design a training bag for the trainer’s training course and this as a guide when designing training bags and using them as a basis for technical review as aimed at
A guide to preparing a training bag
to help the equipment of the training bag arrange its contents in a way that ensures the logical sequence of training units and their topics, as well as the formal uniformity of the course bags while providing the necessary qualifications during the stages of preparation, use and development of the training bag.
The training bag designer creates the training bag preparation guide While preparing the bag and attached to the bag, It follows the same procedural line of scientific, technical and formal review and this guide is separated after its final output to be ready for the use of the member of the Training Association in the performance of the training subject.
Coach’s role
The training bag manual aims to clarify the role of the trainer in the training process by interpreting training activities and the procedures for their application and management within a specific time frame.
Evaluation tools
The guide contains various aids such as slides, numbers and film names in the Training Technology Library.
These tools serve as tools to assess the acquisition of skills and typical information and the grades allocated to each estimate are determined
Training bag preparation guide sections
The training bag preparation manual consists of two sections and the first is for the trainer and trainees together and this part of the guide focuses on the scientific material contained in the
training bag
and the second part of the guide is for the trainer only explaining the method and how to design the guide to apply the bag.
First: Training material bag
One training bag is prepared for each training material so that it can be used by the sports director and trainee and the material bag consists of five main sections each consisting of the next
Section 1 (bag key):
This section contains the components related to documentation and contents and provides a comprehensive and general picture of the program in all its elements.
This part consists of the following elements:
1- The lesson of the cover of the material bag, which contains the name of the training material, the program, the sector, the name of the bag’s preparer and the scientific references and who updated the bag.
2- List of main contents
3- A copy of the approved program guide
Section 2 (article chart):
This section gives the training material divided into parts equal to the number of its units and separates each unit from the next one with a paper bearing the name of the following unit.
The content of the training module part consists of the following components:
1- Role model of the training unit, which includes the name of the training unit, the number of hours, its behavioral goal and its topics
2- Training sessions, the training sessions for each unit reflect the basic training activities to meet and accomplish the objectives of the session within a certain time frame of 50 or 100 minutes.
– Session Number
– The time spent of the training session
– Objectives of the training session
– Topics of the training session
– The basic training activities of the session (here concludes the mention of the main initiatives expected by the trainee, but the details of the implementation procedures are placed in the manual of the application of the training bag)
Section 3 (Scientific Material and Applications):
That part includes the following elements:
1- Scientific material in the form of brief definitions in the form of definitions of terms related to the topics of the training unit or a determination of the stages and steps that need to be implemented applications familiar with them.
Training applications and basic tools to implement them
Section 4 (evaluation):
In this part, a copy of the tools to measure the acquisition of skilled expertise and knowledge can be attached to the use of the trainee or only mention the evaluation class and grades for each training unit, but the evaluations that the technical director prefers to keep until the time of evaluation are attached to the implementation manual and take into account the importance of linking evaluations to the objectives of the training unit. The division of evaluation scores should be taken into account in proportion to the size of the training unit, with the total evaluations for each unit equivalent to the final grade pool of the training material, which is equivalent to 100 degrees.
Section 5 (references):
This part consists of a list of external reads related to the training unit and the basic references used, their classification numbers, publisher, date of publication and pages numbers related to the training bag, for the purposes of scientific documentation and to help the trainee to refer to the main origins of the scientific material
Secondly: Training bag execution guide
The program designer prepares the manual for the application of the training bag during the
preparation of the training bag
and attached to the bag and walks in the same procedural line for scientific, technical and formal review and details that guide so far its final output to be ready to use the member of the training organization when applying the training material.
This guide aims to explain the role of the trainer in the training process by explaining the training activities and procedures for their performance and management within a certain time frame.
The contents of the performance of the training bag:
The training bag execution manual was taken into account not to follow the vehicles contained in the bag.
The content of the training bag performance manual consists of the:
1- The cover includes the name of the article, the name of the program, the name of the sector, the name of the directory and the date of preparation
2- The name of the training unit as stated in the bag
3- The number of the training unit as stated in the bag
4- The time of the training unit as stated in the bag
5- The number of the training session as stated in the bag
6- The time of the training session as stated in the bag
7- Qualified and photographed for training activities for every session
8- Description of the procedures for applying each of the activities of the training session
9- Identify the supporting training methods that will be used in every training session
Your bag foundation guide to preparing training bags
Our organization provides your bag foundation for training bag development and design services a guide to the preparation of training bags