How to become a successful coach
How to become a successful coach
First: Preparation, preparation and preparation must be made:
This is the basic principle of any good training work, Therefore, the importance of planning and pre-preparation should not be underestimated as needed. Successful trainer – from preliminary observations to evaluation stage –
For example It is clear from my experience that the estimated time share by the trainer for each training unit is not accurate, The trainer must be able to modify the course materials, content and occasional exercises. As a matter of fact Your wishes prove that you respect participants and pay the utmost consideration and appreciation for their precious time.
In addition Good preparation and proper preparation make a good impression on all individuals involved in the training process (including participants, managers, supervisors, officials, etc.), It will also enhance the coach’s confidence in themselves and enable him to take the lead, This saves him from feeling frustrated, incapacitated or unable to achieve training goals.
Secondly: Setting course goals:
Participants must understand their expectations of the session and must be clear about the final objective of the session. For example If the training course is used for administrative supervision, At any level, the information will be displayed:
Primary, intermediate or advanced?
or through cooperative practice and discussion at the beginning of the meeting. The specific goal will provide more productive education. If the target is unknown or the scope is too wide, Participants will waste their energy guessing important things.
Understanding the key points this course will cover is an effective way to clarify the objectives of the course.
These points can be advertised and published in catalog form, in a separate working paper or in front of each unit, Or in the form of a training package in the accompanying exercise. These points should show the new knowledge or skills to be acquired for training.
Thirdly: Let students participate fully in the learning process:
Here are some ways to make the course interactive to encourage learning:
* Provide many options: Invite trainees to participate in the decision-making of the course. For example Allow them to participate in the meeting schedule, And choose the method of meeting and choose the leader of the group, These options can be personal, Voting can be used when needed
* Design training activities in the form of interaction and assembly, And divide the participants into groups, And make them compete with each other or with other groups.
* By asking students questions, Students can participate in many interactive exercises,
And these exercises are related to the kind of questions you ask, Including games. Role play, personal experience, examinations, laboratory tests, discussions, seminars and field trips.
Fourthly: Review the agenda and take action:
Fifthly: Encourage questions:
It is important for them to be in this position, since this is the area where the greatest gains in learning and experience are obtained.
Trainees are less involved and their problems disappear. Another benefit for you and your participants is that these questions can remind you of information you may have overlooked.