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3Th most important ways to increase knowledge during training

3Th most important ways to increase knowledge during training

The aim of the training is to get learners to retain the knowledge and skill experiences they gained during training so that they can apply them at the headquarters of the effort, a concept often referred to as ” training transfer”. As corporate trainers, we need to ensure that that transfer of knowledge and information falls by providing content and facilitating lessons in a way that increases learnersability to retain information.
    3Th most important ways to increase knowledge during training

3Th most important ways to increase knowledge during training

There aretechniques that we can use to increase learners‘ retention rates, and a few of those methods you have successfully used in my courses have been putin your hands for use in your courses.

Multisensory education:

Education is centered Multisensory About the students were given a chance. For multi-sensory use in During training, Where it’s proven that Retention rates Rises when using education strategies Multi-sensory .

Several years ago, I attended a “training” course that turned out to be only a lecture by an expert. Unfortunately, during the lecture, the speaker only stimulated the hearing, so I went on to lecture on a mental level after 10 minutes and i only came out with a little information.

And after A few months later, I attended another lecture by a teacher. An expert who knows clearly. The price of multisensory education. A man lost his lecture. About A summary using techniques that made me stay interactive. with him by converting the amount of his voice and tone and using Ample means including slides and color images. And most importantly , That’s it. When he finished his lecture, which was a degree tremendous interaction granted Educated Opportunity To apply content Through activities and exercises Variety.

I can honestly say that I remember more from second training than I do from the first training because I used both the senses of hearing, sight, and touch.

Descriptive language:

What is descriptive language? Descriptive language includes the use of different metaphors ( e.g . metaphor, measurement, stories, and tales) throughout the presentation of the content of the course.Although it is modest to simply read information immediately from the facilitator’s guide or from diverse media segments, providing content in this way will fail to increase learners’ ability to retain information.

Take pictures in the brains of learners, where doing so may help them connect the content of the course to a voice they have heard, Or a smell they smelled, or a touch they felt in their lives. Using this technology will bring life to your courses and make it more important to your audience and more interesting to them. Descriptive language can also be used to open or conclude your course, Use surprises or gain the attention of learners after lunch or break.


Learners stated that you would welcome them to take notes in any way and how they would stand with regard to them (whether by writing outlines, Or by writing whole sentences, Or mental planning during your show. According to blogger Dustin Wax: “When we write something down, the more we get interested , the more it looks like we’re doing this thing. Writing data seems to be working as a microtraining work on this information.”Another point associated with writing notes that needs to be taken into account is to encourage learners to write notes in their own handwriting instead of using computers or mobile devices. Handwriting notes is a more careful and systematic process that leads learners to listen and summarize using their words. One research shows that absorbing and writing information in your style can support enhanced absorption and retention of information.

The high ability of learners to retain information is not always the easiest task to accomplish in classes, However, with the abundant use of senses, And the use of descriptive language, To encourage note-taking , learners will retain more of what they learn during training so that they can recover their use at work.

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    Why do we need training?
3Th most important ways to increase knowledge during training

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3Th most important ways to increase knowledge during training

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