Everything you want to know about e-training
Everything you want to know about e-training
That Evolution and openness had implications. Positive Resulted in Increasing Consideration Rehabilitation And modify Performance Employees and their performance upgraded To protect and save head property The intellectual who count Base point In institutions, To be able to Adaptable that the crashing waves of developments that produced inventions and innovations that Look Every second?
Loyal Times The last one spilled over. Attention to educational institutions in the belief of the owners of Regulatory order The importance of the role Race What you’re doing. that Institutions to create society And so due to Rise numbers of workers, different cultures and austerity policies for expenses, Without losing sight of the eligibility of all workers in Acquisition Opportunities to learn and practice everything that is modern so that the workers can continue to do With their tasks. Administrative. training Supports Development And modify Their potential. on Version And giving.
Everything you want to know about e-training
And that’s where it came out. Need To the establishment of development center officials And a workout. Resources humanityin their roles, Starting from the transfer Urgent In different Fields And on top of it. Techniques And ways education and exercise, moving on from the old ways For exercise. to more modern ways to invest the technological revolution and meet request Workers to professional development and implement the policies of senior departments and achieve their objectives. That’s why. Became Institutions International, and educational institutions, Racing In a break-in. Categories ” Exercise “Electronic” by means of Providing training and educational programs through knock Various electronic includes Disks Al , Madwajeh And a network. the internet how Timed Or otherwise. Timed The adoption of the principle of self-training.
The concept of electronic training
man a group of Electronic training specialists from corners plentiful so eat Few electronic training By Being a “process” Complete In which to equip Environmental conditions Interactive rich in applications based on technology Computer and its multiple networks and media, which enables the trainee to Access to Goals Training process by means of his interaction with their sources, And so. In the shortest time Possible, and up. rates Ingenuity without Restricting limits headquarters And time.”
As Consider Few to the concept of electronic training from the point of view of training content sees it as “a training process To aspire to Providing training content by means of That is Favoritism from Methods and ways of working Contact Recent from equipment he charged who And a network. the internet To get over the distance. Terrain between the trainee and the trainer, It is the electronic training that Mays There is the trainee who trains and who trains and what he trains in the frame Barriers Possible.”
Who do I care about? With the significance of the programs offered by electronic training, he sees that “providing educational training programs through Means Various electronic includes Disks Corrugated, networks Internet in a way Timed Or otherwise. parallel, depending on the principle Exercise Self-training or training With the help of Coach.”
As for those who searched for the element of interaction in the concept of electronic training, he defined it as “a training process that uses technological technologies. To show And provide electronic bags or interact with trainees Whether in a manner Parallel Or not. parallel, Led by coach or without him, or By The two styles All of them.”
It is noticeable By the foregoing mentioned that the concept of electronic training is a means Close to the covenant And sophisticated. aspire to utilization Technology Al , Jadida To improve head Wealth Human in the vicinity Scientific fulfills the wishes of the workers And ambitions Senior administrations.
The concept of electronic training has witnessed an amazing development in its methods and methods due to Evolution in Plans and strategies Educational The new, As That the emergence of a concept Body The knowledge that Trying A lot of Institutions to Performed It had an impact. Great in Update Methods, methods of work and policies of electronic training.
E-training features
Electronic training offers opportunities Overwhelming to invest technological advances in Square training Remarkably with Saving Overwhelming in Age And the effort. And expenses. Besides, moan Exercise Electronic Allows For trainees Cascade Efforts Training As they please without embarrassment and what Fit Their potential. Until they’re good. Skilled experiences Training required.
Electronic training adopts a number of Standards That gives him. superiority from Rest Forms of electronic training, As a variety Headwaters Contained in the training program In different Activity to serve species Trainees enrich their experiences.
cod Includes Training program on knock Effective in Drag interest Trainees and agitation Interest And it allows To the interns. Exams Tribal and later measure feeltheir skills and knowledge As Do Effort Group among trainees by performance Activities collective.
Training Electronic Based on Sequence Expression Scientific material and interaction with Efforts And perform Calendars With a way Scientific, plus. establishment Activities in a manner Incites Thinking and interacting with the trainee And it allows Him Food The review.
elements Training E-mail:
get up Exercise e-mail on three main pillars agreed Above it. Interested so Subject Down to Detective Purposes Thisis a barrierto the training process, And that. The pillars are:
- Trainee: Usually it is The employee Scientifically qualified to the degree His ability. from performance Missions Done as that it Obtain Experience with the time Backed To adapt. And adapting. With variables Heterogeneous. But evolution doesn’t stop. As a result of moan Exercise Electronic Accompanied by Increasing in Technological And her methods. And so. Requires must The increase New. And if Excellence Training Depends on obstacle tremendous to having an intern convinced of the importance of Training and his need for it and the presence of trainees involved in purposes Same Experiences and career levels.
- Coach: Varies The role of the coach in the process Training about the role of the teacher in the teaching process, So. It’s from Important Choosing a coach Appropriate that Compose between scientific qualification and practical experience that makes him able to use Methods Training diverse in accordance with rate Trainees And nature Training, and its objectives.
In order to choose aadaptive coach , attentionmust be paid tothe following criteria :
- To have a yearning for training and self-development.
- continuation Everything that is modern in his field of work.
- Being able to Weaving socialbonds with the trainees , which helps the coachto play his role in the training room .
- He must enjoy the experience in the field of training as well as in the training subject that he will supervise.
Training material
Irrespective of difference Training about education in its goals and methods but that That Difference no Means No attendance Readings, books and references of any Launched It’s supposed tobe based. Above it Trainee in the application process. The difference is that scientific material Regarding into Training It’s usually brief, and the coach doesn’t explain it and detail it. As The teacher does, but it’s In the framework of Contents of a bag Training So that Get back To her the intern in Time That suits him.
As That scientific material Include On applications, exercises and study cases finish use at room Training Each He’s doing it. The intern alone, and some of them perform. In a group style. by distribution Trainees to groups.
favors Regarding To the scientific material to assign its preparation to the coach who will take over application Training program. And that Complement Straightened by Specialists before exercise , And it happens. Evaluated by trainees after exercise .
If Training So Dyed color The operation has to be. Launched Entrances Hypothetically, And that. No Means A defect taken on a process training, it lies Shortage and dysfunction Sometimes. In the style of the coach when he’s drifting for the modalities. Virtualas lectures.
phases Training Electronic
Exceed Training E-mail in his career towards find out Purposes For which he was designed in a number of stages. maybe Complement Clarified as Come on:
- Identify training needs: And it goes off. That Duration from commendation Disabilities with trainees and put it on style goals End Approved by Utility Supreme And so. Starting from must Effort on lock Deficit and refinement Skills for workers and determine Goals Public and private For exercise. And put Plans and strategies Measures Necessary to improve Performance Trainees Considering Goals public of the institution.
- Planning Preparation for training programmes: Wyrno By how cross out On her hand. Translate Plans and strategies And strategies. And practices. that have been approved in duration Identify training needs, then Ranking with Specialists with a goal and landed Chart General training program and content collection of the training material and selection worthy roads Adapt For exercise, choose Efforts and ways change, and then Complement Moving on to Cooperation with Specialize Exercise To start designing electronic training programs whose content has been agreed upon previously.
- Implementation: Includes That Duration A number of Initiatives Important, You start by selecting The program’s executive schedule, including That’sa headquarters identification . Training , arrangement, preparation of equipment and daily follow-upof practices Apply the program step by step.
In addition to Methods Patch Custom trainees to measure Domain They benefited from sessions Training For the electronic program Which bestows those who are responsible for the exercise Marks Obvious into area Detective Purposes General training programs, And try to enter any Updates Or the extras it takes. Status Training Returns To benefit from Contributors In the training program.
- Calendar: Interested process revision Exercise you are specifying Basics And the standards. That could by it behavior Updates to improve alignment Training and draw up his future plans, down to determining Actions Necessary Followed by It’s possible. moan be a reason for Conversion Effective More than Other. It includes Questions that Have to To put up I have processing Training program before (input) and in throughout (Procedures) and after (outputs) training .
And also correction The effectiveness and impact of the training program, which Linked With the questions that Needed To ask and answer. Until now To be honest Training program Specifically around (Outputs), In an effort to make mistakes. past, and to develop training Next To become More effective and successful.
Everything you want to know about e-training
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