4Th most important stages of electronic training design
E-training is defined as an active, non-traditional training system based on websites to communicate information to trainees and take advantage of all aspects of the training process without having to move to the training site, Without being a trainer and an intern at the same time.
4Th most important stages of electronic training design
In space, Achieve 3D interaction (digital training content – trainees – trainers and trainees) and manage the training process as quickly and cheaply as possible.
The design of electronic training goes through several stages, including:
• Phase 1: E-training planning
In the planning phase of training, The Open Education Center formulates annual and quarterly training plans based on the strategic plan of the training organization and the general objectives of the department and the objectives of the center, Especially in building the capacity of the training organization and the professional empowerment of the teaching team to achieve the principle of investing in knowledge associated with knowledge and awareness, Cooperation with community agencies.
At this point, According to the needs of the target evaluation group, Coordination is made with education experts, researchers and training experts to develop the comprehensive plan of the plan, meeting plans, activities, evaluation methods, content collection of training materials, organization and coordination of their content, In addition. It also develops the general and private training strategies and procedures required to start and design e-training programmes.
• Phase II: Interactive electronic training design:
At this stage the policies, strategies and procedures that have been developed in the planning phase are transformed to achieve training objectives, The training courses to be offered online will be designed,
Among them are: A- Preparing the content of electronic training includes the following procedural steps to prepare the content of electronic training:
Prepare the content of the training plan: Prepare the content of the scientific plan based on an analysis of the actual training needs of the target group.
Before you start designing training content electronically, Evaluate and judge training content for accuracy, effectiveness and clarity. divide content into a series of meetings, But the hypothesis is that each meeting includes the meeting number, And the title, And the overall goal, And the educational goal, content and activities.
Website design: A special site for the training plan is designed on the training management system of the e-training center, which includes interactive training content that is presented in the form of multimedia-supported conferences, Taking into account ease of use, organization and expansion.
Home, And good coordination of training content, And the comprehensiveness of the website, With the help of the student’s evaluation methods, And technical and educational support, And the availability of direct and indirect communication with students, The system provides a database of students to enable them to access the site. The system covers most functions related to the interactive electronic training management system, including ways to add training courses and identify target students to register, And the language supports Arabic Easy to use and technical support.
Design course activities: Design content-based training activities to meet technical requirements and international standards for electronic content design, And achieve interactive self-training. Design training courses, determine their content, trainees and take corrective action.
In light of the situation above, The design phase of the training site will go through the following steps: –
Select the language and procedures for designing the site: Use programming languages and appropriate procedures that provide interaction for each training program.
– Use the program to enter some still images, animations and graphs after processing them, Some files may have a JPG extension and others with a GIF extension, It is small and easy to download online.
– Include some videos on the site to illustrate some of the techniques of using the pilot program. Providing training materials in different forms and contents of the plan, Including demos, and enriching materials, Interactive activities or practical exercises.
Set up a user guide for each trainer and trainee and attach it to the program site.
Arbitration in the training plan in terms of preparation, design, content and application to target groups and other aspects. And between this and that, The most appropriate methods, methods and methods of e-training are being identified.
Select them as follows: –
self-study method that is not limited to space and time, It depends on the entry of trainees into a specific purpose-built programme, their training and the performance of all the necessary trainings to achieve their interests.
Simultaneous training method: Depends on the presentation of training courses through the technology of virtual classes, Where both the coach and the trainee are on the net, and use virtual separation tools and effective education strategies, And the use of presentations, Etc.
– Asynchronous training method: depends on the performance of some tasks, discussions and projects, and participate in discussion groups and forums, which helps to exchange experiences between trainees outside the training time, The trainer follows up on these tasks and activities, It includes a mid-term assessment of each training meeting.
– According to the nature of the training plan and the determinants of the target population, Comprehensive training is conducted through a training plan that combines direct and virtual (electronic) training.
• Phase 3: Organizing and implementing interactive e-training:
Here are the steps to organize and implement training:
A- Determining the training time and date of each meeting.
(b) Determining the date, method and location of the training.
C- Use the trainee nomination form and upload it to the training database, Then upload it to the planned website.
Determining the mechanism for supervising training: The site includes a training supervision system that enables trainers to track training work, obtain feedback, extract data, write reports, support and electronic support: This site provides support and support services to ensure the continuity of the system without any problems.
Support methods available on this site include: Phone support – email support – electronic dialogue. Login data must be provided to the electronic training system for trainers, participants and organizations overseeing the training plan
– Turn on Internet Explorer or any other search engine, And enter the address of the site (academy or training center) to be trained, The following page then appears:
– Login page: The trainee enters the username and password granted by the trainee here, Then he presses the “Sign in” button, There is a link at the top of the recording screen (home – contact us)
– The home page of the plan, which displays the content list for the training plan meeting, And the plan and the objectives of the plan, And the methods of evaluation, And rich resources, and the default class links and links to the minutes of the meetings, And user guides.
– List of users: Includes the names and e-mail lists of trainees enrolled in the training program so that trainers can contact them or the academic center.
Project preparation and design: In addition to the coach, It also contains information about planners, designers and supervisors.
Each meeting includes achieving objectives, meeting plans and evaluations, It provides the necessary training materials, activities, exercises and applications.
• Phase 4: E-training calendar
The training evaluation process is based on many foundations and standards, These foundations and standards can be adjusted to develop the training system and formulate its future strategies, The foundations and criteria include identifying and clarifying the objectives of remote training, The comprehensiveness and continuity of the evaluation process, And the training system. Consistency and consistency of elements and the integration and quality of previous and subsequent training work. This is done through different evaluation models for trainees, trainers and training coordinators.
4Th most important stages of electronic training design
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