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What is the importance of in-house training courses

What is the importance of in-house training courses

In the age in which we live, Training is necessary. With the rapid development of science and technology, We constantly need to learn new skills and sciences. Without a clearer or more famous example of computers and their rapid development, We may need to learn new knowledge in this area every week.
    What is the importance of in-house training courses

What is the importance of in-house training courses

Look at the evolution of management science and the impact of globalization on management concepts. In industry, We found that technological development forced us to use advanced equipment, So we needed training. But training does not include only science, knowledge and modern technology, It also includes other reasons. One of the most important of these reasons is to strengthen the weaknesses between our employees or employees in the organization, These weaknesses reduce the efficiency of their work. The root cause of these weaknesses may be low levels of education, or differences between education and job requirements, or changes in career paths. Many of us find that we do not have the knowledge to write work reports, organize meetings, labor laws and problem analysis methods after we start work.
For various reasons, Training in the treatment of weaknesses has a significant impact,
There is considerable demand at all levels:
First, they often lack the skills and knowledge needed for employees.
Second: failure to train the lower levels in the hierarchy means that the higher levels will carefully supervise the work of the lower level and may perform some of their work, This ignores the original work at the higher level.
The employee may be able to perform his or her job, But we are trying to do the work that others do, So we can move the employee from one job to another. Many modern management strategies follow this approach. There are many positive aspects of the process of making employees take turns in different jobs,
including: The staff had not been bored of doing the same job for many years, Different experiences have been developed among staff so that they can hold higher management positions and cannot share experience focused on one person and compensate for any shortcomings. Employee.

What is the importance of in-house training courses


 Institutions train employees to take care of their children or deal with wives and husbands, or provide them with some foreign language training or manage them so that they can achieve financial stability after retirement age, or manage their money when they approach retirement age.
qualified to live with them so that they are eligible to enter retirement. Interval. In addition to the enormous motivational impact of the organization’s acceptance of this training, The intellectual development of the employee, the stability of the family and the success of children make him more able to give and succeed. Some organizations may help employees learn anything, Even if this is not a business area, Because it will develop his thinking and make him spend his time on good things instead of taking advantage of them. These training courses that are not directly related to work can be held after work, The organization can help it in part, Like paying half the cost, The rest is done by staff to ensure serious training.

The importance of training for individuals

Training is very important to us personally, There are many training courses that help us develop work and life skills. Many of us need to develop our skills and develop ourselves in all administrative or technical fields, Learn some modern techniques or gain knowledge of the latest topics related to work skills.

Success and failure of training

The success of training and failure that the success of training not only in training courses, But readers are not clear about the large number of training courses that have failed to reach the goal. The purpose of the course is to develop the skills of trainees or increase their knowledge of restricting their work or lives, Therefore, the failure of trainees to benefit from the course is the failure of the course.
If the foundation organizes training courses to improve the management capabilities, The trainees did not use the skills they learned at work, Training courses will fail. There are many reasons for the failure of the entire cycle: Answer:
  • Training courses have nothing to do with work: Many courses are held only to consume the training budget, Without worrying about choosing the right training courses and looking for training needs.
  •  Training courses are very theoretical: The trainer may be familiar with the theoretical background of the training subject but has no practical experience in this subject and therefore fails to develop the practical skills required by the trainees the choice of T students depends on the ideas of the manager,
  • Not on the actual job needs: Some people think that the course is a reward for the lovers of the manager, So you find that people who have nothing to do with the subject of training participate in the training course, The employees who needed training did not participate in the work. 
  • The trainee has no desire to learn: It is necessary to ensure the training capacity of the trainees, Because some managers will not change their management methods even if they participate in hundreds of management courses, Because he believes that management theory cannot be applied to his world.
  •  Training materials are not good: Many trainers try to use the training materials they own instead of trying to change them according to the quality of the trainees. And this has a bad effect, Because the trainee wants a role model close to his reality. On the contrary, Many trainers use training materials transferred from international networks, So these examples come from another reality and a different environment, So training materials are not suitable for trainers or trainees.

What is the importance of in-house training courses

Internships and external training

Internship is organizing staff to train their colleagues or subordinates. Although this type of training has many benefits, But it may not be important to us. If appropriate methods are adopted, Hands-on training will develop the skills of trainers and trainees and strengthen their relationship. In practice, The focus is on applying the topic in the organization and its problems.
Interns are more keen to develop the skills of trainees. The disadvantage of internships is that the coach lacks training experience, Or the trainee does not accept the idea that the colleague is the trainer. So , It may be appropriate to train these trainers on the principles of training. It can also be considered that the trainer is always in a higher position than the trainee, Or we can create an environment and culture where colleagues can learn.
One of the dangers of internships is the inability of the trainer to be fully prepared for training from different references and sources, Relying solely on his experience, This may lead to the transfer of the wrong working habits of trainees. This problem can be avoided by training trainers and monitoring training to ensure that the plan is prepared.
on the other side , The characteristic of external training is that the coach may have a wide range of training experience and a deeper theoretical (or practical) background. External training adds ideas outside the organization and allows workers to see another perspective and learn new knowledge. External training may have training methods that the organization itself cannot provide. In addition to establishing good working relationships, The training courses attended by more than one organization allow trainees to discuss, discuss, share experiences and learn about the experiences of other organizations. External training may have commercial disadvantages, Which means that the training organization may not be interested in the results of the training, But they only train courses and receive financial compensation.
One of the disadvantages of external training is that training institutions sometimes adopt the method of creating training courses with attractive names and new names, The content of the training is the same as the training courses previously proposed for staff. External training may be far from the actual reality of the organization because examples and training content are far from the needs of trainees.

Identification of training needs

We must regularly identify training needs so that we can identify training courses and trainees. The analysis of training needs includes three parts:

  • Institutional analysis: This analysis illustrates the training we need to conduct in the coming period due to specific regulatory problems.
  • The analysis focuses on: the obvious flaws of the agency over the past time period,
  • Such as poor quality or customer handling problems the agency’s short- and long-term goals are no external changes,
  • Legal, economic or technological changes such as the promotion plan are mandatory training courses due to bylaws, local laws or international requirements training courses that need to create an appropriate training atmosphere
Organizations that have a strategic plan to enter a new industry will have the skills and knowledge related to the new industry, which is the focus of training. Organizations planning to implement the new management system will give their staff training priorities for the new system and prepare them for changes.
Job analysis: This analysis can identify the skills, knowledge and abilities required for each job or job set. The source of information used in this analysis is the enterprise job description and performance indicators for each function, It may also depend on interviews with managers and staff and analysis of past problems for each post.
Individual analysis: This analysis determines what each individual needs in terms of training based on his or her performance, experience and weaknesses.
This analysis is based on the results of regular staff assessments and staff errors in the previous period. The views of managers and staff can be obtained through interviews, the distribution of written questionnaires or the direct question of staff training needs.

What is the importance of in-house training courses 1 What is the importance of in-house training courses

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What is the importance of in-house training courses

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What is the importance of in-house training courses

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