نحن كفريق نعمل على مساعدة في الدورات و التدريبات و مهارات التعليم ونساعد كل المدريبين على تنفيذ حقائبهم بكل سهوله و نهتم بجميع اركان الحقيبة التدريبية من حيث المؤلفات والرسوم التوضيحية ، بالإضافة إلى طرق وأساليب وخطط التدريب التي تم جمعها من خلال مصدر واحد أو عدة مصادر ، من خلال واقع التجارب العملية والميدانية.
All you want to know about fun training
I try every now and then to come up withsome training courses to get the benefit of the trainingarticle on the one hand and to learn about the innovations of trained colleagues on the other hand as one of the most prominentrequirementsto modify the experiencesof the skills of the steadytraining of the coach, So far, I have found that there arefew training courses and with all the evaluationand reverence of the trainingcolleagues, that sometimes participantssuffer from the rigidity of the training performance of some trainers, In the form of dryness in dealingand classic in roadsand roads and the absence of the desired training from effectiveness to dumping that does not exceed the application of the training mission as a job without spirit or interaction with the participants in the training process, in addition tothe modern disease in the training market, which is calledtime consuming ,
All you want to know about fun training
And that’s where she was. Need to style Trendy in Training performance brings the soul back to the training process And he’s the one who fired.Above it are fun training specialists and it’s not It is purelya photo shoot for the training climate Interactive and comfortable link between Skilled, experiencedexercise and participants Nothing but, But it’s a training technique. separate in barrierhimself. It is possible to consider ExercisePleasure Philosophy and School The trainingexpertdifferentiates between her and Traditionaltraining in Performance, and from here It’s possible thathalf the trainingis a delight that A major training schematic may be applicable with each Training methodsButwith characteristicsthat suit each degree and standard of Training rates and details Desired and personal training purposesParticipants in Training, Just like he doesn’t. He should look at me. Training is a pleasure as a trainingcharacterized by humor, humor and disdain for participantsAnd he’s the one who doesn’t have any. Relationship to Cheerful trainingbut not to the training process as a whole.
Fun training. The psychological comfort of the trainees must be taken into account.
Fun trainingcan be defined asthis training method that relies on the psychological stillness of participants in the training process by the methods loved by them in an environment of happiness and rejoicing to serve the training process. And that’s where. It shows a factor. Very important in characterization trainingpleasurewhich is that Ad and pictures «Joy» Suspended on Participants’ appreciation and vision of performanceOn the basis that it’sa pleasure and not It’s just who. askilled and experiencedview of training, and so what might Maran AJoyYoungYouth Group Age may not Suitable fora number ofmanagers , officers or senior People.
The courses Equipping trainers Its performanceis written off on two main levels:Equipping trainers Necessary» and «Equipping trainers Advanced» and from More importantly , what distinguishes both levels is Maran trained on The way the trade-off betweenSubscriberrates and patterns Humanity and mastery of what works for allof them as one More important arethe advantages ofa skilled and experienced successful workout .
Manyfactors that paint the features of “fun“
It’s not likecheeringfora number ofreasons, including:
• The ages of the trainees. • Branches of the trainees’ specialty . Training. Cultures of nations. Environmental training conditions . • The surrounding atmosphere training. • The trainer’s view of the concept of fun. Balancing the training finances.
Or contraryto thatcheerfulnod to what is grainy to Same trainees, Just like it is. Joyiscertainly an interactive process between Skilled and experiencedtraining and participants in it, which adds dye Luxury on The connection between them Throughout the training process You leave a frame. Basic, documented, official andclassictransmission, with Caring for mutual reverence and effectiveness Exploring training purposes without Extravagance , negligence or cynicism.
Cheerfultraining may take one or more of thefollowing images:
• Present a short novel that expresses useful wisdom. • A joke or an accident joke. • A useful game or entertainment from the opinions of the coach or trainees. • Conversionof training space to a new, atypical and usual location. • Convert paragraphs by returning their order, addition, or deletion. • Transformingindividualsoffered for training through trainee offers or hosting people from abroad. • Pollshareholdersby practicing a fun phrase of their choice. • A source of livelihood ceremony by the trainees with the developmentof useful controls to serve the training purposes . • Transformhow tocommunicate with trainees such as online communication at agreedtimes. • Meet to see visual media material or listen to audible material. • Participants of the exerciseexpert and trainees in introducing their own and personal experiences to serve the objectives of the exercise even in aquirky way. • Meet for a fewfood and drinks.
All you want to know about fun training
How do we apply funtraining?
The fewnon-professionals believe thatcheerfulexercise is nothing more than a littlejoke-making throughout the classic training process, and that it is not a style in the same barrier. And it is true that exercise pleasure is greater than pure style, It is a method that has a launch, rules and methods that are followed and not similarto the experiences of skilledtrainingspecialists, just as it is a general philosophy that the rest of themethods of exercise can be vaccinated and dyed with the fun and loving character of the participants.
Before actually taking the training performance of Maher and the exercise exercise exercise,he was sure to achieve three basicreasons before relying on a funtraining method,
Thesefactorsare as follows:
• The biggestkey factor is that maher and the exerciseerbefore actually embarking on the exercise is to be convincedinan authorized manner of the importance of that method and this philosophy in the superiority ofinvestigating training purposes.
• The 2main factor is to preparea limited number of read, audio or visual content to add weather conditions of delight to the samecontributors and to suit their levels as we have indicated before, Even with the significance of that, the euphoricenvironmental conditions may be achieved by the headquarters of his choice for exercise to get him out of the classic inertia, such as a park, garden or theatre, depending onthe conditions available.
• The worker The 3rd basic is to make sureskilled and experiencedexercise from his skill in The fun body of the training climate between him and subscribers, Itcould be Very normal packages Within the training room in The time when it’s hard. Useful and disciplined delightDuringthe training performance .
Changingnegative convictions. One of the most importantpurposes of funtraining
Traininghelpspleasure like other methods of exercise in investigating all trainingobjectives, other than
That has a varietyof weights for all three destinations.
If Cheerfultrainingworks toexplore cognitive purposesBy receiving Subscribersto data and knowledge with a more accommodating degree and a higher capacity to Patience how much And sign thefrontdata about abundant amounts of other trainingmethods, Just likeThe jubilationexercise has Oneof the most effectiveways in Transforming convictions Destructive to another Good and stimulatingaccording to training goalsAs a result of accreditation Skilled and experiencedtraining on The gateof love to souls. Humanity in Most of the time and to the sameshareholders,
On the condition of choice Sponsored by Ben Forms ofjubilationdepending on theconditionsand conditionsof every training position individually, In addition,Cheerfultrainingappointsparticipants in Patience for a lengthy training day It is filled with practical and applied skills.
This is because the pleasingexercise method serves each of the three objectives with relative weights close to a seriousbarrier and not in other ways that are supportedto meet and accomplishthe purposes in relative proportions and weights thatvarymarkedly.
All you want to know about fun training
Carryingthe burden of the training day. One of the pros of funtraining
Wisdom says. British British Innovate or Evaporate which means (create and innovate before it evaporates and disappears), And he’s the one who’s going to Steadymodernization in Training performance as a necessity Skilled and experiencedexerciseexcellence in Doing his job with the top Rate of effectiveness and realization goals, and perhaps training Pleasureis one ofthose ways of renewal and development. and monotonous and boring medicine on Training environment.
Theexercise supports the pleasure of exploringa number of positives and advantages, perhaps the most important of which are:
• Assist trainees in whipping up the training day’s efforts . • Leave a hardfinger tip on the trainees’ breath. • Helps to remember data and skill experiencesand consolidate the acquired convictions. • He leads strongly to an expert. Exercise in the market Exercise between The rest of theexercisespecialists, to denote it Axiom on Domaine’s ability toThe text of theexercise, Provided it’s Joy isuseful, not useful. A tool to waste time or flatter the trainees It’s just. • Leave the field for trainees to express their opinions and experiences. • Reducethe conflict between trainees and some of them or with maher and exercise exercise tothelowest possible barriers .
What are the difficulties and challenges of funtraining?
The exerciserequiresthe rejoicing of special skills that require skilled and experiencedexercise as well as the knowledge you need about the method and how toimplement it. As for the knowledge and information that Maher and the exercise exerciseer need to perform the exercise style, it is
It includesa number of aspects, perhaps the most important of which are:
• Briefing the educational or training business systems and the limits of allowing transfer images to perform training , as the application must be in the permitted environment in a formatwithin thebusiness.
• Knowledge of the culture of the organization and participants , especially for international trainers , asthere is a culture of space that paints it on its owners (according tothe famous brand Sahra Hamdan about the culture of the position).
• Familiarity witha limited number ofways of pleasure, humor and conversionof classic genres.
• Knowledgeof a limited number ofstories and anecdotes that are necessary needs for the coach, asearliersingled out by a single article entitled Administrative Olives and Training Tables.
And knowledge alone is not enough. Forskilled and experiencedexercise performance for style Exercisepleasure, Thetechnical directorrequiresa number ofskillful experiencesnecessary to succeed in Implementing itto practice acceptable joyAnd my gloryto the trainees,
At the heart oftheseskilled experiences are:
• Professional humor and approved banter, butprofessionalism of smiling, if you will.
• Skilled experience in telling novels , tales and short anecdotes, or sometimes prolonged.
• Skilled experienceof transmission with Individualsanddiversehuman species throughout the process Jubilationexercise, such as introverted, naughty, aggressive Hastythroat And other That’s who.species that might The method departs from Training targetsto be achieved unless Skilled and experiencedexercisemahera and skilled in Execution of the method.
• A limited number of motor skill experiencessometimesfor a range of fun app images that may work in a fewexercise situations and for a classof trainees, not their generality.
All you want to know about fun training
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