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4 The most important qualities of a successful coach

4 The most important qualities of a successful coach 

Questions are often asked: What criteria should be prioritized when assessing the professional level of trainers: Is it a grade? Or training experience? Or receive training from the coach’s course? Are there other important criteria? Let’s first determine that one of the biggest mistakes made by training courses specifically training trainers is that they claim that these courses will train professional trainers.
    4 The most important qualities of a successful coach

4 The most important qualities of a successful coach 

Question 1: Can I become a professional trainer by training coach courses? Or is it just drawing the attention of those wishing to participate in this session, and plant the seeds of greed on them, and deceived them professionally by participating in this conference, Is it commercial media consumption? There is no denying that participating in training courses for trainers does not result in professionalism, But it cannot replace practice and accumulation in the long run, Constantly assessing experience and using gaps, omissions and errors for rationalization and correction, In order to improve the experience and improve the experience in order to provide us with professional knowledge based on practice to understand the mechanisms and strategies of training, Whether it’s preparing bags or identifying needs and drafting methods.

4 The most important qualities of a successful coach 

After practicing and mastering swimming and water-standing skills, It is best to learn and study other types of swimming knowledge. It is good to attend the coach’s course training at the time, Because he will find the right place and will become a mirror so that the coach can see his face so that he can evaluate what is precious and can correct the error where, and strengthen the weak ties so that the course achieves its goals in the best way, The trainer will be able to take advantage of the course and maximize investment. To answer this question we will discuss:

1. Education?

Trainers are often angry when adopting educational qualifications within the coach’s professional level. The reason for this is due to the fact that many professional trainers who have engaged in training and accumulated a long tradition in it, They have fought in this field, They received self-training and self-training. They accumulated a lot of experience and received praise from specialists.
Where does academic qualification mean obtaining a middle or higher education certificate? Let us know from the beginning that the certificate means that the coach has made great progress in educational literacy, Educational literacy has its own importance, It adds something that is not easy to get for the coach.
He is a person engaged in scientific research and has completed these studies, He has experience in researching, processing references and selecting important and useful areas of interest to him. ideas and compare them and choose the way they suit him, Because this is a valuable way to shape this character. Therefore, it cannot be reduced or marginalized within the standard points or indicators that measure the professional level of trainers.
In addition The student researcher who deals with a large number of courses and prepares for the exam has trained his mind to absorb a large amount of data and information, which will bring him added value and training capacity, The ability to absorb training materials. Training him in research methods will enable him to make full use of ideas.
Words coordinated in a unified form, So that the goal is achieved while communicating with others. In addition He is an experienced trainer who is proficient in the volume of words, the amount of speech and the amount of movement in the vocal mechanism, It has developed the use of translation methods to acquire skills. We can therefore deny the importance of educational qualifications. But is this alone enough to gain credibility for coaches and achieve professionalism in training? This is something we will not object to, Because it is simply not enough to provide us with professional trainers.
4 The most important qualities of a successful coach

2- Training experience?

Experience is required, studied and certified in every area. This means that there will inevitably be an accumulation of practices, Followed by evaluation and rationalization. It’s like water for those who want to swim. Those who take swimming lessons are essential to them and will not protect them from diving into the sea when the waves collide. We’re not going to argue about this. But is the experience enough to make the coach a professional coach? How much experience should be gained from a certain point in the level plan to arrange vocational training? The answer is that focusing on experience is very important, Experience alone is not enough to provide us with experienced, capable and comprehensive professionals for his training job.
However, this does not mean that training courses cannot be conducted on the basis of experience. On the contrary, Experience grants transit visas for excellent courses. However , This alone is not enough for us to get the required coach integration.

3- Get the coach training course?

If we talked before about academic qualifications and their privacy, The added value of the trainer’s characters and methods can be increased. The same applies to training courses for trainers. Because it brings great value to the coach’s reinforcements. From this perspective this is an opportunity to correct, It will correct many of the mistakes that have occurred. Although there is a constant lack of training for the coach course, In some cases, the coach cannot receive training because he is associated with him and his personality, personality, patterns, actions and values.

Are there other criteria?

The criteria are not restricted and are dealt with according to the nature of the state and its characteristics, the nature of the target group of training, the nature of the material itself and the nature of the means used. for example , There is no one agreed way, What can be considered experience can be considered academically qualified. what can be considered academically qualified can get a recognized and recognized training diploma, Like a PhD as a training practitioner. This is an experience and part of the experience. 
4 The most important qualities of a successful coach
4 The most important qualities of a successful coach
4 The most important qualities of a successful coach

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4 The most important qualities of a successful coach

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4 The most important qualities of a successful coach

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