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All you want to know about efficiency and cost

All you want to know about efficiency and cost

The selection of training systems depends on research and expertise in the field of price effectiveness, cost-effectiveness means investigating the required objectives at the lowest cost and the training process consists of three key elements of the trainer, participation and training process.
    All you want to know about efficiency and cost

All you want to know about efficiency and cost

And the selection process The program’s adaptive trainer. embodies an important and influential element in outstrips training, And it’s not possible to rely on The price he charges Trainer as a standard of quality Performance in the program and according to the theme of the program and its objectives and quality and level Subscribers can specify descriptions The trainer is required, but he gives outs. Finest according to the nature of the program and participants, While The price (inputs) is lower or equal, Other important vehicles required in the trainer must not be ignored.
In other saying, some trainers are more effective and less expensive than others:
· Raising contributor’s consideration and the rise of the degree of learning (outputs)
· Helping shareholders investigate training objectives (outputs)
· They need less time to meet and achieve learning goals (input)
· They need less value to meet and accomplish purposes (inputs).And to maximize Return from the training process Studies need to be used And various research in That area , Moreover , the experiences gained in Exercise field and use Various ways to learn Its impact on the field of destinations is faster and at costs Less.

All you want to know about efficiency and cost
1- Managing the objectives:
And in it the manager assumes that the wanted people are trustworthy and have a high degree and standard of intelligence, and on That could be asked. Among them is to share By setting the goals to be achieved for their administration, the President agrees with the observers. So far that’s on Periodic review to continue what he has been entitled to Purposes, It is customary for workers to be rewarded according to the degree to which they have achieved the goals set, The growing version and care in Target Management resume that the participation of workers By setting the ends, he gives them a sense of belonging, acceptance and importance, And that method and how it leads in Continuation to the job satisfaction of employees.
The opposite of management in the goals in training is “contracted learning” and the decision of the coach and participants may make the desired set of goals, Sometimes the agreement also complements the design that will be monitored to meet and accomplish these goals, and the next step is to identify the methods of assessment that will follow the free training process at various stages,
And so you’re going to take responsibility. Investigate those goals from Coach to The participant , He has settled from Experiments that That way it’s going to be successful with Contribution who They have a high degree of motivation and self-reliance. But it doesn’t achieve the same degree. Excel with Participants who lack prejudice and self-reliance.

2- The economic aspect of choosing different alternatives:

In order to compare learning outcomes with the inputs required for them, it affects us to look at that link from the point of view of merit , and we can maximize merit by achieving the desired purposes with the smallest volume of value in the least possible time –
It is possible to tell that bond in the subsequent equation:

Achieving goals

When calculating that equation, we have to take into account the price of mental goals, Kinetic and oneness, That is, the investigation of the purposes must be written off in the required way before starting to calculate the equation,

Otherwise, measuring cost and time is meaningless, and of course the value of numbers decreases as soon as the number of participants rises and that equation cannot be applied if we do not set our goals first and then turn them into measurable targets so that we can assess the merits of the system.

Economics of the training process:

Many training units and production and service organizations are not taken into account to suit the wages of workers with training costs,

The costs of the training process can be highly estimated if we have information on:
· The extent to which training materials, tools and audio equipment are awarded and their consumption prices are enabled by the hour.
· A qualified and trained functional device and hourly costs.
· Administrative cost that patience on the program.
· Professional planning and production at the staff and its cost enables the hourly.
· Assignments for the required assessment process.
· Mandates for the review of improvement to ensure that the administrative objectives set are investigated. The cost of the trainer can be calculated according to the following:
· Annual salary of trainers or trainers.
· Determine the number of hours of exercise conducted by the trainer per year (the number of training days multiplied by the number of training costs per day)
· Average number of participants in the training program/hour.
· Calculate the participant’s price per hour from the previous step.
It then completes the determination of the costs of training materials for each participant in the same way :
Training film assignments and any other training materials can be calculated, It is then added to the earlier other prices of reform and so on.
on Those examples. Minor explanations for evaluation Administrative exercise in investment terms which are Show methods that can That’s a sequel. Systematic and detailed review of political questions With regard to what If the economy were multiplying in Cost or land in Price or what If the economy is applicable, It cooperates in providing a full picture of the training and the answers to the questions raised at the opening, a section of the commercial section of the training department that can be assigned to the regular examination and the calculation of the price to be provided.
All you want to know about efficiency and cost

Second: control over the calculations and price of training :

1. The year has been the accounting and economic custom, ending the fragmentation of the life or age of the project – a project – to a number of years each affecting the monetary year so that the results of the project activity during that year and its financial position can be limited to the end, and it is customary that the material year be 12 twelve months,

Start from the first January ends with the end of December of the same year (Gregorian correction) and the year may begin materialism of the first July until June end of the year the suffix referred to as an overlapping calendar year, that with regard to organizations or Projects in accordance with the laws and regulations Prevailing work within society and on The degree and standard of exercise and its balance in Most of the time. Related year Cash for exercise per year physical project so that the overall budget of the project can be included.
It begins that such distribution does not obscure the existence of periods or parts of the monetary year for the distribution of the training budget at semi-annual, quarterly or third-year periods for follow-up and continuous periodic control.

Training budget :

Completes the processing of the training budget before the beginning of the training year so that it takes into account the training needs and resources available by the organization and the initial question.
· Does it complement the certification of training and its cash resources by taking into account the measures and needs of training?
· is Looks like a credit. training within the budget of the organization and then Writes off spending And if the conversation is about what It needs to be a budget. Training and evaluation of the training body’s needs Based on plans Training objectives so that financial accreditation is received For training balancing the organization to fulfill the wishes of Wishes and plans Training .
However, the reality of the subject in the large number of organizations reveals a gross tribute to the training needs of Malia, and the adoption of training is included in advance within the framework of the organization’s budget, and in the light of that accreditation, the training benefit adjusts the training measure and sets its priorities in the light of the financial accreditation available to it.
All you want to know about efficiency and cost

What does the financial training budget consist of?

The cash training budget consists of two sides
Discretionary resources. 2 Estimated value .
Financial resources consist of:
Financial accreditation of training within the framework of the organization’s budget (self)
Support for national, regional and international organizations (external)
Aid, subsidies or giving (external)
The training body in force is the one that has extended its communications and relations with national, regional and international organizations and bodies to obtain financial aid or training giving that helps it to cure its own lack of capacity to achieve its objectives.
Spending vehicles (investment)
The components of training assignments are divided into:
Investment expenses
Operational expenses of investment expenses:
Long-term procedure assignments can be exploited in a range of training programs and plans over a range of years such as:

1- Preparing machinery and equipment.
2- The formation of closed telephone circuits.
3- Machines showing the works of cinema and slides.
Living buildings and training centers.

Operational expenses :

It is divided into:
Direct costs:
Other expenses that have been done for a specific maran program, such as: Hotel accommodation, field visits, etc.Indirect costs:
These are the costs spent in preparing and equipping training programmes and are difficult to download to a programme, including:Training costs:

Rewards for external consultants for designing or processing programs, training expenses for trainers. Assistance expenses:
Consists of expenses that facilitate the performance of training programs such as: Rewards for the operation and repair of the devices used in training , secretarial work and administrative expenses .

In general terms , training investments and expenditures have ample items, the most important of which are:

· Equipment, tools, equipment and training headquarters (patience price as a long investment

Term and monetary year is borne by depreciation, maintenance and operation value).
· Salaries and rewards of the Training Authority .
· Surveillance rewards.
· Trainers’ effort (rewards, transfers, travel allowances)
· Training incentives.
· General expenses (mail- lightning- telephone – water – electricity – maintenance . . . etc.)

All you want to know about efficiency and cost

Financial training records:

It is also one of the most expensive training and oversight equipment for training costs and expenses:

A#- Fixed Asset Register:

Purchased as a long-term investment such as equipment and training equipment in that book, we open a page for all types of sources and register in that book.
· The date of purchase of the source .
· The origin of the purchase.
· The purchase price .
· The price of the inauguration.
· his life’s assumption.
· The amount of annual depreciation.
· The repair value is effectively associated with origin and its value as scrap.
This imposes provisions for the supervision of fixed facilities with inventory once a year.

B#- Administrative expenses record:

It involves the efforts and expenses of the exercise system and its members in addition to public expenses such as water consumption, Electricity, phone etc . with the aim of determining the fixed effort and its suitability to meet and accomplish the measure.

3- Assignments of training programs:

It occurs by attaching and reviewing the expenses of each program according to its dedicated replacement peak.
List of revenues:
The book ends up attaching exercise resources first and foremost by counting the cheques transferred for exercise in amounts, numbers and date, reviewing their collection and availability to management to cash in.
However, it is essential to translate the interface facilitations of exercise management into a critical model to account for all available resources for exercise.

4- Control and control the price :

There are supplies for control and control, the most prominent of which are:
· Organize and organize the effort with exercise indexes.
· Subscribe to and review records.
· Replacement and spending powers.
· Annual inventory.
· Monitoring the investigation of targets.
Merit certificates can also be determined by taking into account statistics and comparisons of exercise assignments, whether between programs or once a year.
Or by signs :
Subscriber value/software.
Contributor Price / Today
Subscriber price /hour
The price of the program. Internal/external training decision
In a large number of times the benefit of training in the check shop or detail or comparison between the decree of internal or external exercise for the studyers and the question is.
Do students send out for practice ? Or do we bring the artistic director in?
The contemporary preference between internships and external training will be limited to:
· The goals .
· The value .
· Pay available expenses.
· Other facilitations .
Completes the processing (practical circumstance ) of the value elements of each alternative and is presented to the responsible for decision-making.
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All you want to know about efficiency and cost

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All you want to know about efficiency and cost

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