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The reality of the development of the electronic training process

The reality of the development of the electronic training process

In some cases, E-training is an appropriate option for training institutions, for example , When there is a need to reach many geographically deployed trainees, Or when social networking is blocked in today’s world and the trend of differentiation due to the emerging corona of the virus in a case, for example. In e-training, Trainees can learn course materials at any time, This requires trainees to access a range of interactive and self-sufficient materials under the auspices of the trainer or host.

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The reality of the development of the electronic training process

E-training takes place at a specific time and usually combines collaborative activities such as discussions or teamwork. The online trainer plays a vital role in developing online training and maintaining an online training environment. He must have a unique set of tools to enable him to work successfully, He must continue to develop his own tools to stay here at the field level.
Modern technology plays an active role in electronic training and its theoretical tools (such as educational design and educational scenarios) with its huge tools and means, These theoretical tools must help traditional training plan makers develop the form and form of training materials.
Turn it into a flexible method. Write great texts in electronic form, He helped the trainees enjoy learning by providing images of training materials, oral and audio educational materials and educational videos of educational importance, Help trainers improve the electronic training process. In this article, we will focus on the methods and tools that training institutions can gradually adopt.
There are some proposed areas in which training institutions can conduct electronic training gradually,

As shown below:

The area of identifying training needs:

  • Online courses should reflect the interests and needs of students.
  • Forms are applied electronically, analyzed and monitored electronically.


  • The training will be conducted through the decision taken in cooperation between the training institution and the e-training department, Through comprehensive electronic training of the department and profession, The nature of the training allows for this.
  • Do not exceed the duration of training in the integrated electronic training method, for example , 40% of the planned time required to train trainees in the comprehensive training plan.
  • The number of training hours in the planned time required to train trainees in an electronic training course should not be less than the equivalent hours required for regular training in a traditional course.
  • The treatment of trainees in the e-course is the same as in the full traditional course, In terms of editorial assessment, conversion, dismissal and re-registration in accordance with training regulations.

Coach field:

  • Choose a skilled trainer in electronic training materials who can use these tools, so that he can perform this duty to the fullest without notifying the trainees that they are boring, He is one of the trainers who are good at interacting, It needs frequent interaction to maintain students’ attention and promote learning.
  • Trainers must know that regardless of personal skills, There are significant differences between traditional training and e-training.
  • The use of renewable sources of electronic knowledge and modern technology in the training process.
  • Provide a flexible environment to connect trainees to different training sources on a large scale in time and space.
  • Increase and improve the opportunities and methods of self-training for trainees.
  • Introducing new training methods that help develop the training process.

Field of training material:

  • The subject of e-training must be commensurate with the needs, roles and responsibilities of trainees in their careers and be specific, For this purpose you must provide skills, knowledge and information, The content must focus on trainees.
  • E-training content must be divided to enhance its integration with new knowledge and provide flexibility in scheduling trainees.
  • Educational methods and techniques should be used creatively to develop an attractive and stimulating learning experience.
  • Save time on training courses.
  • Provide stable and high quality training materials to all centers. Training materials improve the capabilities of trainees in accordance with the nature of these courses or acquired skills.
  • The training material is an introduction to analytical thinking, So the trainee is the focus of learning, not the coach.

Training management:

  • There are existing and planned training programs that are traditionally taught electronically.
  • Training institutions are responsible for monitoring and adopting electronic training plans and have the right to follow up on the performance of their training facilities to ensure the implementation of international quality standards and regulations in place in the country.
  • Through the relevant implementation procedures, Regular review and drafting of electronic training plans and updating them in accordance with international standards.
  • Training institutions that offer training programmes must have physical and organizational structures licensed to participate in practical training rather than legal entities.
  • An e-training department will be established based on the controls and standards set by the rules and procedures for implementation to oversee the e-training plan, ensure quality assurance and apply technical standards at each stage of the training.
  • for example , If the student’s absenteeism rate exceeds 20% of the simultaneous training required for the course, The student is considered deprived of the level of the online course, This will be taken into account when monitoring its performance.
  • The agency determines whether the synchronization method or the non-synchronization method depends on the nature of the training program.
  • When planning the plan, The competent administrative authority determines the minimum rate of face-to-face training for each course, However, at least 30% of the training unit is conducted face-to-face training for each training course in the program.
  • The competent administrative authority determines the minimum rate of training in the simultaneous method of each course at the time of planning, Provided that in any case you do not decrease the number of trainers and trainees in the plan who conduct direct training in the interactive way at the same time, Like 40% percentage of training units per course in the plan.

The field of development of individuals working in the institution:

  • Providing the necessary staff to establish e-training.
  • Provide traditional planners with qualifying courses on how to write training programs in the form of e-learning.

Technical area:

  • Availability of appropriate infrastructure, equipment and software.
  • Provide various forms of technical support to operate, maintain and ensure the continuity of the e-training program at all stages.
  • Providing secure access and electronic protection to users, information and training content, Especially protection against external and internal interventions.
  • Make sure that electronic services are 100% available during training and other tasks that trainees have to do.
  • View detailed information about the type of online training services the organization provides on the portal.
  • Create a system to verify students’ identity, registration, student account and electronic time

Quality area:

  • Training institutions that offer e-training programs are subject to technical and training quality standards and rules at all stages of the transition to digital evaluation, Such as sending, analysing, analysing and measuring the impact of electronic questionnaires.
  • Improve the quality of the training process and stimulate creativity and effective training by creating an IT-based training environment.
  • to accept trainees in the online training program, You must have the specific qualifications and conditions and level of training required by the plan, The training institution can add any other conditions it deems appropriate to accept trainees into the programme and provide themselves with training.
  • Conduct evaluation tests on trainees to understand their actual level.

Follow-up area:

  • Follow-ups must be made separately, This is difficult and requires advanced skills.
  • Activities are followed up in cooperation with the Department of Electronic Training for each branch of the training institution in accordance with internationally accepted standards, The impact of training is measured.

Area of evaluation:

  • For all trainees who have traditional corresponding courses in training institutions, Evaluation methods and evaluation methods are standardized.
  • During the final evaluation process of the program, The trainees were present, A mechanism for verifying and establishing the personal identity of the trainees was provided at that time.
  • Standardize the methods and methods of final evaluation of trainees with the corresponding traditional training plans.
  • At least 60% of the final result of the final evaluation course is calculated for the full online course.

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The reality of the development of the electronic training process

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The reality of the development of the electronic training process

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