4 steps for the training bag and what are its features?
The training bag is a training content used by the trainer in one of the fields, It is a training tool whose primary objective is to reach both the trainee and the trainer for the maximum possible benefit. The content of the training bag during trials and field work includes the requirements of the main training process, which is in its five stages: Analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The task of making the training process a success is reflected in the training bag, which is the most important tool used to make a difference.
1. Different concepts of the training bag
The training bag is defined in accordance with the overall concept as a broad integration of equipment, all tools, materials and strategies to achieve the desired goals, primarily to bring about the required change in the skills and behavior of the trainee.
The most important concepts of the training bag
Training bag: It is the product of a wide range of current cognitive expertise by transforming a group of specialists into structured training content. Contact our portfolio design experts
Training bag: It is a document that includes a range of training procedures used by the trainer to achieve teaching objectives
Training bag: It is a comprehensive training plan developed on the basis of the objectives to be achieved using the basic scientific material and with the assistance of the necessary activities and steps.
2. Why the training bag? Advantages
The training bag provides a range of indispensable functions in any training program, And determine the duration of the program, and organize its contents, and set its objectives and conditions, The scientific material was placed in the training units in an orderly manner and the time period was determined. . Each unit should be explained with well-defined objectives and topics. The trainer and trainee train the training process while laying the foundations for participation and interaction between them. Create and create the main scientific material as a major reference to manage each training course while providing scientific application tools and providing the tools to measure their acquisition of new skills and increase knowledge and awareness of the field.
3. Types of training bag
The types of training bag are divided into several basics that we review below:
Use: Where a special bag is made for the trainer to contain the trainer’s equipment and another bag belonging to the trainee including the equipment that the trainee will use during the training process, A third comprehensive package with a full range of training is prepared.
Design: Here the training bag is divided into an integrated bag, a stand-alone bag, a third electronic bag, and finally a multi-alternative bag.
Content content: For content, the training bag is divided into an individual and multi-unit bag
Training activities: In terms of training activities, two main groups are included in the training bag, the first private and the second the various training bag.
Subject: The training bag is divided into an educational and training bag.
4. The most important features of the training bag
The training bag is characterized by the integrity of its system: it uses various activities and expertise and the basics of evaluation and feedback in order to achieve the objectives on which the training bag has been developed.
Design by style: The most important thing that distinguishes the training bag is that it can only be prepared in accordance with structured and scientifically documented methods.
Diversity in the use of different media and techniques: There should be no complete training bag for intensive and systematic use of different media and techniques.
Supporting training processes and following up their results: because the training bag was only prepared to make a big difference in the skills and knowledge of the trainee, Training processes should take what is worth paying attention within the bag while monitoring its results closely.
Diversity in the use of different educational methods: the greatest number of means of supporting the content provided in the training program is concerned, Including video, audio, computer recording, brochures, forms, etc.
Linking training to reality: the content of the training bag must be objective and logical, The portfolio will make no difference unless the content and educational or training activities provided are linked to the reality in which the trainee lives by simulating current events, and training on realistic topics related to the trainee’s current profession.
Your guide to preparing a professional training bag
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Your bag organization offers professionaltraining bags with special elegance, our training bags are unique and unique content documented by an integrated team in the preparation and design of training bags that achieve the best result of your next training course.
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