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4 Of the methods of participation:

Includes methods of participation in training (discussions, And case studies, role play, and brainstorming) participants’ participation in the learning process, and enable them to express their opinions, Encourage them to benefit from training activities. In addition Although the demo methods are limited to the participation of the trainee, like listening in a lecture or as described, A participatory approach results in the learner’s active participation in the learning process.

Or not : Discussions:

It is a training method through which a topic is proposed by the coach and discussed with participants in a participatory manner, This leads to conclusions and recommendations that enrich the subject.

When discussions are held, Two types of questions are used:

Open questions:

These are questions that can be used to encourage spontaneity.

Closed questions:

It is very useful to guide the discussion and focus it on a particular point.

When the group begins discussions, The trainer should continue to make sure that the participants have a clear understanding of the task at hand.

After presenting and discussing the group’s results, The trainer should enhance the learning process by reviewing and summarizing the results and giving final observations.

Informal discussions:

It is sometimes useful to have informal discussions to allow trainees to express their views when seeking assistance and advice on related issues.

The real value of informal discussions is:

  • He made useful observations about the learner’s visions and feelings.
  • Be able to follow the progress that is being made.
  • Encourages trainees to participate.

Features of discussions:

  • Participants are encouraged to develop communication skills.
  • The ability to clarify and make assumptions.
  • It provides instant feedback and creates a kind of collaboration.
  • He was able to exchange views and experiences.
  • They can be used to complete or summarize other training activities.

Discussion parameters:

  • You may consume a lot of time.
  • Success depends on the interaction between group members.
  • It may be dominated by some people who are good at discussion (controversy).
  • The coach must have a high level of skill in managing time and guiding discussions.

Secondly: Case/case study:

Case studies include detailed tests of specific situations. This situation may be real or hypothetical, However, it must be carefully and clearly selected and directly linked to the overall framework of the training programme. In case studies, Participants will develop their thinking, analysis and conclusion skills on theoretical and applied principles. The strength of the case study approach consists of combining a practical problem-solving approach with an in-depth analysis of limited situations. By introducing realism into the training room, Case studies are better complemented by other training methods, While lectures transmit basic information to a topic more effectively, Case studies are better applied to a subject.

Case study features:

  • Improve problem solving skills and apply concepts and methods.
  • Adds a touch of realism to theoretical discussions.
  • An activity focused on the trainee.
  • Enable interaction and group learning.
  • He was able to build analytically.

Thirdly: Role-playing:

Role-playing is a training method in which the trainee represents a virtual or real position in front of the audience, The trainee is provided with the necessary background and some ideas on how to organize the character, But without a specific dialogue or text, Instead, Is in the role-playing produced in the process. After the show, Audiences and participants discuss the theme of the game together. Most people are accustomed to the idea of playing roles from a negative attitude (watching a TV show), They then engage in role-playing during training to read their interests, stimulate their emotional participation and develop their spontaneity and problems – solution skills. In particular, Role-playing can be used for:

  • Change and develop trends.
  • Develop negotiating skills.
  • Exploring weak human relationships.
  • Show the social and political aspects of the situation.
  • Learning is facilitated by practice and making mistakes.

Fourthly: Brainstorming:

This method is widely used to generate ideas, encourage innovation, present a topic or problem to the trainee, demand their solution, and encourage him to freely invent his own ideas to reach an appropriate idea or solution.

The basic principle of brainstorming is to encourage the introduction of new ideas, and therefore, Ideas are evaluated and judged after a large number of ideas are obtained. therefore It is necessary to record all the ideas submitted and prepare for future discussions.

The second principle is to encourage everyone to participate without restrictions or discrimination.

Brainstorming features:

  • High level of participation.
  • There is no evaluation or discussion.
  • An innovative atmosphere.
  • Cooperative.

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