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The importance of training need and its 7 stages

Training needs are the basis of the entire training process and the basis for training planners to formulate training plans for training institutions, The success or failure of any training program depends on the true understanding of the training institution. Those needs.


Activities that give individuals the opportunity to gain experience that enhances their ability to perform their jobs by providing them with the opportunity to learn the skills or information they need to perform their jobs and improve performance by developing personal competencies. Because training needs are the first and most basic episode in a series of interconnected episodes, The training process is a process that ignores the measurement of the need for rigorous scientific training that threatens training programmes and leads to failure.

Training objectives:

  • Raising the efficiency of workers:

Its metrics include: Performance assessment – better use of resources – work done on time and without errors – reduced absenteeism.

  • Increasing the productivity of the organization:

This happens in the organization by: Training employees and meeting their knowledge and skills needs – employee performance increases as the number of customers they serve increases.

  • Quality management control:

Any production department sometimes experiences error or loss problems as defective products. The ratio of losses per section varies according to certain criteria, For example: There is a specialized training department that provides procedures in accordance with the principle of correct selection of these needs until the launch of a good product – the presence of qualified staff – quality machinery and raw materials – regardless of the quality of the environment surrounding production, Which contributes significantly to controlling product quality and overall quality of work.

  • Career composition:

The role of the training department is to prepare and form second-level classes for managers in the event of their departure or transfer, and therefore, Prepare alternatives in a well-thought-out position. This is usually in the departments, departments and intermediate units.

  • Providing outstanding services to the customer:

Customer service in any organization is the first pillar to retain and attract the largest number of customers, Provide training courses or workshops for staff and follow up on the training they have received.

  • Raising the job loyalty of the organization:

When the staff member feels the organization’s interest in his training and interest in his training needs, This increases his sense of loyalty and belonging to the workplace. Working methods to ensure effective and efficient job performance.

The importance of training need and its 7 stages 1 The importance of training need and its 7 stages

TCorporal training needs:

defined as a series of developments and changes in workers’ skills, experience and knowledge, In strengthening their abilities, attitudes and behaviors, Based on the apparent trends that the job requires to achieve specific goals, These trends reveal different indicators due to a lack of knowledge, abilities and skills, differences between an individual’s current performance and expected performance, which affects their behavior and attitude.

The need for training is a lack or discrepancy between the qualifications of the working individual and the requirements of the job

The importance of identifying training needs to achieve institutional objectives:

  1. Leads to the achievement of the goals of the institution.
  2. This is the real factor that increases the efficiency of employees in performing the tasks assigned to them.
  3. It is the basis of any training activity.
  4. It is one of the measures that guides training in the right direction.
  5. It’s the key factor in guiding the training available in the right direction.

Employee needs skill-knowledge-desire

M. Training departure:

The training process is divided into technical stages, starting with the identification phase of training needs and ending with the stage of measuring the effectiveness of training with a view to studying and analysing these components and ways to achieve them by scientific means.

The training process consists of a total of activities or sub-operations that lead trainees to achieve certain objectives in a training program. The training process is divided into the following stages: –

  1. Analysis and collection of information: The process of collecting and analysing information about the organization as a whole to identify training or non-training needs.
  2. Identify training needs: This is the process of identifying performance problems in an organization or function.
  3. Design of a training program: If there is agreement about a problem or a performance gap, Start by designing a training program and setting the objectives of the program and the target groups based on the organization’s objectives, Then choose the appropriate audio-visual methods.
  4. Implementation of the training plan: The trainer implements the training plan according to the organization’s plan.
  5. Evaluation of the training program: This is done at the end of the training programme with the aim of evaluating the programme and the trainees.
  6. Evaluation of the impact of training: stage after 3 months or more, To assess the extent to which the trainee benefits from the training program he attended and how successful he is in progressing in the workplace.

Training needs:

Training need

It is in three stages:

  • The concept of training need:

The need to improve human performance can be met through structured training. The word “need” refers to a shortage in a particular area, The word “training” includes the possibility of achieving this deficiency through structured action, Hence when we seek to apply an orderly method, We use the concept of training needs. Deficiencies, gaps or lack of knowledge, skills and trends in the face of actual and projected performance levels in a particular area.

  • Identify training needs

Awareof the training need:

  • Determining the organization’s need
  • Determining the employee’s need
  • Determining job requirement
  • Identifying the needs of groups

Determining the training need is the process required to identify the areas of training that need to be addressed, For example: Organizational needs – functional needs – individual needs.

  • Analysis of training needs

Analysis of training needs is the process of examining training needs to determine how best to meet those needs. The importance of understanding and examining training needs to identify any shortcomings or contradictions in the current work, With what to do, And what needs to be done in the future, The best way to implement it based on the situation is the general needs and levels of institutions and trainees.

Estimating the training need:

This is the process of identifying and scheduling training needs, making decisions and developing plans to meet needs through:

  1. Identify the target group of training
  2. Defining and identifying needs
  3. Measuring the level of deficiencies and performance constraints
  4. Priority order of neighborhoods
  5. Setting training goals

The level of performance of the buildingof the training need:

  • Lack: And he’s the one who doesn’t have the information.
  • Shortage: There’s a lack of skills and directions.
  • Adequacy: Limited skills and guidance
  • Accuracy: Knowledge, skills and behavior are required to achieve accurate performance
  • Mastery: Requires an ideal amount of knowledge, skills and attitudes
The importance of training need and its 7 stages 2 The importance of training need and its 7 stages

Parties involved in identifying training needs:

  • Key staff, training specialists, external consultants and public administration

Identify sources of training needs:

  • Production rates
  • Efficiency reports
  • Job description
  • Direct Presidents Opinions
  • Opinions of workers
  • Regulatory reports
  • WHO Evidence and Regulations

Workforce training need

Professional Skills – Human Skills – Strategic Planning

The program is implemented on:

  • Senior middle leaders, supervisory leaders and executives

Program design elements for individuals:

Knowledge and knowledge when designing an individual training program should ensure:

  • Field of employment
  • The job.
  • Duties
  • Tasks
  • Items

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