Managers can help you improve your career or make it worse, So you should know what kind of manager you have to determine how to deal with it and make the most of your job. There are several types of presidents, Here are some of them:
- Tradition: The manager has been working for the company for many years, He likes to work the way he used to, Changes are not readily accepted. Methods are not necessarily wrong, Maybe it’s good, You can come up with some ideas if you need change, so just because it doesn’t embrace change easily doesn’t mean it’s completely closed to new ideas.
- Democrats: If you’re working with a Democratic president, You are a lucky man because he is a fair president who seeks the opinions of employees, And he accepts it with open arms, And leads a positive working environment, And he wants everyone to be able to succeed and deal with it is not difficult because you can speak your opinion honestly and you can ask for more clarification when things are different you know.
- Work addict: The concept of work-life balance is alien to this kind of president because it always puts his work first, He works on vacations and working hours, And it works non-stop every day, But work addiction won’t cause a problem, It’s not if your boss never leaves the office, that means you should also stay in the office, But you can leave when you finish your work.
- Insight: He has a lot of plans for the future, But he doesn’t know how to implement it, He therefore urges staff to understand the ultimate goal, And find the right path, To understand this manager, And prove that it’s worth your job, Listen to his ideas seriously, focus on key objectives and discuss with the team the expected possibilities of options, Show your enthusiasm and passion for work.
- Friend: This kind of boss likes to be loved by employees, But he doesn’t like to spend more time with him because the managerial position is better than them. Your supporters and advocates for you in the future.
- Obsessed with power: he sees himself stronger than others because of job titles and management positions, He considers his position to be more important than the job itself, And he’s going to give orders a lot, If this is your boss type, Let it be. I ask you to do, But do what’s needed, Don’t let him take advantage of you.
Ways to help you build a positive relationship with your boss
- Building a positive relationship with him: The first step in managing things properly is to developa positive relationship between you and your boss, And avoid saying no, the obligation to hand over tasks on time, and keep your boss informed about your projects and the surprising things you expect to happen, Tell him when you make a mistake or when an employee does so because lies and cover-ups don’t help build a strong relationship and can hurt you and lead to your warning or dismissal from your job.
- Commitment to the basics of the job: The employee’s responsibilities, company standards and guidance are explained in the employee’s manual and in most cases are clarified and discussed with the new employee as well as the role and role of his subordinates. Supervisor or manager, And in some laws firmness is usually in your interest, So your relationship with the manager is positive, But if you have unlike your boss at work, Try to clarify your opinion and do not give up your right to express your opinion or assert yourself.
- Apologize when needed: When you make a particular mistake, Apologize and ask for time to correct the mistake, No one makes mistakes, This will reflect a good image of the manager and show how honest and sincere you are in your commitment. You’re working.
- Learn about your weaknesses: Try to identify your weaknesses so you can strengthen them, If you have the ability to strengthen yourself through some of your decisions, You’ll probably be able to participate in making some important company decisions that will give you employees the dazzle of managers and reflect your good image.
- Manage your negative feelings: You have to manage the negative feelings you face because of your boss’s actions, For example Avoid procrastination and attack his style so as not to hurt yourself.
- Learn from your boss: He must have a lot of skills and experience to make him fit for the role. Try to be a good listener, And pay attention to your boss’s learning strengths, And if you have questions, ask them, But in time.
- Don’t take your manager’s feedback personally: Accept criticism with open arms, And don’t look at it as a personal attack, But always try to take and benefit from all your boss’s comments and opinions as much as possible.
- Make sure you communicate effectively with your boss: There is nothing better than effective communication, You can understand your boss’s style and convey your opinions in an appropriate way, Making sure you express what you want to say clearly and at the same time, When to communicate with him, Keep a subtle and polite style.
Additional tips for dealing with your boss
Here are some tips you can follow to help you deal with your boss:
- If you don’t like the way your boss treats you, tell him, And don’t hide your feelings, He spoke politely when he was quiet in private.
- Be honest and don’t talk badly about your boss behind your back.
- Meet people who agree with your boss and try to learn from them how to deal with it.
- Watch your progress, And if you don’t achieve the success you want, Reassess the way you deal with your supervisor and take another course if necessary, Be patient and don’t expect this to happen at once.
- Keep in mind your manager’s feedback and what he tells you.
- If your coping strategy fails and you can’t change it, Do your best to maintain your self-esteem, Even if that means finding a new job and a new president.