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Anger management and 19 anger management strategy

The term anger management generally refers to psychotherapy techniques and practice systems practiced by a person who suffers from excessive and uncontrolled anger and aggression, It may also indicate lower emotional levels and emotional effects. Irritability. According to a professor of psychology at ST. Joan Ray DiGiuseppe because anger is a secondary type of emotion according to most clinical theories (clinical psychology), Anger disorder is not part of the current version of DSM-IV-TR, Which is called diagnosis of mental disorders and statistical directory text reviews. However, Eva Findler, an anger expert, spoke of “anger-related disorders.” After reviewing the results of the current research on anger management, DiGiosipe wrote, DSM-IV-TR wrote: “We have come to the conclusion that although some successful anger management methods have been developed, However, they do not correspond to the list of treatments for anxiety and depression.

With regard to personal anger, Dr Eva Findler recommends people who are having a moment of anger try to see if they can identify the source of so-called anger. suggest that empathy can be difficult when a person is angry, And that understanding the other person’s point of view can be fatal when a person is angry, But this can become an inherent habit. Of course, This resentment usually recedes when an angry person is able to think from the perspective of others.

The term “anger management” can sometimes refer to the educational process in which students understand basic anger problems. For example People rarely distinguish between feelings of anger and actions that a person takes when he or she is angry.

Definition of anger

Anger management and 19 anger management strategy 1 Anger management and 19 anger management strategy

Anger: It is an automatic emotional reaction to something a person thinks is dangerous to him.

Anger can be defined as a neutral force that you may use incorrectly, which makes you lose love for yourself and those around you, Or use it to defend good and evil. psychiatry

Causes of anger

Anger management and 19 anger management strategy 2 Anger management and 19 anger management strategy
  1. Something unexpected happens.
  2. Violation of God’s inviviables.
  3. Communication skills.
  4. Excessive concentration.
  5. Lack of love.
  6. Bad news.


– Negative anger: anger for revenge.

– Positive anger: Requires wisdom and thinking.

The effects of anger

Anger management and 19 anger management strategy 3 Anger management and 19 anger management strategy
  1. Redness of the face and the breadth of the pupils.
  2. High blood pressure and diabetes.
  3. Breathlessness.
  4. Chronic headache and sleep disorder.
  5. Indigestion.
  6. Arterial and heart diseases.
  7. Stroke and sometimes death.

The social effects of anger

  1. injustice of others.
  2. Family disintegration.
  3. Losing the love of those around you.
  4. Make hasty and harmful decisions.
  5. Cut the uterus link.
  6. Loneliness.

Anger management techniques

Some common anger management methods include:

  • Relaxation techniques.
  • Cognitive reconstruction.
  • Problem solving, And improve communication strategies.
  • In some countries, Anger management conferences are mandatory in their legal systems.

Anger management strategies

In Islam, he recommends some works and advice to his followers to reduce anger, Among them are:

  1. Seeking God from the devil of diet.
  2. Evoke the great wage when pardoning.
  3. As a rage of the best works.
  4. Too much mention of God and his prayers.
  5. I know the power is in the rage.
  6. Find advice.
  7. Divulging peace to bring love.
  8. Ask your brother 70 excuses.
  9. Stay away from jealousy and arrogance.
  10. Your best begins with peace.
  11. He said: “Those who are keen to do good are the first to do so.”
  12. Don’t step up to worse.
  13. optimism and leave pessimism.
  14. Express yourself.
  15. The soft answer.
  16. silence and leave the debate.
  17. Reproach without overdoing.
  18. think before talking.
  19. Ablution.

Psychological strategies to deal with anger

Anger management and 19 anger management strategy 4 Anger management and 19 anger management strategy
  1. Change the surrounding environment.
  2. Breathing and meditation exercises with the male.
  3. Positive thinking.
  4. Observe yourself when you’re angry.
  5. Think about solving the problem, not the problem.
  6. Forgiveness eraser erases the effects of the painful past.
  7. Pardon belongs to you and not to those who offended you.
  8. To become a hero instead of a victim.
  9. Anyone can learn the skill of pardon.

Things you don’t do when you’re angry.

  1. Don’t smell.
  2. Don’t stay.
  3. Don’t make decisions.
  4. Don’t inflate the situation.

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