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Football and 3 training sessions

If you’re interested in learning football, Our global team of experts compiled this list of the best online football courses, lessons, educational programmes, training and certificates for 2022. This list includes free and paid courses to help you learn football. It is also ideal for beginners, mediators and experts. Check out our list of the best physical education courses .

1. Professional Development Program (American Football)

Individuals who want to improve their knowledge of football can get help from these US Soccer courses. There are four different categories of training courses on the platform, Including training courses, training, and players and parents. Taking these courses will give you everything you need to become a professional football professional. In addition These programs offer a variety of certification programs from which you can choose according to your requirements. For example If you are interested in training in a youth union or club, You can choose a youth certification program. In addition You can participate in intensive training courses extras for athletes, And quick exercises, And training experiences, And more.

Key features:

  • It was created by some of the best coaches and players in the world who have worked in the industry for a long time.
  • Everything from the right treatment to participating in positive guidance with each course in the list.
  • Develop your motor skills, training skills and parenting skills according to your stage of development.
  • Access many video lectures, live examples, guided scenarios, tests, and more to learn more about everything.
Football and 3 training sessions 1 Football and 3 training sessions

2. Introduction to Football Tactics (Udemy)

This course offers a gradual approach that gives you a deep understanding. It is FIFA-accredited for trainers and teachers, It combines theoretical tactical painting lessons with practical analysis of snapshots of real games to introduce you to the world of tactics. This course is prepared by Mahmoud Hadra, Passionate about football and coach of the International Federation of Coaches and Coaches. Through his great interest, It will help the coaches cover all aspects of the game. It can even help you learn the basics of tactics in your lessons. Don’t forget to see our best tennis lessons.

Key features:

Learn and understand how to identify common tactics in games while identifying key elements. Learn how to effectively evaluate a team’s performance from a tactical perspective, with an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses inherent in certain systems.

Learn about different gameplay styles such as angles, possession, counterattacks, pressure, and more.

A certificate of completion is awarded after the completion of the course and the completion of the final training.

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3. Football training courses (coach tube)

With more than 400 courses and training programs, Coach Tube is a professional e-learning platform for its fans. Offers many football training videos for each course to help you learn football strategies and techniques and learn X and O to help you become a better coach. The categories on the list are divided into different categories based on football tactics such as offensive line tournaments, And defensive tournaments, And the 60 wing championships, And scrolling tournaments, And youth football championships, Etc. And best of all, Each of these courses has been developed by professional trainers who play an important role in the game. During the meeting, It won’t just help you learn tactics, But he also learned how to implement it.

  • Key features:
  • Learn about the secrets of planning a football game, And how to protect the path while scrolling, And how to score goals from outside the box.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of ground offensive play using basic pass blocking techniques and maximize the potential of offensive backs.
  • Learn how to play defense with experienced coaches like Wade Phillips, Nate Moore and Simpson.
  • Includes educational video lectures, and examples from the real world, competitions, And lots of exercises to help you learn everything in detail.
Football and 3 training sessions 3 Football and 3 training sessions

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