Working in tour extensions is one of the best jobs anyone can dream of. The tour guide is also an ambassador for his country and plays a prominent role in shaping the tourist’s general impression of the trip and the country he visits, In addition to revitalizing and developing the kingdom’s tourism industry. Having a paid tour guide’s career to serve tourists whose language, customs and traditions are different is an attractive idea with a special lustre.
The tour guide must develop himself:
In addition to theoretical studies in universities and tourism agencies, Al-A’a must participate in field practical training programs in the field of tourism guidance, With at least four months of training in museums, archaeological sites and tourism companies. Travel agencies to understand the types, departments, systems and working methods of tourist facilities. Management training in these agencies, Training in tourist booking systems and hotels, Training in tourism companies specializing in cultural tourism in the preparation and organization of tourism programmes, reservation regulations and rules for tourist groups, Preparing and organizing field trips to attractions, areas, Cities and attractions, Familiar with the latest types and methods of the guide.
In addition to these qualifications, skills and experience that the tour guide must possess, His personality and temperament also play a crucial role in the success of his work, Here we highlight some of the important personal qualities that a tour guide should have. Travel guide can transmit information to visitors easily and clearly, and the ability to clarify and correct things by correcting misinformation, and present the truth objectively, Even if it’s negative, Soften the image of this fact as much as possible and reduce its impact.
The tour guide must be flexible, patient, smiling and good at dealing with and communicating with tourist people to gain their trust and communication. He must also have correct and sufficient information and full knowledge of the countries, regions, cities, landmarks and tourist facilities that accompany tourists to visit. The tour guide should also constantly develop and update his knowledge and enrich his information in the areas and topics he covers. The explanation is provided to the visitor who must follow all the results of new scientific research that may lead to the modification, change or cancellation of information, knowledge and dates that are correct and accepted by the hypothesis and form part of the information communicated with the visitor, These studies may lead to the discovery of new information added to the information before it or its completion in tourism guidance.
So that the tour guide can deal with tourists of all ages, natural, cultures, skin tones and spectra, and avoid deepening relations with each other, and better divide and organize the time of individual conversations with everyone, None of them should be disturbed.
The integrity of tourism guidance is a prerequisite and an important factor in success, For example If the tourist group accompanied by young people, And young people who love to enjoy and play after the end of the daily visit program, The tour guide should not go and play while playing, Always remember that it keeps working, It doesn’t confuse work with fun, You should also avoid joking with tourists and stay away from commenting on the personality, behaviour and mood of tourists. Tourist guidance must be professionally impartial, and to avoid prejudice and intolerance, And avoid personal judgments, The neutrality of tour guides is also necessary and required.
Official tourism authorities should update and enrich the information of the guides and activate them and revive them from time to time by preparing and implementing plans and training courses and helping them keep up with everything that is new and teach them the latest work in the field of tourism guidance methods.
Today we will take you on a great and useful course in the field of guided tours offered by Gallery. For a tour guide’s certificate, In addition to providing the most important skills that the tour guide must master.