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Training package and 13 design steps

Definition of the training package:

The training package is a training content that belongs to one of the different fields, Designed by experts, It is used or used by professional trainers seeking to achieve certain goals, The training package is one of the most important training tools.

Training package and 13 design steps 1 Training package and 13 design steps

What are the types of training package:

There are many types of training bags, Divided by purpose, design, content or training activities:

Type of training bag used (comprehensive, teacher, Beginner).

The training bag is divided into: (selfie package, Electronic package, Pack all-in-one, Multifunctional package, Also known as the software package).

Training bags divided by training activity: (Various training bags or special training bags).

For the last few types of training packages, They are divided into: (Multi-unit training package or single-chip training package).

What should the designer do before starting to design the bag?

In the step of preparing the training bag, Those who design the training bag must go through several steps to determine some of the data required in the package design process, Most notably:

  1. Use the question sheet with the following tools: (From, where, when, why, What?
  2. Analysis of actual assumptions or needs in the training process.
  3. Before you start the steps to prepare your training bag, Make a simple plan to organize your business.
  4. Review various potential training ideas and methods.
  5. Look at the bag’s training tools, how they are prepared and how they are identified.
  6. Select the type of training package you’re designed for based on your goals and goals.
  7. Identify the topics covered by the training bag and identify the target elements of the training package based on training needs.
  8. Select the target group in the training bag and select the group’s previous experience.
  9. How long is the training process using the training bag?
  10. What training methods are used in the bag?
  11. What training tools do I need to include in the training bag?
  12. What design patterns should I follow to design bags?
  13. What criteria should be observed when designing?

It is also possible to add a number of steps to set up a training package, performed by the designer of this package.

Highlights of training methods used to explain the different professional training package:


It is considered a traditional method of explaining various courses, including specialized training bags, Through which the trainer explains and explains the various scientific facts related to the subject of training bags, But he doesn’t follow that way, The trainees are discussed.

Lectures help the trainer to continue to focus while explaining the lecture, Especially since the trainee doesn’t interrupt him, But the problem with this approach is that the target group of training does not interact with the lecturers through discussion, It’s by listening, And that’s why they sometimes lose the reason for concentration, Information may not be remembered for too long.

Simulation and role exchange:

It is a very effective training method, It is considered a method of advanced education, Where the coach and the trainee exchange roles and hold discussions to achieve a good interaction, which helps to integrate information more, Especially after the coach made accurate observations of the discussion.

Practical use of equipment and machinery:

This is a necessary method when the training package involves the use of certain types of equipment and machines that the trainee does not know how to use, Which is necessary for him to take advantage of in his work, Which helps him develop it in his work. Whether on a personal level or in the institutions in which he works, Their production is increasingly important and this approach must be taken very careful during the preparation of the training bag.

View and study practical cases:

This method is reflected in the problem that the target group is trained to overcome, And then the coach and the trainee discuss, The characteristics of the discussion are objective, scientific and fair, not extreme, Which preserves the interest of the trainee. Trainees. The trainee’s mind is of the highest concentration and acquires the expertise needed to overcome these types of problems.

So far we have explained at length the definition, types, methods of use and the most important ways to use training bags, We reviewed the steps of preparing training bags in detail, So are the designers’ needs for training packages. This must be done before the package begins.

Training package and 13 design steps 2 Training package and 13 design steps

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