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Due to the importance of information technology in our lives and in all social, health, economic and engineering aspects, There are many it training courses. In this article we continue to discuss the most important IT training courses.

What is IT science:

16 IT training courses 1 16 IT training courses

Information technology is the science of the times, The science of the future, It includes many tasks and science (data storage, programming, Protection and security, Data processing, networks, Systems analysis, Etc.) data processing, storage and retrieval. – IT includes many areas, IT is an it shortcut, Among them:

1- The field of computer systems and networks.

2- The field of development of computer operating systems.

3- The area of protecting the privacy of information

4- The field of communication between computer networks

5- Engineering software

6. The field of system regulation and analysis

Software development

8- The field of software engineering development

Software development

Communication between people in software

11- Search area engine part

Science is the main specialization in information technology:

1. Data management

2. Data processing is allocated.

3- Specialized computer science.

4- Specialized network science.

5- Professional in the protection of viruses and data.

Internet programming.

7- The specialty of Internet design.

8- Computer programming, telephone and website specialties.

Communication technology is specialized.

Specialization in systems analysis.

16 IT training courses 2 16 IT training courses

Top IT training courses:

1- Auditing and detecting fraud using information technology – virtual learning:

This decision aims to achieve several objectives: Definition of IT fraud. Description of types of IT fraud. Determine how to protect IT from fraud. Identify fraud methods and their effectiveness. ▪ Understand how fraud works and do everything in its power to discover it. ▪ The ability to predict fraud in advance happens. ▪ Explain how the fraud detection program works and its strengths and weaknesses. – This course is conducted by anyone working in the field where electronic fraud can occur and by all those interested in this field.

2- The process of applying the comprehensive quality system ISO 20000 in it management:

Vacancies suitable for this session: Engineers in the fields of informatics and computing, managers, IT specialists. – This course is implemented by employees as service providers where all relevant information is required to comply with ISO 20000 quality systems application systems quality systems in technical management information 20000 objectives to achieve ISO include: ▪ In addition to understanding all relevant professional training courses, This course is designed to train participants to understand all professional training courses and related applications, Understand all the techniques and business principles of ISO 20000. This course is taught by experts

This course consists of several themes: Definition of terminology in the field. Description of the service management area. ▪ How to apply ISO 20000 and develop an appropriate implementation plan. ▪ Maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the work. ▪ Do your best to explain ISO 20000. ▪ Property

3- The modern thinking cycle for computer applications in business administration:

The objectives of this decision are: Introducing the concepts of modern information systems. Take advantage of the use of modern software at work. Training with Excel. Training to use Outlook. ▪ Training in access software. Training with Share Point.

– This course is conducted by all business workers, Which requires work in the areas of data preservation, classification and organization.

E-management courses and skills to deal with decision support systems (DSS) and expert systems:

This course targets engineers in the information, software and application sectors. This decision has several objectives, including: ▪ Introduce students to decision support systems. ▪ Solve all obstacles in time. Invest in this science in communications, information technology, documentation and inform the staff concerned. We understand the importance of designing algorithms and adopting systems that support this – the trainee is not required to obtain a degree in the field but a diploma or bachelor’s degree is required in any language.

Advanced concepts course on how to exchange data electronically (EDI):

This course is dedicated to: all IT specialists, computer and programming department managers, entrepreneurs and companies. The objectives of this course are several, including: – training participants in the importance of electronic data exchange and how to exchange data – explaining the concepts and fundamentals of relationships in the field of electronic exchange, and participants’ understanding of concepts. This course covers several topics, including: the advantages of electronic exchange. The importance of electronic exchange. Introducing the concept of electronic exchange. ▪ Rules of electronic exchange. Protocols in the field of communications. ▪ Terms and codes of electronic data exchange.

– It is a course in which trainees benefit from the ability to bill through e-exchange programs and applications using basic standards and rules in the field of electronic exchange.

6- The course of excellence and creativity in the technical support department.

Help desk:

The art of dealing with databases and quick access over the Internet:

Access 2007-8: Modern technical skills course in the International Standard for Information Security and Computer Security


ITIL- 10 : It control cycle and Cobit-related technology basics

E-government cycle – importance and objectives – application and performance

Advanced concepts of how to conduct electronic data exchange

EDI- 13: Analysis, design and creation of information systems support department

14- Network security design and management course and how to prevent infiltration

15. The art of statistical analysis using

SPSS-16: Internet Security Course

We conclude from the above:

As we mentioned earlier, There are many professional training courses and the field of use in the field of information technology that provide the trainee with extensive and important skills, qualifies him for many jobs, or help him develop his work and keep up with the modern technology era, Some of these courses give the trainee a training certificate as follows.

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