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11 training courses for administrative assistant

An administrative assistant is an important element in any company or sector depending on the tasks and functions performed and responsible for those tasks. The administrative assistant is not just a secretary responsible for responding to communications, he is considered a source of information for the people and the public, there are many courses designed for training to build the skills of the administrative assistant, In this article we will discuss some of the most important training courses for administrative assistance.

Administrative Assistant Definition:

11 training courses for administrative assistant 1 11 training courses for administrative assistant

is someone who performs multiple administrative tasks in the workplace, Its functions and roles vary from office, administrative, logistical and organizational, And so on. However, There are many skills that make it more successful than others, Such as communication, language and computer skills.

Administrative assistant tasks:

Depends on where he works in a school or company of an economic, legal, financial and other nature, However, the administrative assistant usually performs specific tasks including: – Answer all calls to the company. Management and maintenance of work files. –Assistant The administrator is responsible for sending and receiving emails. – Dealing with as well as coordinating in any meeting, lecture or interview. – Without notes. Sending and receiving faxes. Write and edit work-related documents and files if necessary. The ability to take action is an independent decision. Administrative assistants are responsible for business logistics.

Some of the most important training courses for administrative assistant:

1- Administrative assistant who decides on modern management methods:

This course is offered by receptionists, And chief executives, secretaries, and business students, Staff in control departments or project assistance departments. and the necessary concepts in this area. Training in secretarial work such as sending and receiving documents. Training participants on how to arrange all company events such as meetings, interviews, etc.

2- Successful administrative assistant course:

This course aims to educate and train administrative assistants, secretaries and office managers in the fields of science and law, As well as how to use computer and electronic methods and methods to save, transfer and transfer documents, Etc. Training trainees in modern management skills, including: Training in the technical use of various secretarial skills, Like presentation skills. Training the skills of time management rules and using them in different areas on the computer. Acquiring electronic systems, data and information transfer skills. Acquire skills to keep their work confidential through administrative assistants. And his daily information. Teaching the concepts of plans and documents and keeping documents electronically.

Developing the special skills of administrative assistants and office managers:

The course usually lasts five days and targets office managers, administrative assistants and trustees. The importance of this course lies in: Training participants in understanding the functions and importance of the work of the administrative assistant in the field of communication. Training in all modern technical methods in office management.

4- Executive Assistant Skills Course:

This course is for administrative trainees, office managers, administrative assistants, career progression and high management skills. This course is designed to achieve several objectives, including:

The ability to deal with work pressures using modern means of communication. Develop and maintain skills that enable trainees to access and maintain important working relationships by training them to rely on their emotional intelligence. Designed to increase production and bring profits to the company. Additional skills and pilot training to improve working levels and address stress problems, Etc. – Give trainees a variety of competencies, including: Training preventive thinking. Building training systems and developing and repairing systems. C- Training modern skills to communicate well with others is good in customer service.

5- Management support course:

This course is designed to introduce all administrative assistant functions and functions. The concept of administrative assistant has gone beyond the administrative and secretarial functions that people know. In light of these developments, we have a new concept of administrative assistance that this course is keen to publish, His duties are compounded by his creative tasks in the field of archival office management, scheduling and communication, organizing meetings and interviews, Preparing minutes of meetings, and the regulation of wages and salaries, relationships with other staff, and others, This course identifies and trains the functions and functions of administrative assistants.

6- Public finance management course:

This course emphasizes the importance of pursuing financial matters in order to maintain the revenues and profits of a company or any business unit. The course contains training in administrative and financial oversight of administrative assistants and all accounting-related staff. Money management courses are designed to educate all employees about good management of yes fighting corruption and maintaining a good level of work.

7- Touch course writing training:

This course trains administrative assistants and all long-term computer users to use writing quickly. It is one of the most important measures to indicate the skills of the employee. Typing speed is very important for facilitating work elements. Administrative writing work and daily tasks of reporting and preparing business plans in a professional and attractive way.

8- Operations Management Basics Course:

This course targets entrepreneurs, managers and administrative assistants, The importance of this course lies in giving participants experience and competence in the administrative process so that they can: Understand the meaning of management correctly. To clarify the importance of administrative processes. The ability to develop all available resources. A successful executive program. Proper handling and good training for individuals and their leaders. There are many training courses for administrative assistants:

9- Business cycle and management level:

Level 2 Basic IT Skills Course:

11- Microsoft Digital Literacy Course – Computer Basics:

We conclude from the above:

All training courses are designed to develop the skills and expertise of management assistants in management, organize office work and develop communication methods with individuals, employees, colleagues and others, In addition to introducing modernity and technology into all tasks. Ways to enter computer skills by writing, scheduling work, coordinating reports, preparing for lectures and seminars.

11 training courses for administrative assistant 2 11 training courses for administrative assistant

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