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About field training and its methods

About field training and its methods

This is a set of practical experiences, which depend on theoretical references such as educational materials, The advantage of on-site training is that it is not applied in a particular area, But in multiple places, It may be an institution or a school, Or a city.
    About field training and its methods

About field training and its methods

On-site staff directing trainees or training personnel, staff and officials who are qualified in this field and have sufficient skills to help them successfully achieve on-site training objectives can be qualified university lecturers or trainers.

The importance and usefulness of field training

Field training is of great importance and benefit in supporting trainees, Based on the following points:

  • By acquiring the concepts of training, It helps to improve the skills of individuals participating in training.
  • Helps support the practicalities of educational materials.
  • Provide trainees with practical experience in the field in which they are looking or working.
  • Enhances cooperation between individuals participating in on-site training.
  • It can change the customs of teaching.

Field training objectives

Field training objectives include:

  • Gain new knowledge and skills.
  • You have a proper understanding of the course materials, such as clarifying ideas about the course.
  • The ability to apply practical examples in course materials.
  • Guide the trainees correctly and follow-up by the on-site training supervisor or his representative.
  • Introducing the trainee and the meaning of the professional value of the training activity.
  • Help clarify the strengths and weaknesses of each trainee.
  • Enable trainees to test their personal skills in order to determine their progress in field training.

Field training methods

Field training is used, A range of training methods, that contribute to achieving training goals, Among them are:


is the theoretical aspect on which on-site training depends, The concepts, definitions and meanings of lecture notes are usually related to university education, used as a means of explaining prescribed educational materials, The training instructor meets with students to follow the on-site training courses, find out the best important results and answer students’ questions and inquiries.


It is usually held after the completion of on-site training work and is intended to provide and refer to the stages experienced by the team trained in the project or training-related activities.

Case study

This training method is usually used in the medical and social fields, It relies on an in-depth study of the situation in order to achieve the goal of the plan, for example , Commissioning trainees to study the proportion of environmental pollution in the city. Take photos in the community and write a summary of interviews conducted by each individual or group in the training group.


This training method depends on the accuracy of the observation and follow-up and the use of a pen, paper, notebook, or any means of facilitating writing in order to record all events, situations, or instructions provided by the supervisor or supervisor. On-site training environment, The trainee can refer to these instructions as needed to help him understand the relevant theoretical and practical aspects.

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About field training and its methods

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About field training and its methods

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