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Benefits of human resources in the 21st century

The concept of human resources

Human resources can be defined as the group of individuals who make up the workforce in an organization or work unit, to emphasize that employees are an important part of the job and treated as the asset of the company in which they work and which must be effectively managed in order to succeed. It’s not just another name for the employee, In a more comprehensive definition, It represents the department responsible for managing the human component of the organization by providing recruitment, training and skills development to achieve the desired benefits and performance required for both parties, The department may represent multiple employees, Starting with human resources managers, To there are assistants, Or the department is represented by an employee, Depending on the size of the company or organization and the total number of employees.

Benefits of human resources in the 21st century 1 Benefits of human resources in the 21st century

Human resources emergence factors

Human resources are one of the most important concepts developed in this day and age, It covers the gaps created by the development of the world in various areas of work and is one of the factors to be mentioned in the context of human understanding. Sources. The term appears for the following reasons: [3]

  • The emergence of the industrial revolution, Increased factory construction has increased the demand for the workforce, There was an urgent need to establish an administrative body for these forces.
  • The emergence of globalization has allowed the tremendous growth of large organizations and personnel management has moved to the Human Resources Section.
  • Growing administrative disputes and issues of persecution and exploitation of workers, such as their long hours during the day.
  • Governments intervene in conflict situations and force organizations to integrate some human rights and public safety legislation that applies to the workplace.
  • Some organizations have established their own personnel section, But this section has a wide range of responsibilities, Including full compliance with legal requirements at the time.
Benefits of human resources in the 21st century 2 Benefits of human resources in the 21st century

Human Resources Tasks

There are many human resources jobs, It has the following: [4]


This task includes the activity of recruiting new staff (either part-time or full-time) as well as terminating contracts, This must be done through the use of appropriate technology to attract good people to vacancies and to identify the right salaries and incentives for each of them.


This process is accomplished through the training and development of staff skills, preparing new staff to work appropriately, And provide feedback and feedback to management, Assess the performance of the staff member.


This is done by estimating the appropriate wages for available jobs and negotiating employee health insurance rates and available retirement plans by ensuring compliance with applicable laws.

Maintaining health and safety

Achieving an appropriate working environment that enables workers to perform their duties without any risk to their health or lives by adhering to and implementing public safety rules and adhering to government agencies responsible for such actions.

Support employees’ rights and maintain relationships

Like mediating conflicts, and find the right solutions, coordination with the senior management of the implementation of sanctions, And investigating cases of irregularities, and communicate with unions or management, And to deliver the voice of the staff.

Human resources targets

Benefits of human resources in the 21st century 3 Benefits of human resources in the 21st century

There are many human resources goals, The most important are: [5]

  • Human resources help organizations achieve the desired goals.
  • Committed to making effective use of the workforce with the required efficiency.
  • Identify and meet the needs of individuals within the organization.
  • Keep your personal energy and morale high.
  • Provide an organization or institution with well-trained and enthusiastic individuals.
  • Improve the employee’s ability to perform the tasks assigned to him.
  • Instilling team spirit, team spirit and staff cooperation
Benefits of human resources in the 21st century 4 Benefits of human resources in the 21st century

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