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The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) is a UK-based professional management organization.

Accredited Management Institute creates headquarters website

Legal Director (CMI)

The certified manager process requires candidates to demonstrate how they develop as managers and how they have applied their leadership and management skills to achieve a significant business impact.

Chartered Management Institute (CMI) 1 Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

There are two ways to become certified:

The Criteria and requirements for legal status in the United Kingdom must be approved by the Privy Council; The criteria for appointing a certified manager are very similar to those adopted in other areas.

CMI History


CMI membership

CMI qualifications

Public Administration and Leadership

Each level follows a format in which some of the credits earned lead to awards (which develop basic skills and appropriate level knowledge), Certificates (covering a wider area and building on the knowledge gained in awards) and diplomas (acquiring a full range of skills and knowledge). [8] Eligibility is the UK’s regulatory eligibility framework.

Training and mentoring awards

The Institute of Financial Management (CMI) also recognizes trainers and training qualifications to support the development of individual and group training skills and techniques and achieving goals.

Administrative and leadership qualifications are available through accredited centres. The selection of the appropriate administrative qualification for the study begins with the selection of the appropriate level of qualification, Which depends largely on past experience and learning. Level 5 qualifications are equivalent to the foundation level and level 7 qualifications are equivalent to the master’s level graduated. Once you have set the correct level of qualification, The qualification scale can be selected.

Chartered Management Institute (CMI) 2 Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

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حمل النموذج المجانى

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حمل النموذج المجانى