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14 occupational safety and health measures followed by companies

14 occupational safety and health measures followed by companies 1 14 occupational safety and health measures followed by companies

Workers may be exposed to a variety of risks in the course of their work, including physical risks (e.g. radiation or heat exposure), chemical or biological risks (e.g. the spread of viruses and bacteria among workers), electrical or fire hazards, and other accidents that may occur in the workplace, This is a necessary procedure for applying occupational safety and health rules at work.

Occupational safety and health 4 general objectives sought by

Occupational safety and health 4 general objectives sought by 3 Occupational safety and health 4 general objectives sought by

Occupational safety and health are extremely important sciences designed to protect factory and work personnel from potential accidents that may result in injury or death of workers (God forbid) and damage or damage to the property of the facility.

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