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Top 3 Stages of the Training Life Cycle

The objectives of the course before the end of the course should be able to: Understand the training life cycle. Understand what training needs are estimated. Understand the importance and benefits of assessing training needs. Effectively assess and implement training needs. You have a comprehensive understanding of how to collect information for the organization for training purposes. The ability to find and apply requirements at the functional and personal level.

    Top 3 Stages of the Training Life Cycle

Top 3 Stages of the Training Life Cycle

Each component of the training lifecycle can be reviewed in detail as follows:

Or not: Assessment of training needs:

1. Training requirements: It is a set of specific skills, knowledge and attitudes required by individuals in a particular organization or work to perform certain tasks more effectively. When there is a gap between the actual performance of an individual or organization and the specific direction that an individual needs in a particular organization or job, Training will be needed to perform certain tasks more effectively.
2. Assessing training needs: In the process, Training needs can be identified and arranged, Decisions can be made and plans can be made to meet these needs. Identify the target group for training. Identify and define requirements. Measure the level of defects and performance barriers. Prioritize needs. Setting training objectives based on needs assessment results. Through the process of assessing training needs, The following goals can be achieved: The type and level of training required. Individuals in need of training.

Assess the benefits and importance of individual and institutional training needs:

  • Provides the basic information on which the chart depends.
  • Leads to an accurate determination of training objectives.
  • Help design results-oriented training programs.
  • By setting goals better, The effectiveness and efficiency of training can be improved.
  • Determine who will be trained.
  • Determines the quality of training.
  • Provides information about employees, Including number, age, interests, education, work background, jobs, responsibilities and trends related to training.
  • Identifies the difficulties and performance issues faced by the organization’s staff.
  • Provide documents and training materials.
  • Increases employee participation in discussion of work-related matters.
  • Help trainers design programs thatmeet students’ needs accurately.
  • Helps avoid common mistakes in training because it wastes a lot of time on some relatively complex and unhelpable subjects, instead of very large and complex topics.

Secondly: Design and processing of training content:

Main axis: Design and prepare training content.
Goal: At the end of the course, trainees will be able to:
  • The ability to identify and implement content objectives.
  • Learn how to prepare for content packaging design and training.
  • Prepare and design the training plan.

Select content goals:

The way content objectives are set shows what trainees will be able to do before the end of the course. When converting training needs into goals,

The focus should be on three areas:

Knowledge points: Although knowledge alone cannot change performance, Most learning processes involve a kind of knowledge.

One possible difficulty in identifying cognitive objectives is to distinguish between topics that directly affect the performance of trainees and those that improve their overall awareness and understanding.

Skills: Writing learning goals for skills-related tasks is easier because it’s easier to observe and recognize skills, so that they can be more clearly identified as targets from the other two groups.

(c) Position: This is the most controversial and least measurable area of learning, However, it is important to set directional objectives when setting training objectives. There are many lists prepared in advance for training objectives in training literature, These actions are used to translate requirements into performance indicators.

Some examples of setting training goals:

At the end of the course the trainee will be able to:
  • Conduct an analysis of the prices of agricultural products.
  • Measuring the impact of agricultural policies on farmers in traditional sectors.
  • Theimpact of modern irrigation systems on rural household income is analysed.

Actor’s actions related to knowledge:

Analysis- Do justice- clarify-compare-definition-description-discrimination-discrimination-evaluation-explanation-explicit-name-organization-inclusion-grades-writing-knowledge.

Targeted skills actions:

Collect-approval-behavior-incorporation-control-design-discussion-graphic-execution-fix-installation-development-measurement-process (data)-view-application.

Target actions related to direction:

Communication – approval – allowing – selection – cooperation – praise – support – encouragement – assistance – recommendation – participation – proposal.

Design training content:

After identifying and clarifying the training objectives, It is necessary to identify the main areas of training content, This process is called designing training content, It is a very important step in turning training objectives into actual learning plans. Training content is usually a list of all the contents (topics) that need to be worked on, Because it includes main topics and sub-themes

Thirdly: Implementation of training:

Preparing a training plan: The training course plan is the outline of what to say and do during a certain period of time during the training period, It is a guide for the trainer on how to carry out the course, because it shows when training methods are used And the time allocated for each part, expectations of the questions that the trainee might ask, The course plan prevents the coach from wasting time or deviating from the subject and helping him achieve the desired meeting objectives. Components of the meeting plan: Session Number. The title of the topic. Goals. Activity. Time. Training methods. Equipment and equipment. Alternatives (different solutions for roads and utilities). Information on the subject.
Make a session plan:
Six training plan developments are needed:
(1) Collect information on the following topics: Collect all the information about it and write everything you know. Make a list of questions that can guide the trainer. Collect training materials that support content. Choose the right audio-visual means for each topic.
(2) Determining the content of the training: When determining the content of the training, The following points should be taken into account: Who is the beneficiary? What’s the point? How long is it? It can be noted that when determining the content of the training, We need to prioritize and prioritize information, As shown below:
A) First priority: This is the basic information on the subject that you should know to achieve the objectives of the meeting, If this information is not provided, You will not understand the subject in any way.
b) Second priority: The information you want to know is useful information that supports and adds value to basic information. The information it contains can help trainees deepen their understanding of the subject and therefore a good understanding of the trainees.
c) The third priority: information that can be known, incidental information that can be provided if opportunity and time arise, Including general and secondary information.
    15 professional training methods

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Top 3 Stages of the Training Life Cycle 1 Top 3 Stages of the Training Life Cycle

Top 3 Stages of the Training Life Cycle

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Top 3 Stages of the Training Life Cycle

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