Your bagthe best Arab in the development of training content
Your bag the largest encyclopedia of training bags in the Arab world

customizable Training Materials

Design and implementation of a training material according to the axes and the number of days required and the target group and the required standards of educational and professional authorities and in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the General Institution for Vocational Training in Saudi Arabia and international and university training houses and education by a team of developers and professional designers design more than 2000 training material on demand in all fields.

Content of training materials
• Coach’s Guide
• Trainee Note
• PowerPoint presentation version
• Activities
• Cycle profile
• Videos

Hakapetk Team Speech

hakapetk offers a comprehensive range of training resources to trainers who want to expand their training work. With a rich history of designing training materials , Our organization is uniquely and innovatively qualified to bridge the gap between creating different training materials and constantly developing hubs that suit all training updates as well as the real solutions required by the trainers.


حمل النموذج المجانى

خبرة أكثر من 30 عام في اعداد و تصميم الحقائب التدريبية و تطوير المناهج

حمل النموذج المجانى